my lyrics
journals to me are like _____[FILLED IT YOURSELF]
comex - Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 9:58 AM
lunch with peeps ytd. omg!! i super miss them kk? eventhough it was only 12 hours not seeing them. saw them the day before for teachers day. haahs.makan-ed at tam stadium jap place. 99 cents/plate of sushi.very nice can the crokoke amd its freakin cheap.4 for $4. ahahas.had fried ebi and all. very nice!!! finally got my crabstick sushi.was seraching high and low on the convayor belt.hahas. anyways, didnt take many picsutres except group pic cause ryan will be gng for NS lah. during lunch, a freakin call came. WORK AT COMEX 08!! it was freakin impromtu ok? time then was 1 plus.told them i'll reach there b4 3. hahas. so, after lunch, chatted with mel about BAMBOO STICK and rushed home to change. stupid sia. i should have worn jeans n shoes ok?? waste my time.!! anyways, reached comex at 315. saw cheryl. she was kindda shock cause the day b4 i was IM-ing her sayin how much i wan to work for COMEX.haha. i was assogned to work for TOSHIBA under harvey norman la. i mena, workin in sales line b4 made me have a frekain huge ADVANTAGE kk?? used my PR skills to communicate with customers. but, MY CHINESE SUCKS!!!i don even understand wth im talkin!! but, to me, sales was good.solde about 200+ thumbdrive/memory cards. call me DUMB or what. but wth, for about the 1st 50 pieces which i sold, i didnt write my PROMOTER, i said BYE BYE to my comission. stupid right?? LEARNT FROM MISTAKES!!! hahas.made friend!!!THATS THE MOST IMPORTANT!! zi hui, leeling,jesslyn ,cherie .henry and many more. one happened to be my senior from EI.but i FORGOT HER PRECIOUS NAME!!! sharks!! nvm, haahs. knocked off at 1030+ .saw boon. super shock k?? i didnt noe that he was workin there la. ahaha. then met up with the NEC gang(whom im still pissed at) to train home. hahs. L.A.M.E!
day 2 of comex was one word, HECTIC!!!i freaked out when more than 5 customers took orders from at THE SAME TIME~~~!!!super super hectic... sales was even better today.approx 300-400 thumbdrives la. not so bad. hahas.IM JUS A NEWBIE>>2 days old.hahas. after work was CRRRRAAAZZZYYY as well. packed the stuffs and had to label it ok?? it was crazy. i think there were over 70 cartons or wad la. but had to pack it accrdingly and paste the seal thingy . UP,SIDE AND BOTTOM.wah, damn tiring.BUT FUN! lol. anyways, COMEX WAS GREAT but i don think i like the packin part. IF ONLY.... trained home/ mom asked me 'wah, u going into sales line already arr'/ hahas.i was like NO.haha. super shag kk? BUT I SUR DO LOVE TO TALK TO PEOPLE!!its fun interacting with diff people!! BOYS LIKE GIRLS 2MORO AT so gonna go there. hahas.poly clique gathering 2moro. celebrating andrew's bday. coolness.. work startin on the 3rd of sep.which means i have officially 1 day to rest my legs which is uber acheing now!! tselyn au revoir |
work madness!! - Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 9:25 AM
teacher's day celebrations at SHSS was a blast . caught up with so many peeps . even though its like 1 week since i saw them. it was nice. hahas. saw my choir juniors and all!!! chuying said to abu 'tselyn looks nicer like that hor' i was like wth. i was U.G.L.Y. last time meh?? kiddin la. haha .saw so many teachers. i miss mdm lau, mdm norhani, mrs leong, mr sham, mr lee,ms yew ,miss goh and even sharil. hahas. i missed their teaching!!! seriously. they ROCK!! talked a lot with mr lee , mdm norhani and mrs leong. omg!! did i mention i saw ms tan !! SS teacher?? she remembers me!! hopefully it was for the good reasons.haahs. ok, im not praising myself or anything but kindda lot of teachers said 'eh, tselyn , you slimed down'. ok, so i'll heed mr lee's advice and turn it to positive instead of negetive stuffs. haahs. i said 'THANK YOU!!!' so many times ok?? i have to admit, i was happy!! hahas. miss tan said that 'tselyn, you better don't slim down somemore otherwise i make you copy chapters arr'. haahs. omg,talkin bout copying chapters!! i miss those copyin chapters time man. it really does help!!! IM NOT SICK IN THE MIND KK?? SECONDARY SCHOOL PEOPLE, CRASH COURSE!!COPY YOUR HIST OR SS BOOKS AND I GURANTEE YOU AT LEAST A B!!! anyways, makaned at S11 with peeps. it was fun.cause b4 that, mel wanted to weigh herself on some 'pay money machine' hahas. so, she weighed. good weight! shan't reveal cause i don think she wans peopel to know. hahas. i also weighed myself out of curiosity!! OMG!!! not to be proud or ad la, but, i lost 10 kgs since jan. ok, slow progession but WTH!! im 65kg. OK LA, STILL HEAVY OK???but mom says its enough. hahas. im a happy child. haha WATSONS time!!! omg, dont you just miss the good old days?? of, after school shopping at TM??i kindda missed it!!HAHAS. trained to city hall for work. damn tiring cause new stocks came in.did inventory and steaming of clothes. today is by far the MOST TIRING DAY ever!! hahas. met a new friend.huixian. omg, she's damn pretty ok??? and nice!! hahas. same age too!!so cool arr!! hahs. and her english name is TRISLYN!kinnda similar as my name huh. haahs. me n jas got super played by that COMPANY!!! we shant patronise them EVER!!!right jas?? BRUNCH with fellow clique 2moro..i super miss them already la. oh my, i think im so dependant on them now!! hahas. how?? hahas. tselyn au revoir |
work - Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 7:25 AM
call me crazy or what. ive just gotten my work schedule for my SEAB and robinsons job. the whole month of SEPT would be WORK WORK WORK.even though there are some days that don't need to work in SEAB, i was arranged to work at robinsons. hahas. i have only like 6-7 days break which are on Saturdays. hahas .
cousin. caught up . A LOT! heard a lot of stuffs about my cousins and all. work today was damn fun. new colleagues in familiar surroundings. how cool is that!! my cousin came to help me with another brand today. hahas. brought her to Christy and she showed her what i did the day before. hahas. i'll be workin at that brand again 2moro. anyways, lunched with my cous. coincidentally, my mom called her mom ( my aunt) to meet up. hahas. we were like laughing la. so lame. hahas. mom n auntie came to see us at work. bought a tunic. which was on freakin sale ok?? usual price-$59. then discounted to $ 27.30. STEAL huh. hahas. LOVE MY JOB!! after work, met up with lp,ed and ws. went to COMEX. omg.... the 1st person i saw was wenhui.SHE RECOGNIZED ME!! i totally forgot who she was. until she asked me whether i was from SHPS. hahas. omg, weird but cool!!! totally SSTM!!she is a promoter for fujiflim. SUPPORT HER KK?? she will get COMMISSION!!hahas who cares about my bunch of classmates. hahas. NEC.whatever!! im still pissed at what happen la. kindda ignore everyone there . dono why. WEIRD. im not outcasting ANYONE!!i must clarify!! hahas. searched for the best and cheapest CAMERAs. i still prefer NIKON and SONY. crapped with ws and ed saying my bday is coming. hahas.11 MONTHS later. hahas. *HINT HINT* funny sia. trained home and planned for teachers day 2moro! SECONDARY SCHOOL PEEPS!!! LISTEN OUT!!! I TOTALLY MISS YOU PEOPLE KK??? CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU PEOPLE!!! tselyn au revoir |
frustration - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 12:48 AM
call me random or what. NYP has been a hell of a ride for me. and the thought of leaving it the end of the year would be kind of unbearable. but , IF i really do leave, i hope that 0803 would still be friends with me and not like blame me for my decision. from start till now, ive already said to myself that NYP is just like a back-up . its is just temporary. for 1 yr. until im done with my english, i WILL leave. but now, from i WILL it changed to MIGHT! i seriously dont know how i would fair for my english. looking back at my secondary results, english has always been an obstacle to me. its sort of like a waveform. nv constant. i have to get a B!! if i dont, im gonna be so bumped. i mean, TP was always what i wanted. so what if i waste yr. look at my class. so many 19 year olds. and they fit in just well. so what is the problem. NO PROBLEM right? moreover, even if i go to TP and its anIT -related course, i would have a better head start. don't you think so? enough of all my stupid rantings. its just STUPID. why bother. lunch w trina earlier on. was good that i got out of the house. finally!! talked and crapped. but i still sense a little unfamiliarity . mb we ain't that acquainted Yet. haha. but we'll be. soon. haha. we are going to buy essence of chicken for our secondary school teachers!!! coolness. haha. Bye Bye money. haha. its worthy though. haha. i think i wont be free to blog from 2moro onwards. so, till then, see you guys soon. tselyn au revoir
3rd post - Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 9:55 AM
i should clarify stuffs out. seriously. nothing means anything by an msn nickname. i mean seriously, we learn communication skills for a reason. communication BREAKDOWN.
