time check- 635pm.
gonna leave spore at 630am.
twelve more hours to enjoy to humidity in spore!
twelve more hours to enjoy my dog's smell!
to enjoy my laptop!
to enjoy my messy room!
to enjoy the fans!
packing wasnt as fun as i thought.
but still, manage to get everything together.
so, im all set and ready to go physically but mentally, im not.
for some reason, im not THAT excited.
owells, try try try!
try to be EXCITED.
how hard can it get?!!!
im bringing so many forms of entertainment there!
my book, my ipod and tons of pictures!
i need them to prevent me from feeling homesick:)
maybe i'll blog one more time before i leave.
but now,
happiness is an understatment cause im happy!!!
not because of the trip but something:)
sam n kl are heading their way to my house.
totally totally happy ok?!
dinner later

toodles peeps:)