my lyrics
journals to me are like _____[FILLED IT YOURSELF]
work - Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 9:03 AM
work today was fun. haha.. a memorable LEAP YR.
helped JOAN allen today. made so many friends today. 2 from RP, 1 from phillipines. haha. damn nice n funny.ahah met w cheng theng for dinner. my my, shes like so nice can? her boss called her last minn to tell her work was cancelled n yet she still met up w me. haha.. so nice can. haha shant talk about work again. haha. its stay home sat 2moro n sun,CHALET!!! tselyn au revoir |
work - Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 8:48 AM
![]() TP DONT WANT ME!! kinda expected it la. haha..late submition . wad to do? haha. lets jus keep our fingers crossed that NYP business informatics wan me la. haha. at least like gt face to say i study business.. eventhough im not so interested in it.. but thinkin more in depth, i think it will open more doors to me when i go out to e society n work. hehe.. jus checked my nyp application n it says' RECEIEVING ATTENTION'.. funny sia
2nd last day of e month. sales dopped drastically.. from a thousand plus a day to 200 bucks. wad shit is this?? bought cheryl's n cheng's presents. like finally... damn hard to find. hope they like it ..hehe work was fun and funny. meeting cheng tomoro(today) tselyn au revoir |
august rush - Tuesday, February 26, 2008 @ 10:03 AM
![]() omg. i just caught a great movie!!! AUGUST RUSH. its about this boy, who is a music prodigy. searching for his birth parents through music. he learnt e piano n guitar jus by looking n feeling it . omg.. its damn nice.its by the charlie n e choco factory boy. his so cute and he acts damn well. YOU GUYS SHOULD GO CATCH IT!!! 5 STARS trust me, e shows i recommend are really inspiring n nice. anyways, work today was fun! laughed a lot.haha. laughed w e aunties. haha. it was fun la. new stock came but it was like old stock cause ive seen e clothes from cherie when i worked at OG. lol. no work 2moro. hehe.finally can sleep in. work on thurs n fri then break for a few days till march. leap yrs next tuesday. omg.. e review aint that good. haha..i guess i have to watch it b4 i can make any comments. e next show im gonna catch are la vie nie rose, there will be blood n old country for old men. these movies won big at e academy awards. so i think it have to be great.haha. movies ive watched this season- kung fu dunk,jumper ive loads more to watch.haha choir chalet this sat! cant wait!!:> tselyn au revoir
sony - Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 8:28 AM
got a new phone today. hehe my house has like 5 phones la. . haha. panasonic,2 sony,motoraza n nokia...haha. e new phone is nice .. haha..white n gold.w660i. very slim n damn style. haha.
tried clothes at DP today.aimed at e vest n blazer. haha. so many choices sia. haha. e blazer n e vest is like a must-have to make me look slimmer.haha. but hello? its like freakin ex. $53 for e vest n $89 for e blazer. how??? i have to work like for 3 days then can pay for it. hmmm.... ate chippy for dinner today. hehe..BBF. damn nice. hehe.. tried JCO donuts e other day n its really nice. work today was like fun n sales was like shit. haha ... new part timer.she is from myanmar n its fun talkin to her. nice n hardworkin sia. shes a full-time accountant n part time promoter. haha. siao right? she is really hilarious. haha 10-6 for..mon,tues 2-10 for thurs. -LAST DAY. haha but as im hardworkin , i will be workin for a few days in march as tse lyn au revoir |
DAE - Saturday, February 23, 2008 @ 9:12 AM
jus submitted my dae application for NYP. i dont think i can get into tp via dae cause i didnt submit my print-out correctly. crap. but nevertheless, i applied for business informatics for nyp . its my 1st choice. i jus hope to get into a course that has more prospacts and if i can get into the course good! if not, im still damn happy in my engineering informatics. haha
my 2nd and 3rd choice are hospitality n resort management n acc n finace. haha.. i jus put for fun la. i don even intend to get into these field. haha. i have to put in 3 choices la. so, jus try lor. haha. dae application of tp,sp n np are closed. shit. haha. rp n nyp just started. so thoses who wants to get into these school, APPLY!!. haha i realised my mistake for tp's DAE n im gonna send in all my documents correctly. haha. im such a scatterbrain. haha anyways, dinner n phone hunting today at tm n cs. work 2moro. 2-10. find me! i WONT give u discount n i don even think that you will ever take a liking to e clothes that i sell la.. haha.. gonna get a new knitwear from anne kelly at staff price. haha.. usual-$79, now, its only 38.50... haha. its nice. can wear it for poly. hehe.. im also considering about e blazer i told u guys about ytd. haha. its damn nice can?? hopefully juliana can get my discount..pls?? haha feels damn good to say that im a poly student NOw. haha im so excited.haha.. time now is 130am.. haha.. i have to wake up at like 12 2moro? haha... tselyn au revoir |
work - Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 9:04 AM
so i went to work today with all the aaunties saying 'wah..ytd e sales a lot arr'.. i was like happy yet not happy. kindda contradicting. . haha sales for today wasnt that good. around 800 ++..
