hey, been a long time since i've blogged. well here are some news to share. Finallt the SYF is over!!! here are the reults. but 1stly, have to say that though the result are not as good, we did our best right??? well, here goes! choir-BRONZE band-GOLD drama-COP dance-BRONZE handbell-SLIVER guitar-BRONZE! NOT BAD LAH HOR.
WELL, HAD 2.4 TODAY. NOT BAD LA, MY RESULT BUT STILL FAIL BY LIKE 10 SEC! chem was fun. played with some remote thingy. had to answer question. think i will pass chem. but the prob is that they phrase their question until like difficult but actually they just want us to find something easy. wad!!! well, math test was great.... i did the paper twice to check through my mistakes. i think will gt 29/40.haha... chapel was boring...as usual! went home in a sardine-like bus.later at night samantha coming so gtg. will blogg again
next week. cause next week is nid-yr. n im preparing hard!!!!!!
tse lyn out