just came back from andrew's b'day bash.....nothing to bash actually cause its not his actual b'day........lol....finally,bought KELLY POON's Cd.....soooo nice...have repeated it for like 4 times liao....
went to ZY b'day party at round 2.45pm........every1 was there........we were kindda late.....ate his mums cookin'.....not bad la....cause almost all finger food....haha......watched them play PS2....then joke bout mr kwok's singin version of one way....u should see how they make fun lor....so joker......then e room was soooo cold.....afterwhich,we played OTT for 1 n a half hrs.......i zhong 3 times lor...but in e end,wayne was e most time cause he lazy to pick a card so all the bad card he take....haha.....they keep on asking bout characters.....so lame huh????its so funny....oh ya,ZY thought me n gio were like 2 yr oolds....he even thought us how to use forks n spoon.......so lame la....was very funny n i laugh like siao...then that gio,so heng...everytime nv get 1.....then every1 sian liao....so went to lay basketball but instead me n gio went hm....owells....school tomorro.....bank reconciliation test.....studying......
thats all
tse lyn out