served this sucky scustomer, i asked whether she needed help, then she said' I DONT LIKE PEOPLE TO SERVE ME AND STARE AT ME'. crazy bitch. its like damn shit la. anyways, shopped at DP during dinner break. bought a shirt. eyed on a blazer-costs 89 bucks.crazy man.. but if poly needs it,im willing to buy. its like 3 days pay... no work for me tomorrow. like FINALLY! ugly betty-ing these few days. haha. im so freakin excited to start school la. but i am damn scared of e medical test ...i heard that theres BLOOD TEST!! omg, im gonna faint! tselyn au revoir |
work - Thursday, February 21, 2008 @ 8:19 AM
work was fun.
sold like 1000 bucks worth of clothes n pants.haha.. served customers from all over the world..china, pakistan,japan,england.... was so fun!! shopped around for cheng's n cheryl big 18 present.. found something nice .. hope they like it. work 2moro then break on sat. ql almost appealed into my course but by the time she wants to log in, APPLICATION CLOSED!! anyways, we will be in te same school,same block only diff course. so its still ok.hehe.. tselyn au revoir |
omg - Monday, February 18, 2008 @ 3:22 PM
i got posted to NYP- engineerin informatics.
they msged me at 603 am.haha. i couldnt sleep e whole night man. it was nerve-wreckin.haha. i kept thinkin about wad if i don get into a poly. wad am i to do man. haha. anyways, jus did some research on e course n found that its quite a gd course. many opportunities. like logistics ,it ,engineering..ya..not so bad. time now is 7.20am. i cant sleep n i have work today at 2. haha went to ws house ytd. lost 3-4 bucks.haha. edmund brought his bro n its like they don look anything alike can?? haha.. crazy. ws bro also played w us.haha. it was fun.haha .watched jumper w mom was like damn nice can? haha... have some funny moments too. so its not all action.haha 3.5*.. haha im gonna chiong my betty now!! im at epi 8.haha im still gonna appeal for tp though.haha tse lyn au revoir |
cool - Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 7:34 AM
finally...hard day at work!!! eng my work at OG .hehe...wee wee:>
ate at delifrance today. splurged 20 bucks on myself. w baked rice n deserts. parents met up w me n bused hm. parents gt me a Bally wallet. green. hehe..damn vintage. haha. gonna use duh?? haha out tomoro. mb movies then ws house or vice versa.haha. tselyn au revoir |
wii - Saturday, February 16, 2008 @ 8:42 AM
no work for ytd n today. found replacements to replace my work at OG. haha. but i'll be there 2moro for e LAST TIME!!! haha.. last day at OG. mus celebrate.haha.
anyways, went to my relatives house today. played WII like siao.haha..arm aching. haha... swimming,running,tennis.haha... damn tiring. haha. i wanna buy one but its frekain ex.haha. $500 +++..haha.. time now is 1.05am. i have work in exactly 12 hrs time.haha. i ain't sleepin.. carzy right.haha busin to work 2moro. haha. i so into these songs- grace kelly to run and i am telling you thousand miles. omg..i find josiah leming damn hot.haha tse lyn au revoir |
gambling - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 @ 7:25 AM
went to ql house today.
