5a gathering yesterday. i super miss all of them ok? almost the whole class turned up at Mr sham's house. lets say only about 10 didn't come? met up w wei shan,wei qi ,wei yi, edward and lipping..walked to mr sham's house at around 230. ryan came.omg... haha.. i was like shocked. chatted. laughed. tp ians were like talking about they stuffs... i keep asking them to use lay man term ok? haha.. wait till next yr. haha.. oh ya..jian guang!! he changed a lot ok?? dyed hair n all. wah..qian ling, you want right? haha. people started coming around3+... it was fun... playing games.. like 'zhong ji mi ma'. while playing, our beloved mdm norhani came!!! its been uber long since we saw her. lol. pizza came soon after. so, after playing 2 rounds of that game, went to makan. lol. chatted w daniel, mdm norhani,reb,jas,mel,jess,joshua ,ql......it was super funny ok?? haha..
left the house around 6+..
walked to ehub. i had to leave cause i got a curfew at 6+. in e end, reached home at 8. lol..
parents killed me with they eyes. haha.. then , they went to watch get smart. . lol. so, i was home alone from 9-12. installed e stupid adobe. did some flashing. lol.. weird turnout. haha. so, i'll be trying to changed it today.
cycling 2moro.. so looking forward to it ok? haha.. i wonder when will be the next time i cycle after 2moro. haha..
i forgot to blog about my cousin's band concert. haha.. it was last sunday.( yes, fathers day). TKGSSB>super good ok?? the sound, music. my cousin looked super cute.haha. w the uniform. haha. so cute. saw markus and ms tan. yes..my wdmp teacher.haha. i was so shocked ok?? haha..
tselyn au revoir
ps-more pictures will come after i get them from cheng theng. (for the 1st time, i didnt use my camera that much). dslr..seriously, im going to get it!