caught a little bit of 'hotel for dogs' when i woke up.
its just like those common teen flick.
cliché plots and ending but overall, its not badd. haha
bused to tampines for lunch.
kim gary-ed.
the noodles were so ramen-like.
went to change my mobile broadband.
went from m1 to starhub.
from 1 mpbs to 2 mpbs.
from huge toggle to a thumbdrive toggle.
caught 'where got ghost'.
a little like 4bia, the thailand horror flim??
only with a little more humour.
ok fine, LOADS more humour. haha
the hokkien just made it a little more singaporean and more relevant. HAHA
bused home.
tried out the new 2 mpbs and frankly, it aint any diff.
but well, im loading stuffs a little faster now.
like 20% faster?
anyways, since most people are in the BOYS OVER FLOWERS craze now,china decided to come out with its own version and guess what, they changed the polt.
its good to see a change/twist in the hana yori dango saga afterall, theres 3 versions of it with kindda the exact same thing right? haha.
the F4 in the china version is changed to H4.
and frankly, they don look that bad. haha.
evernthough i think thry could use like qi yi wu as daomingsi.HAHA
qi yi wu, u know?? singapore-based china actor? super suave??

i have to switch to study mode.
i guess i'll start with dbms since most tests are done OPEN BOOK and i totally dont benefit from it cause i dont even learn ANYTHING!!!!
18 chefs with sam n kling tmr night!!
cant wait:)
toodles peeps:)