wad can i say except FUN FUN FUN! i got by-luck 3 times straight.haha.. but i wasnt greedy, 10 cents each. haha.. i lost over a dollar today. haha. wth. lp n edward came around 5 plus.won almost all of lp's money.aha. damn suay sia he. haha. he couldnt take it so he went on to some leisure playin of mahjong.haha.. haha left aroun 630 w sw. bused took forever to come.haha . reached hm nearly clsose to 8. bloody bus 5.haha. i waited for like 45 min. haha. watched AMI 7 ..wad can i say. i so in love w e youngsters in e competition. haha. i jus realized. guys w english accents are hot! work 2moro. endin off at 6. meetin parents for movie. haha no pictures for today. ehhe tse lyn au revoir |
grammy - Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @ 2:09 AM
![]() watched e Grammys ytd. amy whinehouse freakin dominated the show. she is so freakin talented. love her love her!! so wad if she has lots of problems. who cares.she is so talented.haha. didnt wrk today. met mom at katong mall to go to e temple. ate awfully choco ice-cream./damn rich and nice. hehe. conferenced on the way home. hehe. took 10. then walked hm. rented 'the notebook'.omg, its damn freakin extremely nice. why didnt i watch it earlier.its so sweet. ryan gosling rocks can. haha. the show is like so sad yet nice. cried during the part where they said: Allie: Why didn't you write me? Why? It wasn't over for me, I waited for you for seven years. But now it's too late. Noah: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you everyday for a year. GO WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN!!! tse lyn au revoir ql house tomoro if jas goes.haha |
cherie - Monday, February 11, 2008 @ 5:29 AM
foolin around during work time.hehe e brand big mirror store room i have to squeeze in btween the clothes rack jus to get in n out. shit man. see any colour?tell me ya. worked at cherie for e 2nd day .it was total bordem... not much sales, store room was in a mess. haha. super sian. this job is killing me. haha . i have to ACT polite and say that its really nice when its NOT! /ahha haha.white lying.hehe i prefer workin at robinsons.its much more familier.haha. OG is so old fashion.NO HP, WALLET....on sales floor. wad crap is this. even the bags has no one to look after.wad shit la. haha. no security guards to look after it.. haha . work 2moro again.super shit. cannt tahan..haha tse lyn au revoir |
ang pao river - @ 5:08 AM
bb pig. ox r iver ang pao last sat. haha. was sorta fun. spent bout $100 bucks on the machine. you noe the one where u insert the coin n it will move the other coins dwn. ya.something like that.haha. in the end, we exchanged for a bear.the big brown one. hehe.the lion is like a free gift for my mom.aha.. haha.cute ..bought a shanghai handicraft. it was a family portrait made of velvet. its really cute. i recommend you guys doin it. hehe. its worth supportin chinese stuffs. haha. also, i saw something new. its like yr picture on a balloon. hhe.its really nice. i want to do it but i didnt dare ask for the price.haha. anyone wanna do it w me>?/ ate at gluttons bay. fried oyster,chicken wings, sugar cane.hehe went to 'ENJOY' the huayi festival sort of ge tai. soem hokkien singer was singing.some old songs.haha.snap some pics of my parents. hehe cabbed hm. fun day. tse lyn au revoir
CNY - Thursday, February 07, 2008 @ 12:34 AM
cabbin to reunion dinner family photo cousins family chua n tay relatives came to my house today.hehe. was sorta fun la.played cards. lost money. my uncle damn zai, start w 10 cents n end with $10 . haha.joker sia.haha more relatives came later on in late afternoon and yet, i cooped myself up in the room bloggin.haha. i don like to mingle w relatives that i see less than 2 times a yr.its like wads e pt.other than that, they only see u when u get married n when u die.haha. . POINTLESS.haha. anyways, i have to give up my chair to e guest and that leaves me w me sittin on my bed to play com. haha. wanted to ask my friends to coem today. but its quite last i don think they should come la.haha. but no harm askin la. haha. hero/heroin is my alarm for today. its kinnddda annoyin le.haha. ps- im so workin 2moro. crap. tse lyn au revoir |
R.dinner - Wednesday, February 06, 2008 @ 8:28 AM
