worse birthday ever.
flu cough and major certification exam.
my brain is seriously kosong.
i practically anyhow guess the answers in the practice quiz and i think i'll fail.
im not being pessimistic or what.
but being sick and having an exam aint a good combination you know?
ive got to memorise fucking 200 questions and see some simulation videos.
i THINK ive managed to memorise 100? but im not like a 100 percent sure.
i think im just gonna take out the key points and memorise it asap.
if i pass this, it'll be my first birthday present to myself:)
an accomplishment.
on the other hand, ive got no plans on my birthday.
unlike previous years, ive got no bbq's this year.
i've got no mood to plan and if i have to get people to realize its my birthday,
whats the point right?
and using fb to remember someone's bday is so overrated.
i'd rather they dont wish me.
toodles peeps:)