major breakdown!!!! 1st friendship problem coming into poly. i need to think how to fix this FAST!!! otherwise its gonna be weird next week. i should clarify by saying im pissed not because of what had happen. its the didn't tell me about it. ok, this may sound cliche but 'friends don't keep secret from each other'. say that this is not a secret but freedom to have own personally space but still .... nvm. mb, i was brought up this way. i needa know everything and anything . its just ME. if i wasnt told about anything, i'll feel weird and not at ease. i mean, not NOT AT EASE but mb, i will feel like im out of the clan or something. its just insecurity. again, since secondary school. i have gone through friends problem as well. take me n i have this problem. seriously. i dont know how to change or what to change. my peeps who knows me well know what kind of person and personalities i have. since young, ok, im exaggerating , take me and ql as an example, i cant even count how many times we have fought over stupid stuffs and sometimes, its just me being temperamental. friendships are hard to maintain. thats why me n ql have come a long way and our friendship has never been better. so, im dishing everything out in this post to show how sincere i am to being a friend. msg me . tselyn au revoir |
pissed - @ 8:45 AM
NO EXPLANATIONS WHY. don't bother asking. xoxo-gossip girl. epi 6. still have 11 more. i have to finish till 10 by tonight!!! otherwise, im gonna be so bumped!! out with trina for lunch 2moro. finally!! out of the house. after 2moro, i will be damn packed.. IT A GOOD THING!!!! PLANS FOR THE WEEK wednesday work thursday work with cousin :>haven seen her in a long long time friday teacher's day celebrations and work saturday Ryan NS enlistment lunch with peeps monday Andrew's bday celebration tuesday MAYBE out with kling and sam wednesday official start of SEAB job and suan-ing of mr kong. haha. ![]() I TOTALLY MISS THEM!!! tselyn au revoir |
cleaning up my closet - Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 11:32 PM
pictures i promised
books recreational class photos. pri-> secondary everything in my room is ok except for the most important thing.MY STUDY TABLE!!! haha. its still in a mess. stay home monday. as usual. 3 days straight at home. its freakin' boring. mb, just mb i should go out 2moro. haha. alone or what. haha. just to see the outside world. haha. it beats having to see the same structure and all. so boring. haha. hopefully, the auntie can put me to work on wed. so that i can earn an extra income or wad. its so boring!! haha. good news. i've saved $80 for avril's concert . hehe :> SEAB job officially starts on the 3rd. so, i still have 1 week to do what i should do. events
teacher's day celebrations-friday andrew's bday- 2nd sept SEAB job-3rd sept Avril concert- 7th sept currently re-watching xoxo~gossip girl to kill time. tselyn au revoir |
sunday - @ 7:57 AM
so, sunday was a total bore. not as boring as saturday though. haha. woke up and makaned breakfast at 201 with parents. walked home. then embarked on a 4 hours marathon online. haha. youtubed. as usual. thats like the only recreational thingy i can do online ok?? weather was great to sleep in but wasnt in the mood to take a nap. chatted with cheng online and had loads of updates on her. it was cool. fun la. she said ' chatting with 5a is like a comfort'. i agree with her. i mean totally!!! 5a is like 1/4 of my life. okok im exageratting but i mean, we have been together for 3 years. its like we have made buddies for life ok?? and a sudden change in less meetings really make me miss 5a a lot. i mean a lot. now, most of the people are having exams and it seems like its only me that is free!!! we cant hang yet but this friday! it would be like a reuinion. I CANT WAIT!! ok, back to today. after 4 hours straight online, was in the mood to pack my room. threw away loads of papers. LOADS OF SCIENCE PAPERS!!! haha. all O' level stuffs were thrown and only english related stuffs were kept. found my primary school class pics up till secondary school. omg, I LOOK FREAKIN' HIDEOUS as a child. haha. mb it was cute then but looking back, i look funny. as in F.U.N.N.Y!! my room is in a KINDDA NEAT position now. i have a shelf for astro boys stuffs and a shelf for luo zhi xiang. cool huh. haha. i'll upload the pictures 2moro. don't be jealous hor. haha. dinner at bedok north. great dinner. freakin full. cabbed home. olympics closing ceremony. i might be going to enhance my room 2moro or going out. i have totally NO IDEA!!! tselyn au revoir ps- im revising my french right now so that i won't crumble when french starts in new sem. haha |
pictures - Friday, August 22, 2008 @ 10:21 PM
waiting at the void deck for like 30 min before my orals. haha at the bowling alley. heh. edward, weishan and lip ping's arm strength is freeeaakiin good ok?? 15.53 mph. haha. damn fast. i like this pic. haha. melissa took it. kindda cool. oh my, shan't' praise her. haha. stay home saturday. no work till next wednesday. haha.. my avril concert!!! i have 20 bucks more to go!!! tselyn au revoir |
oral - @ 10:06 AM
i was damn scared before my orals ok?? reporting time was 215, and i reached there at 1? im crazy. so i decided to sit at the void deck, listen to my mp3 and msg people. haha. qian ling was also taking her oral's today. only difference was that her school was at TKGS. i went into the school at 130pm SHARP!!!saw some familiar faces like isabella ,huiting and ariel. ok, so, i was LUCKY NUMBER 4!! in front of me was isabella. she is in tp. integrated facility thingy. interesting course. i wanted to go there ok?? but COP is freakin high. whats more, i failed my science. haha. so, bye bye to that course. omg, when it was my turn to read the passage, i was FRRRREEEEAAAAKKKKIIIIIINNNNN OOOUUUUUTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was saying SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT like 20,000 times ok?? i didnt even prepare anything for the orals ok?? the private candidates there were like holding books, practising and all. and me??? I WAS LIKE GOING THERE TO HAVE A CHAT WITH TEACHERS ok?? haha. not prepared at all. passage, picture and convo was ok. i think i aced it. but, whats important is the paper 1 and 2. compo and compre. KILLLLLEEEEERRRR. tks qifeng, gw,trina and the rest of the class who wished me good luck. i seriously hope that i will ace my english and do myself proud. dont blame me for going tp(if i CAN!!). I.T. isnt my forte. seriously!!! ended orals about 3. rotted at white sands for my friends . ok, call me dumb or what. but seirously, i cant trust my friends when they say they are reachin. cause they are still at HOME!!!! i was so pissed ok?? haha. so, i rotted at white sands for 1 hour plus. saw mel(my cousin). i mean i didnt realise it was him till he came up to me. haha. he didnt look familier to me ok?? haha. i totally forgot how he looked. haha. crazy!!! SSTM . hah. met up with my friends at 515 at ehub. ok, so i bowled again. i wanted to prove to my friends that i could play. haha. but they were just too good ok?? strike so many times !!!! its crazy. lip ping taught me some skills. hahaha.... FANTASTIC 4, IM GONNA WIN YOU ALL LE!!! ql and jasmine came when we were playing. haha.. talked for a while and all. haha. it was fun!! took piccas too. haha went to mel's sister's 21st bday chalet at around 7. makaned. we were all freakin hungry ok?? haha. 2 plates full of beehoon with curry and 2 hotdogs and 1 chicken wing. haha. pathetic right?? its all beaumont and junrong's fault ok?? their fire wasnt strong AT ALL!!!haha. freakin' weak. haha. took loads of pictures as usual and crapped. haha. we crapped about boys stuffs with boys around. haha. funny right? haha. talked about school life, personal stuffs and all. haha. how crappy classmates can be and all. haha.. it was FUN!!! im gonna meet those peeps next friday for teachers day celebrations. time passes freakin fast!!! aha. im so happy today!!! ACED ORALS(checked) OUT WITH SEC CLIQUE(checked) pictures will be up 2moro when i use my desktop. haha.dont miss me:> tselyn au revoir
