went to school for like only 2 hrs plus....then went home cause was feeling sick... math test was ok...really wanna pass with flying colours.....no choice, cause Ns coming....mus work hard.... after recess, went home after mr sham sighed me out.... then walked from school to e petrol station....to meet my father..took money from him then cabbed home....rested(sleep) at home for like 1 hr then went to see e doctor.... stayed at e doctor there for like 1hr plus...was on a reliever....then had 1 week off from PE....had soo many medicine to eat...sianz...then slept from 3-6.....then my hands were shaking due to e steroids....cannot control...very numb...then while sleeping, was sweating like siao......very giddy also... have so many hw to do...2moro is e campus superstar thing...cant go cause no time...my guitar ends at 2 then e journey to orchard is 1 hr plus....confirm got a lot of people go 1.....so not gng....haiz...
tse lyn ciaos