cycling kakis. ~im always in a big mess :<
bowling peeps.
only source of energy. some fish cracker thingy
its official. once thomas sees his favourite basketball machine, he will pop in a coin and play it. seirously, he wont make his coin go to waste ok??? haha
i miss foosball:>(didn't get to play though)
time now is 12pm and in less than 2 hours, im gonna be at coral secondary school waiting to impress the examiners with my glib tongue.i seriously have to ace this orals otherwise i'll be damn beaten.i will do my utmost best so that my grandma's money won't go to waste.since she was the one who sponsored for it. its a $150 ok??? cannot waste money!!!
posted some ECP piccas and will load more since e other piccas are in my laptop instead of the desktop.
chalet later. cant wait!!!! lets see, i will get to see my lovely ql and mel. togehter with lipping, edward and weishan. haha... i haven seen them in ages. ok la, i mean i jus saw melissa last week and ql on this mon. the boys, i haven seen them since my bbq. still, IT LONG RIGHT???
kk, gtg.
~~wish me luck guys~~
tselyn au revoir