before orals - Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 8:49 PM
cycling kakis. ~im always in a big mess :< bowling peeps. only source of energy. some fish cracker thingy its official. once thomas sees his favourite basketball machine, he will pop in a coin and play it. seirously, he wont make his coin go to waste ok??? haha i miss foosball:>(didn't get to play though) time now is 12pm and in less than 2 hours, im gonna be at coral secondary school waiting to impress the examiners with my glib tongue.i seriously have to ace this orals otherwise i'll be damn beaten.i will do my utmost best so that my grandma's money won't go to waste.since she was the one who sponsored for it. its a $150 ok??? cannot waste money!!! posted some ECP piccas and will load more since e other piccas are in my laptop instead of the desktop. chalet later. cant wait!!!! lets see, i will get to see my lovely ql and mel. togehter with lipping, edward and weishan. haha... i haven seen them in ages. ok la, i mean i jus saw melissa last week and ql on this mon. the boys, i haven seen them since my bbq. still, IT LONG RIGHT??? kk, gtg. ~~wish me luck guys~~ tselyn au revoir |
ECP - @ 7:47 AM
ECP today with thomas, fuji, gw and jane. it was sorta like a last minute decision la.everything was confirmed at 11 pm last night. haha. met the boys at parkway and walked to ecp. rented bike for freakin' 2 hours. but, it was fun!! haha... wobbly legs after riding. haha. bowling after that. omg, i decided to play with them since i stll had time. 2 rounds. 1st round was freakin FAST!~! haha... we practically just threw balls into the lane ok? my pts was 53... a major improvement from my usual 30 ok?? 2nd time, much better.. i had my very 1st strike in like donno how many yrs.haha ...was very happy. haha.walked back to parkway. my mom saw my poly friends for the very first time!!! haha...kindda good impression of them bah.haha. bused home w mom to SAVE MONEY!!!
chalet/bowling 2moro with that person who got a turkey .haha... my secondary school friends.i miss them to the CORE ok? haha O LEVEL ORALS 2MORO.haha...freakin scared... yet a little high.heard that this yr's convo topic was killer topics!!!but, i'll do my best and get my butt into TP BUSINESS. even though i know they have huge chucks of curriculum and all, but hello!!! BUSINESS STUDENT leh. aha picutres will be uploaded 2moro. together with chalet pics.haha.. o levels!!! i better kill it!!!~~wish me luck people...:> tselyn au revoir |
work - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 9:12 AM
work today was a total bore. until at night where i met a robinson staff huishan. she is freakin nice ok? NP-BUSINESS. L1r4 9 pts!!!! crazy sia. but she is very ncie la.. talked a lot. haha.. it was to kill time. today time pass damn slowly ok??? everytime i see i watch, its only like 1min gone and all. god for SMS!!! msged gw and trina.haha.. time passed a little faster this way.haha anyways, was suppose to go back to sec school for oral assistance but mdm norhani has to cover for another teacher for oral examination. so shitty sia. but shes nice to offer her help la. its just SUAY!!but , anyways, i have to wish myself GOOD LUCK on friday for NOT PREPARING !! so, changed of plans.gonna go ECP to CYCLE!!! with jane,gw,thomas n fuji. i needa UNWIND after exams la. haha. looking forward to that. haha.. f
riday, MEL SISTER'S BDAY chalet~loads of CRAPPING TO BE DONE!! guys, you miss my crapping right???? haha im beginning to like buckcherry's song. haha. damn nice sia. their voice is very RAW!!! sorry!!(its the song title) tselyn au revoir
maths - Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 3:09 AM im introducing my new hairstyle now. since im in the mood to do so. freakin' nerdy right? weird!!! even trina said i looked like some nerd. haha. mb its a compliment?? haha who knows. no choice. i still have to wait for freakin' 3 months before my hair will grow to the length it was before. im FINALLY exams free . after mugging hard for 1 week on maths, it has finally paid off.... i can at least secure a B . its ok already la. i don't expect a lot I HAVE 2 OF THIS!!!its just a stamp thingy form eating HAPPY MEAL!!! haha. ytd was craziness.. maths at mac from 2-10. crazy!! by the time i reached home, it was close to 11. didn't revise maths at all !!! but, i didn't know why i dream of INTEGRATION! haha. weird. anyways, my O'level oral will be this friday and i'll be going back to sec sch on thurs for HELP!!! imagine, 1 day b4 exam hen prepare??? siao!!! its gonna be this girl's bday and this guy's bday soon. AVRIL4!!! work 2moro. anyone wanna pei me makan dinner?? i doubt so :<tselyn au revoir |
shunji - Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 8:40 AM
im freakin' nv going to go back to SHUNJI ever again. STORM's much better. and cheaper. haha. i didnt like their service and all. i thought i would go out of the shop with a different style. but , when i sat on the chair, they asked me what i had in mind.. i was like thinkin to myself, IF I HAD SOMETHING IN MIND, I WOULD HAVE CUT IT BY MYSELF LE are the pro, you tell me what kind of style i suit right?? shit la. my hair is like freakin' freakin' mess!!! so weird. hha. i miss my BOB!!! freakin regretted.
i hope my sec sch mates wont freak out of something when they see me next friday. haha anyways, i thought i was LATE QUEEN.apparently, someone has taken over my THRONE!!! i was suppose to meet gw at 1130. in the end, 1130, he was still at yck. wah piang, i tell you. i was damn pissed ok?? he reached at 12. when the appointment was at 12. so stupid right? and he still can say that i'm a SUNTEC NOOB!!!wah...i tell you!! *hot hot* after haircut, met up with trina and the rest of the gang. went to study. at bk again. from 2-830. crazyness!!! but i absorbed a lot!! a lot..... and i have to, because im having work 2moro and i have no time to study. emailed kling questions just now. hopefully, she can solve it for me :> my hair is in a huge mess and i hate it!!! its weird..... after tuesday, im free!!! AVRIL4. i have to save money !!!! tselyn au revoir |
study again.. - Friday, August 15, 2008 @ 7:13 AM
went back to secondary school today. haha. that vivian. i told her i'll be meeting her in the canteen at 1015. thank god i went early like 1010. she was walking out of the school and she FORGOT!!haha. heng, i saw her. haha. that girl. haha. collected my testimonial and i saw so amny choir juniors and teachers.haha.. i saw jared and joselyn!! haha. funny.
