didnt do much today... but slept at 3 plus last night...lol...watched e replay of entertainment 100%...very funny... love show...as in 'show luo zhi xiang' not show show...lol... anywyas, for some reason, i actually miss working...i still noe how much i hate it when im working but im like feeling a little useless with me jus slackin around e whole day with nothing to do...im missing e early mornings, squeezing in e buses...haiz...talkin bad bout bosses n etc..lol... the SEAB job....i also miss it... e bullying my my partner...making them do more...haahs..thats fun...lol....
no one is at home now...only me n my dog....my dog is like looking at empty apaces...looking so curious...really funny..hahas..
tselyn ciaos