969ed dwn.
if i took 72 i will be damn effing late for school.
packet tracer for netcom. omg la, kh macam my life saver.
he teach/explain, i understand.LOL
i totally HATE DBMS lecture. seriously, i take my effort to go n tap that stupid admin card but my attendancea ways nv get recorded. i think they seriously need my help to create a btr database. n now im getting a WARNING LETTER for effing no reason.
WAD was omg. hahs. i finished my lab lahs ith the help of kh and saberina.lol.
koufu-ed for dinner:) nasi goreng and omg, i just took the food and go, nv pay!! LOL.
then saber came n say, eh, no need pay huh.LOL. damn funny!!!!!!!
went to get cake from gloria jeans with faz. he took like damn long to choose flavour of cake can. and the thing is, theres only 4 flavors.LOL.
went to do card for daniel. hahs. i macham chionged to get blank piece of paper and took pen to decorate.LOL.the 'ovely 'lower was drawn by faz.LOL.damn funny!!
then got a sms from bh say come now.LOL.then went to meet them w faz n nicklaus.lol.
HAPPY BDAY DAN. hahs.18th bday. LOL.
i love being the photograher sia.LOL. i think i take good piccas:)hahs
DBMS night class was doing normalization.LOL. 1NF,2NF,3NF.....interesting and kindda easy to understand:) hahs
bused home. saw weizhi can i seirously think his hair is tooo BLACK!!!lol.
tons of stuffs to do!!
my database for IADP proj, my cisco, my ERP.
WAH LAO!!! timtime.. i think im gnna skip work this sat to chiong these assignments:(
toodles peeps:)