its abour 1230am now. about 9 hours to the interview.
have been thinking a lot and seriously, when i mean ALOT its really ALOT!!!!
what IFs have been going through my mind.
what if tp accepts me?
am i just going to leave my 1 year wasted and my 03 classies?
its just recently that i feel weird w/o them around me for a day. its like, a special connection between us. whenever i log onto msn, i will click on the NYP-ians icon first. seeing how many of them online only then i have realised that they are all owls and chiong-sters. going through all the events we have been through since 14apr08, out of the 4k pictures i have in my laptop, its like 1-2k of the pictures taken are with them. i would totally miss how we all hang out together and all.IF i were to ace tomorrow's inter and make it to TP, i seriously hope that bunch of people will miss me man. FINE. IM BHB!!!!

check out my wallpaper:) hahs
what if i stay in NYP?
having been in NYP fo about a year now. i think ive somehow gotten used to its curriculum already. but seriously, i feel like im kindda struggling in this course. lets take it this way, imagine haven to makan something that you hate but u have to makan that because that the ONLY way to survive? THATS basially how i feel now. its like i aint wan this line, this course, nv in a million years would i expect myself to be in the IT line. but if i stay here, only thing i can do now, is just to study harder and get distractions away. ok, i know i may be a fool/clown in class but i mean, i aint want a class that borring. thats y i provide my own form of BHB entertainment which comes with freee SINGING. HAHS.
what if i dont go to tp nor nyp??
otherwise, where can i go??HAHS
chatted with leon just now.
told him was hyped out for 2moro inter and he said
-????:ValentineSuck says:
sure can de
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
before the interview
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
jus say
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
leon is the best
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
den sure can alr
-????:ValentineSuck says:
sure can de
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
before the interview
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
jus say
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
leon is the best
"-????:ValentineSuck says:
den sure can alr
like wad the hell like crazily crazily scared already and he still can
but at least he wished me luck.hahs.
for someone i barely know, its cool:)
im still fretting over what to wear 2moro. i gotta be formal yet casual. hmmm....let me think think think. see lahs, im THINKING AGAIN!!
toodles peeps