hairbands wont work on my hair till its a little longer, so i guess, the headbands i bought will be staying indoors for a while. hahs.
blowing of hair is vital NOW.hhahs.
otherwise, i'll like like a MOP FACE.hahs
anyways, my peeps didnt make it to my house.
they'd rather opt for zzen crib.
but, nvm. they'll have the opportunity to . hahs
woke up around 12.
joanne woke me up lahs.HAHS.
but, it was time to wakey too.
so, TKS.hahahs
cleared my table.LIKE FINALLY!!
and re arranged my photo whiteboard. NICE NICE:):)
did french elearning and WAH LAH..im done.hahs
sorta figure out a little of the maths. at least i did something productive today.
MS ACCESS later.
screw tests man.
tselyn au revoir
ps- tks to leon, im hooked to HEY MONDAY.shits.