bused dwn bright and early to school today:)
met up with dear 0907, suppose to pass them e photoshop thingy but apparently, nicklaus has the full set so... LOL. they had some bday chip in thing going on. talk talk then met up with wenqi cause she had probs with internet connectivity. in e end, i couldnt help her cause she was using mac.
went to OOP. i think im kindda ok with it la. starting was a little blur but then, i think i still got some programming things at the back of my head. just gotta get it out:)
after that, had some settling of stuffs with that group of people. manage to settle a bit. teared. no idea why. but cause mb it just hurts when someone calls u a bitch on a blog.
then was ERP. mrChew man. lol. had him for 3 sems already. lol. think i got use to his teaching mtds.lol. though its kindda boring, his nice.LOL.
bused home.
toodles peeps:)