omg. i just caught a great movie!!! AUGUST RUSH. its about this boy, who is a music prodigy. searching for his birth parents through music. he learnt e piano n guitar jus by looking n feeling it . omg.. its damn nice.its by the charlie n e choco factory boy. his so cute and he acts damn well.
trust me, e shows i recommend are really inspiring n nice.
anyways, work today was fun! laughed a lot.haha. laughed w e aunties. haha. it was fun la. new stock came but it was like old stock cause ive seen e clothes from cherie when i worked at OG. lol.
no work 2moro. hehe.finally can sleep in. work on thurs n fri then break for a few days till march.
leap yrs next tuesday. omg.. e review aint that good. haha..i guess i have to watch it b4 i can make any comments.
e next show im gonna catch are la vie nie rose, there will be blood n old country for old men.
these movies won big at e academy awards. so i think it have to be great.haha.
movies ive watched this season- kung fu dunk,jumper
ive loads more to watch.haha
choir chalet this sat! cant wait!!:>
tselyn au revoir