school was super super FUN!! omg. partly due to the characters of YI LI HUO.
hahs. no doubt, yes wenqi, i'll blog about this:) hahs
but first, busd to school today and my head was spinning damn hard casue i was so stubborn to rea don the bus when i know i CANNOT read on the bus. i almost felt like vomitting ok? read TWILIGHT in the bus. currently at chapter 8 now. im progessing a little slow la. catching the movie tomorrow with mom.SNEAKS SNEAKS.hahs. hopefully, there will be no change in plans.*fingers crossed*. hahs.
oh ya, i went to school with my so-called feminine hairstyle today.when i went to school today, christina,ifah and sabrina was like wah, dress until so feminine today arr. oh my, i mean, am i very manly in school ?? hahs. nvm lah.i'll just take what they say:) happy:) clique said i have a maltese hairstyle.SERIOUSLY, tks man.! ........
so, talking about yi li huo. its our newly created taiwan inspired singapore flim:)
running flim time, appox 3 yrs. hahs omg. the content of the show.
WOAH !!!! NO COMMENTS MAN.its super damn original with KAWAII actors:)
french class was ok.hilarious! learnt some new stuffs. LOADS OF HW.
tks linda!! really . from the bottom of my heart.
trained home. talked about chalet stuffs:)
was freakin' tired so i was a little grumpy. super sorry for my attitude man.
im in holiday mood. SHIT!!!
tselyn au revoir