vivian taught me maths.Calculus to be exact. haha. understood integration and all..graphs.. wah, had a sense of accomplishment. but it wasnt enough. so,went to mac to study again. this time it was better. i finished more stuffs. haha. laughed like shit also. haha. almost 80% done with amths. i can even memorise the answers now. thats how hardcore i am.. haha. 7 hours of maths ok??? mac-ed from 2-730. met w mom and trained home. haha. tselyn au revoir |
study - Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 9:21 AM
HARDCORE MATHS again. this time at MAC.haha.
im like freakin' sick of fastfood already. haha. bk and mac..wah..DIE SIA. WAHAHA.the fries and burgers and not to forget the COKE . haha... studied more in depth on differenciation and intergrel. im still confused on graphs and intergrel thingy. going back to secondary school 2moro . to get vivian to teach me and collect testi. time now is 1225am and im suppose to go back to school at 1015am... haha.. ive to sleep but i can't.haha. today, my mom asked me, you study so hard for 1 paper only??? all those going out and study fro 1 PAPER??? haha... OLEVEL ORAL COUNTDOWN~~~ 8 days!!! tselyn au revoir |
David Archuleta - Crush - Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 8:54 AM
David Archuleta( American Idol??) has come out with a new song.
CRUSH. hmmm.. kindda wordy but its nice. haha.i hang up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time Deep inside It was a rush, what a rush Cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way About me It's just too much, just too much Why do I keep running from the truth All I ever think about is you You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized And I just got to know Do you ever think When you're all alone All that we can be Where this thing can go Am I crazy or falling in love Is it really just another crush Do you catch a breath When I look at you Are you holding back Like the way I do Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away But I know this crush aint goin away, goin away Has it ever cross you mind When were hangin, spending time girl, Are we just friends Is there more, is there more See it's a chance we've gotta take Cause I believe that we can make this into Something that will last, last forever, forever Do you ever think When you're all alone All that we can be Where this thing can go Am I crazy or falling in love Is it really just another crush Do you catch a breath When I look at you Are you holding back Like the way I do Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away But I know this crush aint goin away, goin away Why do I keep running from the truth All I ever think about is you You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized And I just got to know Do you ever think When you're all alone All that we can be Where this thing can go Am I crazy or falling in love Is it really just another crush Do you catch a breath When I look at you Are you holding back Like the way I do Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away But I know this crush aint goin away, goin away maths today AGAIN. i seriously can see maths till i vomit. haha. but who cares.thats the price you have to pay for wanting an A!! see Micheal Phelps. 11 GOLD MEDALS in Athens and Beijing. haha . so put my heart and soul to maths and its really, reap what you sow. haha . studying maths again. hardcore maths hour tally. mon-4 hours up to date, 14 hours. oh my, its freakin LITTLE!! but what i can say, its that im 60% there.. just push a little more!!!tues-5 hours wed-5hours cutting hair this sat. BUT IM STILL IN DILEMMA. i dono which hairstyles to cut!!! SHORT??? again? ive always had short hair thoughout secondary school. i want a change for poly thats why i straightened my hair. now, its a little hard to part my my medium length hair ok?? so wad am i suppose to do? haha. i gave my word to gw saying i'll cut with him. haha.. cannot pang seh. haha.. die die.!!! tselyn au revoir |
study - Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 7:21 AM
![]() ![]() after so long, my cravin of JCO dOnuts was satisfied. went to bk easpt to study today. im like bk hopping ok?? ytd was at millenia walk and today, eastpoint. main reason why i went to bk instead of studyin at home was because there are distractions and if i stay at home, my dad would definitely get me to clean up the house which i would inevitably DONT WISH TO DO SO.haha .. anyways, started at 145. i was suppose to do studyin alone then trina called me at around 3-4?? saying she could come. so, we studied together.tks tks. haha..i understood COMPLEMENTS !! haha. don gimme e whatever face ok?? i noe its a simple chap but im weak at it. now i noe. haha.. hehe.. happy happy:>:>:>:>:>:> left BK at 7. met up with mom and walked home. haha. studying again 2moro... tselyn au revoir MY OLEVELS ORAL IS LESS THAN 15 DAYS.shit. |
super short post - Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 8:04 AM
went to MS BK to study with class. notice ITS CLASS! ahah...very fruitful.know graphs, differencitation and KILLER VENN DIAGRAMS. haha.
robinsons after studyin with mom..i miss RAFFLES gonna ask micheal to tansfer me back!! ahaha.. i love swimmers!!! they rock! pictures in next post. tselyn au revoir |
ice tour - Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 8:01 AM
![]() HSM ICE TOURomg!!! just came home from expo. i tell you, the HSM ICE TOUR is damn nice!!!the figure skaters are damn cool. they look so like the original cast of high school musical ok? eventhough they are different people. haha... took some pictures but im lazy to upload. mb , i'll upload it in the next entry. anyways, i watched it alone. reason being, my mom wasnt keen in it and it was a last min thing cause i bought the ticks online this morning at 11am. haha. remember?? i was sick ytd. haha . so it was sorta like a last minute thingy and it being the last show, I HAVE TO CATCH IT!!! didn't regret.. i was so happy kk? haha studying with clique 2moro.. haha..can't wait. wenqi got to shake hands with JAM XIAO!!!wah so upset with myself for not going ok..... tselyn au revoir |
fever - Saturday, August 09, 2008 @ 9:09 PM
burnt up till 39.2 degrees last night.
freakin' aching all over. damn tiring. could be because of the weather. makaned panadol. damn giddy. what a national day!! HSM ice tour tonight. hopefully i can tahan. its the last show for them. im damn excited!! study break starting from 2moro.MATH MATH MATH!!! i have to get an A!!! freakin stress out. tselyn au revoir |
winter sonata - Friday, August 08, 2008 @ 12:17 AM
so i guess my clique is hooked on JEFF CHANG'S 从开始到现在. made famous by the Korean soap drama 'WINTER SONATA' with my ONLY favourite Korean actress choi ji woon. haha .
so guess what am i doing now? I'm watching youtube . only difference is that I'm learning maths via videos. CALCULUS!! freaking killer. im learning differentiation online. ha ha. viwawa-ed with gw,wq and thomas last night. it was my 1st time playing ok? and guess what I LOST EVERY SINGLE GAME!!
