see my fringe...eee(i recutted again)


official robinsons staff
nv in a million years would i have thought i would work for robinsons. sucha recognised company..hehe... anyways, briefing was early and for the 1st time after singtel, i woke up at 8!!! you know that was like so hard to achieive la. thoses who know me really well, you get wad i man right??
IM SUCHA LATE QUEEN.hehe.. trained dwn to city hall... went up to the staff pantry for e brieifing. i know, pantry?? haha..it seems like the company is lack of rooms. haa. anyways, met this girl,
anita.. sweet girl. i think shes e same age as me! hehe./.. can communicate w/o generation gap.haha after the brieifn, which only lasted 15-20 min, i went to dp to see whether they have black pants. omg, it cost
$73. and i have to buy 2 pairs. cause you dont expect me to wear e same pants over n over again right?? haha. bought donus from
donuts factory, no queue at all la.i only waited for
2 min.haha. bought for my granny, so filial.. wad to do?? haha..trained home afterwards. hehe..rented 881 for granny.she enjoyed the movie, mb because it was more suited for her age bah.. haha... i slept from 2 till 5...damn shuang!!!
chalet tomorro i think?? hehe
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