cheng theng n cheryl's big 18 chalet on monday. it was kinndda nice seeing those 5a people. it was fun . cards,talking ... hang around the chalet for aorund 4 hrs b4 headin to e sweet booth. it was fun. haha. scoopin for sweets. haha. shared e sweets amongst e 3 of us. haha. ql parents fetched us home. hehe.. saved on bus fare..haha
work today was ok. anne kelly sold around $600+ worth of clothes . i guess it was ok .haha. was decorating e manneqquin. hehe. was fun n funnny. got to noe more about jasmine seow. haha. she scored a freakin 8 pts of o levels can.. haha. shes gng to tp aviation .haha. very nice girl. haha. started talkin about history. haha. we both scored e same grades. haha B3!! . haha. trained home together. hehe..talked about stuffs.haha.
pay check came in today. $500++ but $73 goes to school fees, $24 to medical checkup, $50 to grandma ,$20 to dad, $19-clothes i bought for grandma, $149.8 to Ol evel english
AMT LEFT,$165!!!
wad e, work so hard only this miser amt for myself?? come on man, i haven buy my bag, clothes, camera...!!! i still have to pay my m1 bill which is about $150.. and TADAH!!! $15 bucks to myself??? huh???
work like shit and only $15 to myself?? makes no sense right? and i nv anyhow spend ok??? its all necessary expenditures!!!
how to survive???
tselyn au revoir