sin hoi sai tea anyone? our very 1st dish after nearly 40 min of waiting time cleared nightfall ngoih hiang-unfried prawns galore. Reunion dinenr was ok. i mean its a routine thingy which we do every yr. main topic- where am i gng ? which poly n course/ haha. expected la.heng, i did ok, otherwise DIE! alamak, how can say sucha inauspicious word.haha erm.... faceless. haha. cabbed hm. prepared for 2moro stuffs. relatives r comin to my house 2moro. which means utter chaos. im sorta in-charge of photography. haha. duh. haha. i love picture takin. its uber coolness. haha. anyone wan sponser me a new digi-cam? for my 18th bday? pls... i will take abundant piccas of you people man. pls... mom prepared mee siam,wu xiang,chicken wings, ice-cream and lot of pineapple tarts . haha.dono why. haha so, again, HAPPY RATTY NEW YR! tse lyn au revoir ps-new yr picca soon. hehe..i hope.haha |
CNY - @ 12:50 AM
new yr goodies now u see it new bedsheets. haha so nice:> went back to school -shss today. hehe. for e cny celebrations. chatted w chengtheng n gracia for a while. like a little update on themselves. haha. went to e school hall. nejoyed e hildan superstar n band competition. winner was a sec 1 girl .who sang 'hou niao'. i mean its ok la. average. but shes cute. hehe. she is also super lame. she asked her parents to come watch her sing. hah. then when she gt 1st, she hugged her parents like some superstar sia. haha. lame shit. hah. the winner got e superband competiton is xin ying n another girls sia. donno her name.but both of them participated in last yr's competition for solo de. now, with combined forces, they clinched e 1st.haha. but its like damn nice la. haha still dono why e xin ying cant get into campus superstar man. sucha pity.hehe. then hang around school.saw vivi n michelle. talked for a while. haha. and finally, she gave me e farewell gift.haha.after so long la. but its a gift that i will tressure man. all e juniors wrote things in e little sweet. vivian bought e 5 megapixel sony phone la. so jealous.aha trained to simei with a junior.haha talked for a while la. then went to eastpt to buy e curtain thingy. bought hair wax/ wanted to do an express pedi but siao. its cost $70. i mean crazy. i didnt do la. im not that rich. hah walked hm while chattin on e phone w jas.haha. she is like my phone-buddy la.haha. then did e new yr thingy AGAIN. preparing for reuinion dinner.hehe tse lyn au revoir
nyp - Tuesday, February 05, 2008 @ 6:36 AM
some pics in my portfolio.
theme-footsteps theme-innocence they liked this pic best. haha. theme-journey the hand-made envelopes. drawing test sucked, BIG TIME! they wanted us to draw like an abstract piece of work. haha.they crush paper then make until veyr nice then wan us to draw. to make it worse, the girl beside me drew so well.wad crap la. im like e least talented. or e most disadvantaged. almost all took art except me. haha. wad shit can. haha. did my best. thats all. so,this time i went to nyp w my portfolio.i didnt noe mus bring la. Hehe.. it was sorta last min rushed out. But I think its nice. Had 3 themes going on. Journey, footsteps, innocence. They are all photographs which I have taken erm…for the past 2 yrs. Trained dwn to nyp, was early for e 1st time. Had e nervous thingy going on. The interview sucked like hell.. they got me stutter. Shit man. They made me feel like I applied for e wrong course. Haha. Crap la. But 2 good things. They said I have good eyes. And I have an interesting compositions of pictures.haha. cool right?i didn’t know that my pictures would turned out so good. Haha. They particularly liked e pic of my couz. Haha. But im not confident if I can get into e course la.but, no harm tryin la..if you guys ever need a photographer, im here!!! However, VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS-I gotta say bb. Then cabbed dwn to wingtai building to collect my pay cheque for my job at warehouse. Saw dexter but he didn’t see me. Hehe. It felt so creepy in the building man. So old an scary. Haha. Then bused dwn to tampines . talked w jas on the way to tam inter. Was fun la. She ain’t gng back to sch 2moro and ql panged she me. Wads wrong w these people man… so, I guess im going back w my own friends. Hehe. Reached hm around 1. did e spring cleaning thingy for e whole house. Haha saw doctor. I like spent half of my pay at e clinic la. cost a bomb can. Haha. This year, my house is all geared up for CNY. With e new yr deco, new sofa and new bedsheets. Haha. new sofa new yr goodies sweets for my treats we r serving e kids these. haha. bought a carton of it. haha So,once again,im counting dwn to a brand new yr…with good lucks ,good schools and good course too.
