boarded the train to school in the morning n alighted at lavender cause i BLACKED OUT! i couldn'thear my mp3, couldn't see, couldn't feel couldn't even stand. i felt as if god was going to take me into his arms. i almost lost consciousness . i called home n dad asked my go home. then, i boarded the train back to simei but at bedok, i couldn't take it anymore n alighted as well. its so scary OK.. then i boarded the train again back to simei then dad came to fetch me home...saw e doc a while later and he says i have low pressure. gave me medicine n went home to sleep.. my whole body was feeling so damn weak. its like imagine yr whole body numb.. no feelings or whatsoever. so creepy.
but i guess I'm OK now. i have sucha good bunch of classmates OK?? half of them messaged me in the morning to asked me how was i. it felt so nice n sweet. they even helped me to take my maths test results n massaged me and helped me w my quiz. so damn nice. talking about math test, i passed but its only 6/10.. quite disappointing but was expecting this results cause of that 4 marks ques remember??
just submitted my MC . drank loads of chestnut n lemon honey water..tks to my aunt.
am i being paranoid or is everyone around me against me or something. i just get negative vibes whenever i see some people,even if its their name alone..
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