bused dwn to work. with the accompaniment with greenie:) hehe.
im seriously gonna miss it.
the short convo with POTENTIAL customers, xiaofang announcing the booth 6614 booth 6614, the frustrating customers, the walkie-talkie alert tone, CCTV,the funny peeps at bagman and d-link and the cute peeps from maybank. hahs.
as expected, crowd for todays itshow was crazy!! even before the show starts, its already packed. sales was GOOD:) commission about 200 bucks.hehes. i mean totalling the 4 days lah. hahs. didnt expect CCTV to be sucha seller. hahs. came into this job with the mentallity of just getting the basic but not bad leh, people are actually being persuaded by me to get the system. not cheap ok. every EXTRA cameras are like an additional 170 bucks. total package about 1200 plus.
and , i sell the high-end packages . not the cheapo one ok!!!! hahs. i HIGH-class. bo bian. hahs.
almost 3/4 of my customers sign the package. smart leh. hahs. hopefully the next itshow, i can work for boss again.hahs.his seriously OVERPAYING us. hahs. like doing OT or coming in earlier for extra 7 bucks. hahs. siao. LOL.
made some friends. lizhen,amzar,xiaofang,a-li,xiu ying etc. hahs. funny peeps. hahs.we keep di-xiaoing the a-li. hahs. we use our cameras and zoom into his face and say, hey, A-LI, your on TV! hahs funny shit. his face. macham hilarious! hahs
so, packed and all. i was the only one who left while e others stayed to pack. working 2moro lah. bo bian, mus rest. hahs. was paid a total of 275 bucks for basic.COLD-HARD CASSSHHH!!
commission will be given after installation and full-payment is made by the customer. hahs.30 bucks each ok. i have about 6 and somemore i solde some wlakietalkie:) hahs.
couple of peeps popped by today. hahs. CRAPPED the shit out . hahs. trina n andrew totally can see that they cannot tahan me. hahs. then wenqi, omg, i didnt expect to see her lah. hahs. told her friend my name was modelle. hahs. her friend almost buy it . hahs. HILARIOUS man. hahs.
all in all, itshow09, has been a hell of a ride! FUN FUN FUN.ive been like smiling and laughin for the past 4 days. hahs. HAPPY:) orh, on a downside, i was kindda being DAO-ed by one of my customer cause i quoted them the wrong price. hahs.SHITS. hahs. about 120 bucks diff can!!!! i was like shocked also. didnt know the difference. hahs. in the end, they still signed it. HENG SIA!!!!!!
chiong-ing 5 day work 2moro. hopefully i can tahan!!!
toodles peeps:)
ps-results out on tues. lets just say, IM PREPARED for the worse.