Tselyn au revoir |
work - Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 9:03 AM
work today was fun. haha.. a memorable LEAP YR.
helped JOAN allen today. made so many friends today. 2 from RP, 1 from phillipines. haha. damn nice n funny.ahah met w cheng theng for dinner. my my, shes like so nice can? her boss called her last minn to tell her work was cancelled n yet she still met up w me. haha.. so nice can. haha shant talk about work again. haha. its stay home sat 2moro n sun,CHALET!!! tselyn au revoir |
work - Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 8:48 AM
![]() TP DONT WANT ME!! kinda expected it la. haha..late submition . wad to do? haha. lets jus keep our fingers crossed that NYP business informatics wan me la. haha. at least like gt face to say i study business.. eventhough im not so interested in it.. but thinkin more in depth, i think it will open more doors to me when i go out to e society n work. hehe.. jus checked my nyp application n it says' RECEIEVING ATTENTION'.. funny sia
2nd last day of e month. sales dopped drastically.. from a thousand plus a day to 200 bucks. wad shit is this?? bought cheryl's n cheng's presents. like finally... damn hard to find. hope they like it ..hehe work was fun and funny. meeting cheng tomoro(today) tselyn au revoir |
august rush - Tuesday, February 26, 2008 @ 10:03 AM
![]() omg. i just caught a great movie!!! AUGUST RUSH. its about this boy, who is a music prodigy. searching for his birth parents through music. he learnt e piano n guitar jus by looking n feeling it . omg.. its damn nice.its by the charlie n e choco factory boy. his so cute and he acts damn well. YOU GUYS SHOULD GO CATCH IT!!! 5 STARS trust me, e shows i recommend are really inspiring n nice. anyways, work today was fun! laughed a lot.haha. laughed w e aunties. haha. it was fun la. new stock came but it was like old stock cause ive seen e clothes from cherie when i worked at OG. lol. no work 2moro. hehe.finally can sleep in. work on thurs n fri then break for a few days till march. leap yrs next tuesday. omg.. e review aint that good. haha..i guess i have to watch it b4 i can make any comments. e next show im gonna catch are la vie nie rose, there will be blood n old country for old men. these movies won big at e academy awards. so i think it have to be great.haha. movies ive watched this season- kung fu dunk,jumper ive loads more to watch.haha choir chalet this sat! cant wait!!:> tselyn au revoir
sony - Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 8:28 AM
got a new phone today. hehe my house has like 5 phones la. . haha. panasonic,2 sony,motoraza n nokia...haha. e new phone is nice .. haha..white n gold.w660i. very slim n damn style. haha.
tried clothes at DP today.aimed at e vest n blazer. haha. so many choices sia. haha. e blazer n e vest is like a must-have to make me look slimmer.haha. but hello? its like freakin ex. $53 for e vest n $89 for e blazer. how??? i have to work like for 3 days then can pay for it. hmmm.... ate chippy for dinner today. hehe..BBF. damn nice. hehe.. tried JCO donuts e other day n its really nice. work today was like fun n sales was like shit. haha ... new part timer.she is from myanmar n its fun talkin to her. nice n hardworkin sia. shes a full-time accountant n part time promoter. haha. siao right? she is really hilarious. haha 10-6 for..mon,tues 2-10 for thurs. -LAST DAY. haha but as im hardworkin , i will be workin for a few days in march as tse lyn au revoir |
DAE - Saturday, February 23, 2008 @ 9:12 AM
jus submitted my dae application for NYP. i dont think i can get into tp via dae cause i didnt submit my print-out correctly. crap. but nevertheless, i applied for business informatics for nyp . its my 1st choice. i jus hope to get into a course that has more prospacts and if i can get into the course good! if not, im still damn happy in my engineering informatics. haha
my 2nd and 3rd choice are hospitality n resort management n acc n finace. haha.. i jus put for fun la. i don even intend to get into these field. haha. i have to put in 3 choices la. so, jus try lor. haha. dae application of tp,sp n np are closed. shit. haha. rp n nyp just started. so thoses who wants to get into these school, APPLY!!. haha i realised my mistake for tp's DAE n im gonna send in all my documents correctly. haha. im such a scatterbrain. haha anyways, dinner n phone hunting today at tm n cs. work 2moro. 2-10. find me! i WONT give u discount n i don even think that you will ever take a liking to e clothes that i sell la.. haha.. gonna get a new knitwear from anne kelly at staff price. haha.. usual-$79, now, its only 38.50... haha. its nice. can wear it for poly. hehe.. im also considering about e blazer i told u guys about ytd. haha. its damn nice can?? hopefully juliana can get my discount..pls?? haha feels damn good to say that im a poly student NOw. haha im so excited.haha.. time now is 130am.. haha.. i have to wake up at like 12 2moro? haha... tselyn au revoir |
work - Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 9:04 AM
so i went to work today with all the aaunties saying 'wah..ytd e sales a lot arr'.. i was like happy yet not happy. kindda contradicting. . haha sales for today wasnt that good. around 800 ++..
