there was like a freakin huge and disgusting moth circuling my house 2 days ago.
omg la, and my dog saved the day. hahs
it KILLED the moth. though it might be bad luck but who likes to have something flying around their house.hahs
anyways, it was suppose to be a CHIONG kurosagi monday.
but then zhiyong called ask me go out teach him. since i had nothing to do, went to meet him at tampines.hahs. went to tampLIB. omg la, the library smell is soo remenicsing of good old mugging times.hahs. did a little poc there but batt was going flat at lightning speed so had to seriously change venue.hahs. went to starbucks. lucky us. we got seats with convinient plugs.hahs. ramona farah and salamah was there too:) hahs
re-did the whole menu. and i mean seriously REDO!
was a little lost cause the project file was a little vauge.
so i just used my own understanding to explain and do. i seriously miss CONSOLE.WRITELINE.
OOP seriously has no shadows of console.writeline lahs!! hahs.
and im only used to that only.hahs.
it was a productive monday afterall. hahs.completed the menu but data cant be added yet. maybe must include arrays:) hahs
the card tricks zy showed was seriously wtf la. i was like super speechless! cannot praise him cause he sure damn guailan one.hahs. but seriously, its really good.hahs
prata for linner:) lunch+dinner .hahs
i think zy and yx is together.hahs. im sucha matchmaker.hahs.
saw jiahong on the way back. and to think that he got A1 for math, he dont even know what is 38. hahs. SAN-BA. its for goodness sake SAN SHI BA.hahs. SAN-BA is 2 and 8 .HAHS
crapping good time! hahs. his helping out for leh! hahs
IADP project meeting tomorrow:)
cant wait to see them! hahs
toodles peeps:)