nothing to boast about huh. haha. IM NEW!!! no, after watching those diff videos online, im gonna go do maths. haha. start a little 1st. otherwise i will be super lost next week. I'M A SLOW LEARNER. i take hours and days to digest. HAPPY OLYMPICS DAY!! this marks the beginning of 24/7 sports coverage on tv. shit. haha. im only interested in badminton and table tennis.. others doesn't interest me at all!! nvm, STUDY!!!tselyn au revoir |
maths - Thursday, August 07, 2008 @ 1:42 AM
![]() 2D arrays for POC. clique was busy viwawa-ing. haha.. i listened to lesson. but was a little shag. aha.. teacher asked andrew and qf to sing cause in the report conclusion, i wrote that lesson was a little dry and all. haha. it was damn funny ok. anyways, after lesson, had some talk by level co-ordinator. then makaned at south canteen. PAY CAME IN TODAY!!! haha.eventhough its a small amount but who cares. i have money. haha. im gonna cut hair!! and hopefully, HIGHLIGHT!! anyways, maths lecture was fun!! i understood matrix and cramers rule. its freakin fun okk?? went to photocopy maths revision answers after school. trained home with qf, jane,boon,trina and her bf and wenqi. haha.. ~~~FUN~~~ hopefully love guru 2moro.. haha.. but sam has driving prac. haha tselyn au revoir
concentration - Tuesday, August 05, 2008 @ 11:18 PM
nanyang polytechnic i just love this pic. although its a little out of focus but who cares. today is just a total slack day. gonna maths e whole day. haha. eventhough half the day is freakin' gone. haha. woke up at 1 pm me a pig. haha. chatted with fuji on msn. talked about what i am gonna do if i get a B3 for english ( which i hopefully can get) . if i really get a B3, initial though would be considering leaving NYP and go to TP. but after these 2 weeks, i have to say, 0803 will be a freakin huge reason i might not go. its like they are one of the cooless bunch of people you can ever meet. so i have no accurate or guaranteed answer on what im gonna do if i get a B3 but DEPENDS!!! seriously. anywyas, my o'levels are coming right up and its like im still doing poly stuffs or sometimes not even doing anything. 2 more weeks to oral.. shit la. pls talk ENGLISH with me. no more cheena, dialect or even SINGLISH!! am i COMPETITIVE??i mean in school?? seriously, i have to admit at times i am la. but who can blame me. its e society. everyone is so competitive these day and if i have the slack attitude, its totally BUANG!!! work 2moro after school. the prob is, i didnt know maths lecture was till 2. how!!! i start work at 2. shit!! tselyn au revoir |
poc - Monday, August 04, 2008 @ 10:52 PM
ASTRO BOY met up with jane, qifeng and trina at bedok b4 heading to school for POC. sorta crapped on the train. its always fun and laughter with them ok?? together w the rest of the clique. haha. poc was rather a waste of time. went through all the mcq answers for the past 3 quizzes which we did throughout the whole semester. after that, i seriously thought we had maths lecture. but it was cancelled. i dono why .haha. apparently, everyone knows about it except me. haha. so, we did something illegal i guess?? haha... we hanged in the lecture hall. haha.. crapped and all.. freakin hilarious. haha makaned in school. trained home w qifeng and trina. haha.. joked,lame home. schoolless 2moro. haha. staying home to study maths i think?? if not, jio me out!! hahah.. jkjk... study study :> studyin with friends next week.. everyday. CMATHS!!! saw marcus on the way home.. haven seen him in a long while. haha.guess everyone has been so busy about projects and stuffs. hmmmm... tselyn au revoir |
0803 - @ 7:51 AM
![]() taken at some admiralty garden while studying DE!!!! seriously, i was studying!! just took some time off to rest!! talking about DE, i freakin know how to do the CT paper ok?? the previous time, i got a D. i think this time round, i can get a B or A!! depending on whether i have any careless mistakes a not. ahaha .. after the test, makaned in school till 1. then bused down from yck to tampines via 72. 1st time sia. haha.. i mean, its ok la.. frekain long and tiring. haha. trained dwn from tampines to pasir ris. call us crazy but we did it! haha. funny.. but its ok.. seeing the north people so foreign to east side.haha. funny!!! ![]() THOMAS SAVES THE DAY!!! i have to specify, this is the thomas that is cute!! ![]() ![]() ![]() super shocking cake. i fed everyone with it. haha. except some. haha EHUB!! bowlers COUPLE OF THE YEAR!! oh sharks, i forgot bout ifah and faz. haha groupy fazid thomas trina and spongebob syed for sale. dao kia andrew CLIQUE-Y cute trina and even cuter me! ahah. jkjk bowlers me jane sabrina MUMMY!!! In order to get student price, we had to display all out student cards. freakin' hilarious. haha the mummy is freakin ZAI ok? the morphing of jet li is just damn fantastic. haha. story line was so so. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() taken in school before going ehub. haha roses made form mac tissue. tks 0803. damn nice kk? i carried it safely from yck to ehub. and i'll keep it ...seriously!! THIS POST IS SUPER upside down. haha. started with end of day then to beginning of day. stupid right. haha. anywyas, i have somemore piccas but im lazy to wait for blogger to wad i shall do is to save it in my thumb drive. if u wan it, tell me :> had a fun and great day today!!! we shall hang more often after MaTH k?? best bday celebrations ever. with my bbq and now this!!! tselyn au revoir |
comex - Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 9:58 AM
lunch with peeps ytd. omg!! i super miss them kk? eventhough it was only 12 hours not seeing them. saw them the day before for teachers day. haahs.makan-ed at tam stadium jap place. 99 cents/plate of sushi.very nice can the crokoke amd its freakin cheap.4 for $4. ahahas.had fried ebi and all. very nice!!! finally got my crabstick sushi.was seraching high and low on the convayor belt.hahas. anyways, didnt take many picsutres except group pic cause ryan will be gng for NS lah. during lunch, a freakin call came. WORK AT COMEX 08!! it was freakin impromtu ok? time then was 1 plus.told them i'll reach there b4 3. hahas. so, after lunch, chatted with mel about BAMBOO STICK and rushed home to change. stupid sia. i should have worn jeans n shoes ok?? waste my time.!! anyways, reached comex at 315. saw cheryl. she was kindda shock cause the day b4 i was IM-ing her sayin how much i wan to work for COMEX.haha. i was assogned to work for TOSHIBA under harvey norman la. i mena, workin in sales line b4 made me have a frekain huge ADVANTAGE kk?? used my PR skills to communicate with customers. but, MY CHINESE SUCKS!!!i don even understand wth im talkin!! but, to me, sales was good.solde about 200+ thumbdrive/memory cards. call me DUMB or what. but wth, for about the 1st 50 pieces which i sold, i didnt write my PROMOTER, i said BYE BYE to my comission. stupid right?? LEARNT FROM MISTAKES!!! hahas.made friend!!!THATS THE MOST IMPORTANT!! zi hui, leeling,jesslyn ,cherie .henry and many more. one happened to be my senior from EI.but i FORGOT HER PRECIOUS NAME!!! sharks!! nvm, haahs. knocked off at 1030+ .saw boon. super shock k?? i didnt noe that he was workin there la. ahaha. then met up with the NEC gang(whom im still pissed at) to train home. hahs. L.A.M.E!