served this sucky scustomer, i asked whether she needed help, then she said' I DONT LIKE PEOPLE TO SERVE ME AND STARE AT ME'. crazy bitch. its like damn shit la. anyways, shopped at DP during dinner break. bought a shirt. eyed on a blazer-costs 89 bucks.crazy man.. but if poly needs it,im willing to buy. its like 3 days pay... no work for me tomorrow. like FINALLY! ugly betty-ing these few days. haha. im so freakin excited to start school la. but i am damn scared of e medical test ...i heard that theres BLOOD TEST!! omg, im gonna faint! tselyn au revoir |
work - Thursday, February 21, 2008 @ 8:19 AM
work was fun.
sold like 1000 bucks worth of clothes n pants.haha.. served customers from all over the world..china, pakistan,japan,england.... was so fun!! shopped around for cheng's n cheryl big 18 present.. found something nice .. hope they like it. work 2moro then break on sat. ql almost appealed into my course but by the time she wants to log in, APPLICATION CLOSED!! anyways, we will be in te same school,same block only diff course. so its still ok.hehe.. tselyn au revoir |
omg - Monday, February 18, 2008 @ 3:22 PM
i got posted to NYP- engineerin informatics.
they msged me at 603 am.haha. i couldnt sleep e whole night man. it was nerve-wreckin.haha. i kept thinkin about wad if i don get into a poly. wad am i to do man. haha. anyways, jus did some research on e course n found that its quite a gd course. many opportunities. like logistics ,it ,engineering..ya..not so bad. time now is 7.20am. i cant sleep n i have work today at 2. haha went to ws house ytd. lost 3-4 bucks.haha. edmund brought his bro n its like they don look anything alike can?? haha.. crazy. ws bro also played w us.haha. it was fun.haha .watched jumper w mom was like damn nice can? haha... have some funny moments too. so its not all action.haha 3.5*.. haha im gonna chiong my betty now!! im at epi 8.haha im still gonna appeal for tp though.haha tse lyn au revoir |
cool - Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 7:34 AM
finally...hard day at work!!! eng my work at OG .hehe...wee wee:>
ate at delifrance today. splurged 20 bucks on myself. w baked rice n deserts. parents met up w me n bused hm. parents gt me a Bally wallet. green. hehe..damn vintage. haha. gonna use duh?? haha out tomoro. mb movies then ws house or vice versa.haha. tselyn au revoir |
wii - Saturday, February 16, 2008 @ 8:42 AM
no work for ytd n today. found replacements to replace my work at OG. haha. but i'll be there 2moro for e LAST TIME!!! haha.. last day at OG. mus celebrate.haha.
anyways, went to my relatives house today. played WII like siao.haha..arm aching. haha... swimming,running,tennis.haha... damn tiring. haha. i wanna buy one but its frekain ex.haha. $500 +++..haha.. time now is 1.05am. i have work in exactly 12 hrs time.haha. i ain't sleepin.. carzy right.haha busin to work 2moro. haha. i so into these songs- grace kelly to run and i am telling you thousand miles. omg..i find josiah leming damn hot.haha tse lyn au revoir |
gambling - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 @ 7:25 AM
went to ql house today.
