trina and andrew

my bestie clique

han ming
omg.. i love my D3 class to death!!!!!!
1st, i got a lovely bday card from 'mei nu' trina and 'shuai ge' qifeng. super cute okkk?
next, wenqi gave me a bday present. show cruel stage dvd. although its 'free', i love her to death kk??? haha... its the whole dvd!!!!
3rd, my clique gave me by for the most pai seh present of all!!!!! wah piang, i was super super embarressed. but i enjoyed every moment of it... hm was cool about it... haha... he looks damn nice kk??
4th, next week, after DE common test, D3 is gonna celebrate my super belated bday at ehub. ive no idea what we are gonna do there but its lik the whole class???? im so ps cause most of them stay in the north and west. and they are willing to come all the way to east side... WAHHHHH!!!!
mb, after today, i might not be gng to tp.. cause d3 is da bomb!!!!
tselyn au revoir