day 2 of comex was one word, HECTIC!!!i freaked out when more than 5 customers took orders from at THE SAME TIME~~~!!!super super hectic... sales was even better today.approx 300-400 thumbdrives la. not so bad. hahas.IM JUS A NEWBIE>>2 days old.hahas. after work was CRRRRAAAZZZYYY as well. packed the stuffs and had to label it ok?? it was crazy. i think there were over 70 cartons or wad la. but had to pack it accrdingly and paste the seal thingy . UP,SIDE AND BOTTOM.wah, damn tiring.BUT FUN! lol. anyways, COMEX WAS GREAT but i don think i like the packin part. IF ONLY.... trained home/ mom asked me 'wah, u going into sales line already arr'/ hahas.i was like NO.haha. super shag kk? BUT I SUR DO LOVE TO TALK TO PEOPLE!!its fun interacting with diff people!! BOYS LIKE GIRLS 2MORO AT so gonna go there. hahas.poly clique gathering 2moro. celebrating andrew's bday. coolness.. work startin on the 3rd of sep.which means i have officially 1 day to rest my legs which is uber acheing now!! tselyn au revoir |
work madness!! - Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 9:25 AM
teacher's day celebrations at SHSS was a blast . caught up with so many peeps . even though its like 1 week since i saw them. it was nice. hahas. saw my choir juniors and all!!! chuying said to abu 'tselyn looks nicer like that hor' i was like wth. i was U.G.L.Y. last time meh?? kiddin la. haha .saw so many teachers. i miss mdm lau, mdm norhani, mrs leong, mr sham, mr lee,ms yew ,miss goh and even sharil. hahas. i missed their teaching!!! seriously. they ROCK!! talked a lot with mr lee , mdm norhani and mrs leong. omg!! did i mention i saw ms tan !! SS teacher?? she remembers me!! hopefully it was for the good reasons.haahs. ok, im not praising myself or anything but kindda lot of teachers said 'eh, tselyn , you slimed down'. ok, so i'll heed mr lee's advice and turn it to positive instead of negetive stuffs. haahs. i said 'THANK YOU!!!' so many times ok?? i have to admit, i was happy!! hahas. miss tan said that 'tselyn, you better don't slim down somemore otherwise i make you copy chapters arr'. haahs. omg,talkin bout copying chapters!! i miss those copyin chapters time man. it really does help!!! IM NOT SICK IN THE MIND KK?? SECONDARY SCHOOL PEOPLE, CRASH COURSE!!COPY YOUR HIST OR SS BOOKS AND I GURANTEE YOU AT LEAST A B!!! anyways, makaned at S11 with peeps. it was fun.cause b4 that, mel wanted to weigh herself on some 'pay money machine' hahas. so, she weighed. good weight! shan't reveal cause i don think she wans peopel to know. hahas. i also weighed myself out of curiosity!! OMG!!! not to be proud or ad la, but, i lost 10 kgs since jan. ok, slow progession but WTH!! im 65kg. OK LA, STILL HEAVY OK???but mom says its enough. hahas. im a happy child. haha WATSONS time!!! omg, dont you just miss the good old days?? of, after school shopping at TM??i kindda missed it!!HAHAS. trained to city hall for work. damn tiring cause new stocks came in.did inventory and steaming of clothes. today is by far the MOST TIRING DAY ever!! hahas. met a new friend.huixian. omg, she's damn pretty ok??? and nice!! hahas. same age too!!so cool arr!! hahs. and her english name is TRISLYN!kinnda similar as my name huh. haahs. me n jas got super played by that COMPANY!!! we shant patronise them EVER!!!right jas?? BRUNCH with fellow clique 2moro..i super miss them already la. oh my, i think im so dependant on them now!! hahas. how?? hahas. tselyn au revoir |
work - Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 7:25 AM
call me crazy or what. ive just gotten my work schedule for my SEAB and robinsons job. the whole month of SEPT would be WORK WORK WORK.even though there are some days that don't need to work in SEAB, i was arranged to work at robinsons. hahas. i have only like 6-7 days break which are on Saturdays. hahas .
cousin. caught up . A LOT! heard a lot of stuffs about my cousins and all. work today was damn fun. new colleagues in familiar surroundings. how cool is that!! my cousin came to help me with another brand today. hahas. brought her to Christy and she showed her what i did the day before. hahas. i'll be workin at that brand again 2moro. anyways, lunched with my cous. coincidentally, my mom called her mom ( my aunt) to meet up. hahas. we were like laughing la. so lame. hahas. mom n auntie came to see us at work. bought a tunic. which was on freakin sale ok?? usual price-$59. then discounted to $ 27.30. STEAL huh. hahas. LOVE MY JOB!! after work, met up with lp,ed and ws. went to COMEX. omg.... the 1st person i saw was wenhui.SHE RECOGNIZED ME!! i totally forgot who she was. until she asked me whether i was from SHPS. hahas. omg, weird but cool!!! totally SSTM!!she is a promoter for fujiflim. SUPPORT HER KK?? she will get COMMISSION!!hahas who cares about my bunch of classmates. hahas. NEC.whatever!! im still pissed at what happen la. kindda ignore everyone there . dono why. WEIRD. im not outcasting ANYONE!!i must clarify!! hahas. searched for the best and cheapest CAMERAs. i still prefer NIKON and SONY. crapped with ws and ed saying my bday is coming. hahas.11 MONTHS later. hahas. *HINT HINT* funny sia. trained home and planned for teachers day 2moro! SECONDARY SCHOOL PEEPS!!! LISTEN OUT!!! I TOTALLY MISS YOU PEOPLE KK??? CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU PEOPLE!!! tselyn au revoir |
frustration - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 12:48 AM
call me random or what. NYP has been a hell of a ride for me. and the thought of leaving it the end of the year would be kind of unbearable. but , IF i really do leave, i hope that 0803 would still be friends with me and not like blame me for my decision. from start till now, ive already said to myself that NYP is just like a back-up . its is just temporary. for 1 yr. until im done with my english, i WILL leave. but now, from i WILL it changed to MIGHT! i seriously dont know how i would fair for my english. looking back at my secondary results, english has always been an obstacle to me. its sort of like a waveform. nv constant. i have to get a B!! if i dont, im gonna be so bumped. i mean, TP was always what i wanted. so what if i waste yr. look at my class. so many 19 year olds. and they fit in just well. so what is the problem. NO PROBLEM right? moreover, even if i go to TP and its anIT -related course, i would have a better head start. don't you think so? enough of all my stupid rantings. its just STUPID. why bother. lunch w trina earlier on. was good that i got out of the house. finally!! talked and crapped. but i still sense a little unfamiliarity . mb we ain't that acquainted Yet. haha. but we'll be. soon. haha. we are going to buy essence of chicken for our secondary school teachers!!! coolness. haha. Bye Bye money. haha. its worthy though. haha. i think i wont be free to blog from 2moro onwards. so, till then, see you guys soon. tselyn au revoir
3rd post - Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 9:55 AM
i should clarify stuffs out. seriously. nothing means anything by an msn nickname. i mean seriously, we learn communication skills for a reason. communication BREAKDOWN.