wad can i say except FUN FUN FUN! i got by-luck 3 times straight.haha.. but i wasnt greedy, 10 cents each. haha.. i lost over a dollar today. haha. wth. lp n edward came around 5 plus.won almost all of lp's money.aha. damn suay sia he. haha. he couldnt take it so he went on to some leisure playin of mahjong.haha.. haha left aroun 630 w sw. bused took forever to come.haha . reached hm nearly clsose to 8. bloody bus 5.haha. i waited for like 45 min. haha. watched AMI 7 ..wad can i say. i so in love w e youngsters in e competition. haha. i jus realized. guys w english accents are hot! work 2moro. endin off at 6. meetin parents for movie. haha no pictures for today. ehhe tse lyn au revoir |
grammy - Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @ 2:09 AM
![]() watched e Grammys ytd. amy whinehouse freakin dominated the show. she is so freakin talented. love her love her!! so wad if she has lots of problems. who cares.she is so talented.haha. didnt wrk today. met mom at katong mall to go to e temple. ate awfully choco ice-cream./damn rich and nice. hehe. conferenced on the way home. hehe. took 10. then walked hm. rented 'the notebook'.omg, its damn freakin extremely nice. why didnt i watch it earlier.its so sweet. ryan gosling rocks can. haha. the show is like so sad yet nice. cried during the part where they said: Allie: Why didn't you write me? Why? It wasn't over for me, I waited for you for seven years. But now it's too late. Noah: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you everyday for a year. GO WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN!!! tse lyn au revoir ql house tomoro if jas goes.haha |
cherie - Monday, February 11, 2008 @ 5:29 AM
foolin around during work time.hehe e brand big mirror store room i have to squeeze in btween the clothes rack jus to get in n out. shit man. see any colour?tell me ya. worked at cherie for e 2nd day .it was total bordem... not much sales, store room was in a mess. haha. super sian. this job is killing me. haha . i have to ACT polite and say that its really nice when its NOT! /ahha haha.white lying.hehe i prefer workin at robinsons.its much more familier.haha. OG is so old fashion.NO HP, WALLET....on sales floor. wad crap is this. even the bags has no one to look after.wad shit la. haha. no security guards to look after it.. haha . work 2moro again.super shit. cannt tahan..haha tse lyn au revoir |
ang pao river - @ 5:08 AM
bb pig. ox r iver ang pao last sat. haha. was sorta fun. spent bout $100 bucks on the machine. you noe the one where u insert the coin n it will move the other coins dwn. ya.something like that.haha. in the end, we exchanged for a bear.the big brown one. hehe.the lion is like a free gift for my mom.aha.. haha.cute ..bought a shanghai handicraft. it was a family portrait made of velvet. its really cute. i recommend you guys doin it. hehe. its worth supportin chinese stuffs. haha. also, i saw something new. its like yr picture on a balloon. hhe.its really nice. i want to do it but i didnt dare ask for the price.haha. anyone wanna do it w me>?/ ate at gluttons bay. fried oyster,chicken wings, sugar cane.hehe went to 'ENJOY' the huayi festival sort of ge tai. soem hokkien singer was singing.some old songs.haha.snap some pics of my parents. hehe cabbed hm. fun day. tse lyn au revoir
CNY - Thursday, February 07, 2008 @ 12:34 AM
cabbin to reunion dinner family photo cousins family chua n tay relatives came to my house today.hehe. was sorta fun la.played cards. lost money. my uncle damn zai, start w 10 cents n end with $10 . haha.joker sia.haha more relatives came later on in late afternoon and yet, i cooped myself up in the room bloggin.haha. i don like to mingle w relatives that i see less than 2 times a yr.its like wads e pt.other than that, they only see u when u get married n when u die.haha. . POINTLESS.haha. anyways, i have to give up my chair to e guest and that leaves me w me sittin on my bed to play com. haha. wanted to ask my friends to coem today. but its quite last i don think they should come la.haha. but no harm askin la. haha. hero/heroin is my alarm for today. its kinnddda annoyin le.haha. ps- im so workin 2moro. crap. tse lyn au revoir |
R.dinner - Wednesday, February 06, 2008 @ 8:28 AM
