went for guitar,last lesson for e yr n as usual, played christmas songs.... walkd home,slacked for an hr or so then trained to orchard... went to find presents for my 2 aunts...went to specialist centre n heard some carolling....nothing surprising....so went to shop for bout 45 min...kindda boring... hahas...then came out n i can smell famous amos... its just so delicious....but i didnt eat..lol... saw andrew at the junction crossing e road n he was one of e carollers... i missed.... haha...should be church or cell group if not mistaken...lol.. then went to ck tang,shopped...then went to borders....cause we buying my fathers present there...the book 'urban legends'.... kindda cool though....we got e autographs of the writers.....haha...the bk is bout erm...myths n legends of s'pore...very cool....afterwhich, went to toa payoh...for my grandmother's church function.....sinz....nothing special at all.....
then went home...hais...im sleeping on e floor again...my aunt is here to stay....
tse lyn ciaos