major breakdown!!!! 1st friendship problem coming into poly. i need to think how to fix this FAST!!! otherwise its gonna be weird next week. i should clarify by saying im pissed not because of what had happen. its the didn't tell me about it. ok, this may sound cliche but 'friends don't keep secret from each other'. say that this is not a secret but freedom to have own personally space but still .... nvm. mb, i was brought up this way. i needa know everything and anything . its just ME. if i wasnt told about anything, i'll feel weird and not at ease. i mean, not NOT AT EASE but mb, i will feel like im out of the clan or something. its just insecurity. again, since secondary school. i have gone through friends problem as well. take me n i have this problem. seriously. i dont know how to change or what to change. my peeps who knows me well know what kind of person and personalities i have. since young, ok, im exaggerating , take me and ql as an example, i cant even count how many times we have fought over stupid stuffs and sometimes, its just me being temperamental. friendships are hard to maintain. thats why me n ql have come a long way and our friendship has never been better. so, im dishing everything out in this post to show how sincere i am to being a friend. msg me . tselyn au revoir |
pissed - @ 8:45 AM
NO EXPLANATIONS WHY. don't bother asking. xoxo-gossip girl. epi 6. still have 11 more. i have to finish till 10 by tonight!!! otherwise, im gonna be so bumped!! out with trina for lunch 2moro. finally!! out of the house. after 2moro, i will be damn packed.. IT A GOOD THING!!!! PLANS FOR THE WEEK wednesday work thursday work with cousin :>haven seen her in a long long time friday teacher's day celebrations and work saturday Ryan NS enlistment lunch with peeps monday Andrew's bday celebration tuesday MAYBE out with kling and sam wednesday official start of SEAB job and suan-ing of mr kong. haha. ![]() I TOTALLY MISS THEM!!! tselyn au revoir |
cleaning up my closet - Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 11:32 PM
pictures i promised
books recreational class photos. pri-> secondary everything in my room is ok except for the most important thing.MY STUDY TABLE!!! haha. its still in a mess. stay home monday. as usual. 3 days straight at home. its freakin' boring. mb, just mb i should go out 2moro. haha. alone or what. haha. just to see the outside world. haha. it beats having to see the same structure and all. so boring. haha. hopefully, the auntie can put me to work on wed. so that i can earn an extra income or wad. its so boring!! haha. good news. i've saved $80 for avril's concert . hehe :> SEAB job officially starts on the 3rd. so, i still have 1 week to do what i should do. events
teacher's day celebrations-friday andrew's bday- 2nd sept SEAB job-3rd sept Avril concert- 7th sept currently re-watching xoxo~gossip girl to kill time. tselyn au revoir |
sunday - @ 7:57 AM
so, sunday was a total bore. not as boring as saturday though. haha. woke up and makaned breakfast at 201 with parents. walked home. then embarked on a 4 hours marathon online. haha. youtubed. as usual. thats like the only recreational thingy i can do online ok?? weather was great to sleep in but wasnt in the mood to take a nap. chatted with cheng online and had loads of updates on her. it was cool. fun la. she said ' chatting with 5a is like a comfort'. i agree with her. i mean totally!!! 5a is like 1/4 of my life. okok im exageratting but i mean, we have been together for 3 years. its like we have made buddies for life ok?? and a sudden change in less meetings really make me miss 5a a lot. i mean a lot. now, most of the people are having exams and it seems like its only me that is free!!! we cant hang yet but this friday! it would be like a reuinion. I CANT WAIT!! ok, back to today. after 4 hours straight online, was in the mood to pack my room. threw away loads of papers. LOADS OF SCIENCE PAPERS!!! haha. all O' level stuffs were thrown and only english related stuffs were kept. found my primary school class pics up till secondary school. omg, I LOOK FREAKIN' HIDEOUS as a child. haha. mb it was cute then but looking back, i look funny. as in F.U.N.N.Y!! my room is in a KINDDA NEAT position now. i have a shelf for astro boys stuffs and a shelf for luo zhi xiang. cool huh. haha. i'll upload the pictures 2moro. don't be jealous hor. haha. dinner at bedok north. great dinner. freakin full. cabbed home. olympics closing ceremony. i might be going to enhance my room 2moro or going out. i have totally NO IDEA!!! tselyn au revoir ps- im revising my french right now so that i won't crumble when french starts in new sem. haha |
pictures - Friday, August 22, 2008 @ 10:21 PM
waiting at the void deck for like 30 min before my orals. haha at the bowling alley. heh. edward, weishan and lip ping's arm strength is freeeaakiin good ok?? 15.53 mph. haha. damn fast. i like this pic. haha. melissa took it. kindda cool. oh my, shan't' praise her. haha. stay home saturday. no work till next wednesday. haha.. my avril concert!!! i have 20 bucks more to go!!! tselyn au revoir |
oral - @ 10:06 AM
i was damn scared before my orals ok?? reporting time was 215, and i reached there at 1? im crazy. so i decided to sit at the void deck, listen to my mp3 and msg people. haha. qian ling was also taking her oral's today. only difference was that her school was at TKGS. i went into the school at 130pm SHARP!!!saw some familiar faces like isabella ,huiting and ariel. ok, so, i was LUCKY NUMBER 4!! in front of me was isabella. she is in tp. integrated facility thingy. interesting course. i wanted to go there ok?? but COP is freakin high. whats more, i failed my science. haha. so, bye bye to that course. omg, when it was my turn to read the passage, i was FRRRREEEEAAAAKKKKIIIIIINNNNN OOOUUUUUTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was saying SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT like 20,000 times ok?? i didnt even prepare anything for the orals ok?? the private candidates there were like holding books, practising and all. and me??? I WAS LIKE GOING THERE TO HAVE A CHAT WITH TEACHERS ok?? haha. not prepared at all. passage, picture and convo was ok. i think i aced it. but, whats important is the paper 1 and 2. compo and compre. KILLLLLEEEEERRRR. tks qifeng, gw,trina and the rest of the class who wished me good luck. i seriously hope that i will ace my english and do myself proud. dont blame me for going tp(if i CAN!!). I.T. isnt my forte. seriously!!! ended orals about 3. rotted at white sands for my friends . ok, call me dumb or what. but seirously, i cant trust my friends when they say they are reachin. cause they are still at HOME!!!! i was so pissed ok?? haha. so, i rotted at white sands for 1 hour plus. saw mel(my cousin). i mean i didnt realise it was him till he came up to me. haha. he didnt look familier to me ok?? haha. i totally forgot how he looked. haha. crazy!!! SSTM . hah. met up with my friends at 515 at ehub. ok, so i bowled again. i wanted to prove to my friends that i could play. haha. but they were just too good ok?? strike so many times !!!! its crazy. lip ping taught me some skills. hahaha.... FANTASTIC 4, IM GONNA WIN YOU ALL LE!!! ql and jasmine came when we were playing. haha.. talked for a while and all. haha. it was fun!! took piccas too. haha went to mel's sister's 21st bday chalet at around 7. makaned. we were all freakin hungry ok?? haha. 2 plates full of beehoon with curry and 2 hotdogs and 1 chicken wing. haha. pathetic right?? its all beaumont and junrong's fault ok?? their fire wasnt strong AT ALL!!!haha. freakin' weak. haha. took loads of pictures as usual and crapped. haha. we crapped about boys stuffs with boys around. haha. funny right? haha. talked about school life, personal stuffs and all. haha. how crappy classmates can be and all. haha.. it was FUN!!! im gonna meet those peeps next friday for teachers day celebrations. time passes freakin fast!!! aha. im so happy today!!! ACED ORALS(checked) OUT WITH SEC CLIQUE(checked) pictures will be up 2moro when i use my desktop. haha.dont miss me:> tselyn au revoir
before orals - Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 8:49 PM
cycling kakis. ~im always in a big mess :< bowling peeps. only source of energy. some fish cracker thingy its official. once thomas sees his favourite basketball machine, he will pop in a coin and play it. seirously, he wont make his coin go to waste ok??? haha i miss foosball:>(didn't get to play though) time now is 12pm and in less than 2 hours, im gonna be at coral secondary school waiting to impress the examiners with my glib tongue.i seriously have to ace this orals otherwise i'll be damn beaten.i will do my utmost best so that my grandma's money won't go to waste.since she was the one who sponsored for it. its a $150 ok??? cannot waste money!!! posted some ECP piccas and will load more since e other piccas are in my laptop instead of the desktop. chalet later. cant wait!!!! lets see, i will get to see my lovely ql and mel. togehter with lipping, edward and weishan. haha... i haven seen them in ages. ok la, i mean i jus saw melissa last week and ql on this mon. the boys, i haven seen them since my bbq. still, IT LONG RIGHT??? kk, gtg. ~~wish me luck guys~~ tselyn au revoir |
ECP - @ 7:47 AM
ECP today with thomas, fuji, gw and jane. it was sorta like a last minute decision la.everything was confirmed at 11 pm last night. haha. met the boys at parkway and walked to ecp. rented bike for freakin' 2 hours. but, it was fun!! haha... wobbly legs after riding. haha. bowling after that. omg, i decided to play with them since i stll had time. 2 rounds. 1st round was freakin FAST!~! haha... we practically just threw balls into the lane ok? my pts was 53... a major improvement from my usual 30 ok?? 2nd time, much better.. i had my very 1st strike in like donno how many yrs.haha ...was very happy. haha.walked back to parkway. my mom saw my poly friends for the very first time!!! haha...kindda good impression of them bah.haha. bused home w mom to SAVE MONEY!!!
