sam said the sky was 'DAMN NICE'. famously quoted by her. hahs.
finally got hold of her language.
anyways, i should stagger my sentences now.
kl and sam says my blog post have no breaks at all.
it seems like its just one whole chunk lump together.
makaned at SUBWAY-eat fresh for dinner:) caught up real big time.
went to collect sam's contacts and kl paid her freakin' expensive M1 bill.
seriously, M1 bill can KILL!!!
damn freakin' expensive!!
didnt have anything planned so we just chilled starbucks.
hahs. it was nice:)
laugh laugh and laughed again. hahs
its sucha good thing to have friends whom you can talk to and stuffs.
its just damn nice.
thanks for being there man.
we should meet up more often.
with busy-gio next time:) hahs
off to andrew's house to do DSA proj tomorrow.
its been a hell of a 2 weeks for me.
play play and play.
i don even have the mood to study already!!
and finals are coming real soon!!
tselyn au revoir