omg...how can i start.....its fun...
went to potong pasir with gio...ate our last meal b4 going hungry for 30 hrs.....walked to SAJC...it was big....then, registed n took out tees.... then went out of sajc to buy soya bean......cause was a bit hungry liaos...then walked back....saw sheena.....then at 2 plua, went to e cultural centre.it was nice......veri veri big..i think its 4 times bigger than out AVA....then e opening ceremony.... as usual, speech...then suddenly,the siren came on.....u noe?? the ambulance 1...then they gave us a scenario.... of, a tsunami had occured, n u r soppose to find yr family members on yr identity card. .i went to the evacuation centre 1. sooo many people...then out of a sudden, i saw zhiyang...hahas... his ok...then went inside the centre which was actually the court.... went inside, folded half of a crane then chatted a bit with this SAJC girl. then, my family memebrs searched for the LUMBEE family n im their 'daughter'...followed them to various evacuation centres,hospitals... got all the memebrs already, then intro ourselves.... they were our father,mother,n sooo many children out of which 2 was infected with aids...hahas...it was funnny...the siren came on again n we proceeded to the cultural centres.this time, we were seated as a family. then we were brief on wad to do the next day...which is few minutes later..we r suppose to find jobs,earn money(ice-cream sticks) n build a house....... there were prostitution, scarvaging, folding paper cranes n many more..... we looked for jobs like forever...we did paper cranes....50 cranes for 10 sticks.....n sooooo suie...got sooo many corrupted police ...keep asking us to give them money....we jus ran...but was still caught..hahas...gave them a bit of money then continued....n this went on n on...... we stole sooo many things to build out shelter...it was darn fun...we stole people chairs n tables....n our roof....was also stole 1....it was fun.....the siren came on agaiin n we went back to e cultural centre....then it was day 3 of the 3 sub-days in 1 day...hahas....we had to get 65 sticks at e end....we went to e prostitution againn.......did e activitied n ya..was caught by the police .....took out money n we went to fold cranes....
in e end, we decorated our shelter n stayed there..... we didnt have much money n we didnt care...hahas...e siren came on again n FINISH!!!! e 3 days.... got debrieft where we went to bath instead of debrief.....very fast n quick bath...then went back to e cultural centre n we went sleep at around 12 like then...slept with gio n her friends...folded a few cranes b4 went to bed...
im gonna stop here for now....very long post...i will continue day 2 tomorrow...have to do my hws...tse lyn out