our conductor -mrs wang (she's e BEST!!)
posing for e cam.haha
choir president n vice-president (vivian n tim)
jia wen n me. see, im tall.haha
my 3 juniors ..where's huey yee???
all together. love them man. they rock...
ALTO 2 SL... nadyia n me.
haha...monkey jared. we had to tape him up to control him lar.
it was funny. dont take it to hard.haha
have been spending lots of my time in choir. preparing for syf n founder's day. now that founder's day is over, we can concentrate better in syf. sliver or gold n im contented!!! definately NO bronze... *crossed fingers* anyways, choir have been improving but many of them r havin sore throat. take care ya. we need those precious voices. lol...
went for oral prac this morning b4 choir n i suck man. i did soooo freakin badly.. nerves??? i have to read properly. i was not havin a smooth flow.it was horrible. my picture discussion. i was prompted like more than 5 times. it was horrible. nv has it been like that. normally i was only prompted like 2 times at most. now!!!! how??? i need to get at least 34/40 for my oral. i have to talk proper english with my mom. she could be of some help.lol. that is e only element that can help me get at least a b4 in eng. haiz. then went for choir. choir sounded quite good.set piece was nice.finally i could hear how e set piece actually sounded.lol the other 2 songs r comin along but lots of work to be done. jia you!!!
school was ok.hist test on fri. i think it was averagely done. i was shcoke dok. i passed my poa non-trading test. it was so shockin cause i couldnt get any surplus correct, accumulated fund also wrong.wah lau. i tell u, i was so depressed. but i passed.its better than fail. so, now, i will study freakin hard not to go through that depressing stage again.
i hate Bdays!!! its a day where yr mother go through excruciating pain to give birth to u and instead of celebrating with her, people go out with friends. haiz. i swear, this yr, im gonna clebrate my bday with my parents n only go out with myfriends 1 day or 1 day after my actual bday.
tse lyn au revoir