sin hoi sai tea anyone? our very 1st dish after nearly 40 min of waiting time cleared nightfall ngoih hiang-unfried prawns galore. Reunion dinenr was ok. i mean its a routine thingy which we do every yr. main topic- where am i gng ? which poly n course/ haha. expected la.heng, i did ok, otherwise DIE! alamak, how can say sucha inauspicious word.haha erm.... faceless. haha. cabbed hm. prepared for 2moro stuffs. relatives r comin to my house 2moro. which means utter chaos. im sorta in-charge of photography. haha. duh. haha. i love picture takin. its uber coolness. haha. anyone wan sponser me a new digi-cam? for my 18th bday? pls... i will take abundant piccas of you people man. pls... mom prepared mee siam,wu xiang,chicken wings, ice-cream and lot of pineapple tarts . haha.dono why. haha so, again, HAPPY RATTY NEW YR! tse lyn au revoir ps-new yr picca soon. hehe..i hope.haha |
CNY - @ 12:50 AM
new yr goodies now u see it new bedsheets. haha so nice:> went back to school -shss today. hehe. for e cny celebrations. chatted w chengtheng n gracia for a while. like a little update on themselves. haha. went to e school hall. nejoyed e hildan superstar n band competition. winner was a sec 1 girl .who sang 'hou niao'. i mean its ok la. average. but shes cute. hehe. she is also super lame. she asked her parents to come watch her sing. hah. then when she gt 1st, she hugged her parents like some superstar sia. haha. lame shit. hah. the winner got e superband competiton is xin ying n another girls sia. donno her name.but both of them participated in last yr's competition for solo de. now, with combined forces, they clinched e 1st.haha. but its like damn nice la. haha still dono why e xin ying cant get into campus superstar man. sucha pity.hehe. then hang around school.saw vivi n michelle. talked for a while. haha. and finally, she gave me e farewell gift.haha.after so long la. but its a gift that i will tressure man. all e juniors wrote things in e little sweet. vivian bought e 5 megapixel sony phone la. so jealous.aha trained to simei with a junior.haha talked for a while la. then went to eastpt to buy e curtain thingy. bought hair wax/ wanted to do an express pedi but siao. its cost $70. i mean crazy. i didnt do la. im not that rich. hah walked hm while chattin on e phone w jas.haha. she is like my phone-buddy la.haha. then did e new yr thingy AGAIN. preparing for reuinion dinner.hehe tse lyn au revoir
nyp - Tuesday, February 05, 2008 @ 6:36 AM
some pics in my portfolio.
theme-footsteps theme-innocence they liked this pic best. haha. theme-journey the hand-made envelopes. drawing test sucked, BIG TIME! they wanted us to draw like an abstract piece of work. haha.they crush paper then make until veyr nice then wan us to draw. to make it worse, the girl beside me drew so well.wad crap la. im like e least talented. or e most disadvantaged. almost all took art except me. haha. wad shit can. haha. did my best. thats all. so,this time i went to nyp w my portfolio.i didnt noe mus bring la. Hehe.. it was sorta last min rushed out. But I think its nice. Had 3 themes going on. Journey, footsteps, innocence. They are all photographs which I have taken erm…for the past 2 yrs. Trained dwn to nyp, was early for e 1st time. Had e nervous thingy going on. The interview sucked like hell.. they got me stutter. Shit man. They made me feel like I applied for e wrong course. Haha. Crap la. But 2 good things. They said I have good eyes. And I have an interesting compositions of pictures.haha. cool right?i didn’t know that my pictures would turned out so good. Haha. They particularly liked e pic of my couz. Haha. But im not confident if I can get into e course la.but, no harm tryin la..if you guys ever need a photographer, im here!!! However, VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS-I gotta say bb. Then cabbed dwn to wingtai building to collect my pay cheque for my job at warehouse. Saw dexter but he didn’t see me. Hehe. It felt so creepy in the building man. So old an scary. Haha. Then bused dwn to tampines . talked w jas on the way to tam inter. Was fun la. She ain’t gng back to sch 2moro and ql panged she me. Wads wrong w these people man… so, I guess im going back w my own friends. Hehe. Reached hm around 1. did e spring cleaning thingy for e whole house. Haha saw doctor. I like spent half of my pay at e clinic la. cost a bomb can. Haha. This year, my house is all geared up for CNY. With e new yr deco, new sofa and new bedsheets. Haha. new sofa new yr goodies sweets for my treats we r serving e kids these. haha. bought a carton of it. haha So,once again,im counting dwn to a brand new yr…with good lucks ,good schools and good course too.
Tselyn au revoir |
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