chalet/bowling 2moro with that person who got a turkey .haha... my secondary school friends.i miss them to the CORE ok? haha O LEVEL ORALS 2MORO.haha...freakin scared... yet a little high.heard that this yr's convo topic was killer topics!!!but, i'll do my best and get my butt into TP BUSINESS. even though i know they have huge chucks of curriculum and all, but hello!!! BUSINESS STUDENT leh. aha picutres will be uploaded 2moro. together with chalet pics.haha.. o levels!!! i better kill it!!!~~wish me luck people...:> tselyn au revoir |
work - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 9:12 AM
work today was a total bore. until at night where i met a robinson staff huishan. she is freakin nice ok? NP-BUSINESS. L1r4 9 pts!!!! crazy sia. but she is very ncie la.. talked a lot. haha.. it was to kill time. today time pass damn slowly ok??? everytime i see i watch, its only like 1min gone and all. god for SMS!!! msged gw and trina.haha.. time passed a little faster this way.haha anyways, was suppose to go back to sec school for oral assistance but mdm norhani has to cover for another teacher for oral examination. so shitty sia. but shes nice to offer her help la. its just SUAY!!but , anyways, i have to wish myself GOOD LUCK on friday for NOT PREPARING !! so, changed of plans.gonna go ECP to CYCLE!!! with jane,gw,thomas n fuji. i needa UNWIND after exams la. haha. looking forward to that. haha.. f
riday, MEL SISTER'S BDAY chalet~loads of CRAPPING TO BE DONE!! guys, you miss my crapping right???? haha im beginning to like buckcherry's song. haha. damn nice sia. their voice is very RAW!!! sorry!!(its the song title) tselyn au revoir
maths - Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 3:09 AM im introducing my new hairstyle now. since im in the mood to do so. freakin' nerdy right? weird!!! even trina said i looked like some nerd. haha. mb its a compliment?? haha who knows. no choice. i still have to wait for freakin' 3 months before my hair will grow to the length it was before. im FINALLY exams free . after mugging hard for 1 week on maths, it has finally paid off.... i can at least secure a B . its ok already la. i don't expect a lot I HAVE 2 OF THIS!!!its just a stamp thingy form eating HAPPY MEAL!!! haha. ytd was craziness.. maths at mac from 2-10. crazy!! by the time i reached home, it was close to 11. didn't revise maths at all !!! but, i didn't know why i dream of INTEGRATION! haha. weird. anyways, my O'level oral will be this friday and i'll be going back to sec sch on thurs for HELP!!! imagine, 1 day b4 exam hen prepare??? siao!!! its gonna be this girl's bday and this guy's bday soon. AVRIL4!!! work 2moro. anyone wanna pei me makan dinner?? i doubt so :<tselyn au revoir |
shunji - Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 8:40 AM
im freakin' nv going to go back to SHUNJI ever again. STORM's much better. and cheaper. haha. i didnt like their service and all. i thought i would go out of the shop with a different style. but , when i sat on the chair, they asked me what i had in mind.. i was like thinkin to myself, IF I HAD SOMETHING IN MIND, I WOULD HAVE CUT IT BY MYSELF LE are the pro, you tell me what kind of style i suit right?? shit la. my hair is like freakin' freakin' mess!!! so weird. hha. i miss my BOB!!! freakin regretted.
i hope my sec sch mates wont freak out of something when they see me next friday. haha anyways, i thought i was LATE QUEEN.apparently, someone has taken over my THRONE!!! i was suppose to meet gw at 1130. in the end, 1130, he was still at yck. wah piang, i tell you. i was damn pissed ok?? he reached at 12. when the appointment was at 12. so stupid right? and he still can say that i'm a SUNTEC NOOB!!!wah...i tell you!! *hot hot* after haircut, met up with trina and the rest of the gang. went to study. at bk again. from 2-830. crazyness!!! but i absorbed a lot!! a lot..... and i have to, because im having work 2moro and i have no time to study. emailed kling questions just now. hopefully, she can solve it for me :> my hair is in a huge mess and i hate it!!! its weird..... after tuesday, im free!!! AVRIL4. i have to save money !!!! tselyn au revoir |
study again.. - Friday, August 15, 2008 @ 7:13 AM
went back to secondary school today. haha. that vivian. i told her i'll be meeting her in the canteen at 1015. thank god i went early like 1010. she was walking out of the school and she FORGOT!!haha. heng, i saw her. haha. that girl. haha. collected my testimonial and i saw so amny choir juniors and teachers.haha.. i saw jared and joselyn!! haha. funny.
vivian taught me maths.Calculus to be exact. haha. understood integration and all..graphs.. wah, had a sense of accomplishment. but it wasnt enough. so,went to mac to study again. this time it was better. i finished more stuffs. haha. laughed like shit also. haha. almost 80% done with amths. i can even memorise the answers now. thats how hardcore i am.. haha. 7 hours of maths ok??? mac-ed from 2-730. met w mom and trained home. haha. tselyn au revoir |
study - Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 9:21 AM
HARDCORE MATHS again. this time at MAC.haha.
im like freakin' sick of fastfood already. haha. bk and mac..wah..DIE SIA. WAHAHA.the fries and burgers and not to forget the COKE . haha... studied more in depth on differenciation and intergrel. im still confused on graphs and intergrel thingy. going back to secondary school 2moro . to get vivian to teach me and collect testi. time now is 1225am and im suppose to go back to school at 1015am... haha.. ive to sleep but i can't.haha. today, my mom asked me, you study so hard for 1 paper only??? all those going out and study fro 1 PAPER??? haha... OLEVEL ORAL COUNTDOWN~~~ 8 days!!! tselyn au revoir |
David Archuleta - Crush - Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 8:54 AM
David Archuleta( American Idol??) has come out with a new song.
CRUSH. hmmm.. kindda wordy but its nice. haha.i hang up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time Deep inside It was a rush, what a rush Cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way About me It's just too much, just too much Why do I keep running from the truth All I ever think about is you You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized And I just got to know Do you ever think When you're all alone All that we can be Where this thing can go Am I crazy or falling in love Is it really just another crush Do you catch a breath When I look at you Are you holding back Like the way I do Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away But I know this crush aint goin away, goin away Has it ever cross you mind When were hangin, spending time girl, Are we just friends Is there more, is there more See it's a chance we've gotta take Cause I believe that we can make this into Something that will last, last forever, forever Do you ever think When you're all alone All that we can be Where this thing can go Am I crazy or falling in love Is it really just another crush Do you catch a breath When I look at you Are you holding back Like the way I do Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away But I know this crush aint goin away, goin away Why do I keep running from the truth All I ever think about is you You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized And I just got to know Do you ever think When you're all alone All that we can be Where this thing can go Am I crazy or falling in love Is it really just another crush Do you catch a breath When I look at you Are you holding back Like the way I do Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away But I know this crush aint goin away, goin away maths today AGAIN. i seriously can see maths till i vomit. haha. but who cares.thats the price you have to pay for wanting an A!! see Micheal Phelps. 11 GOLD MEDALS in Athens and Beijing. haha . so put my heart and soul to maths and its really, reap what you sow. haha . studying maths again. hardcore maths hour tally. mon-4 hours up to date, 14 hours. oh my, its freakin LITTLE!! but what i can say, its that im 60% there.. just push a little more!!!tues-5 hours wed-5hours cutting hair this sat. BUT IM STILL IN DILEMMA. i dono which hairstyles to cut!!! SHORT??? again? ive always had short hair thoughout secondary school. i want a change for poly thats why i straightened my hair. now, its a little hard to part my my medium length hair ok?? so wad am i suppose to do? haha. i gave my word to gw saying i'll cut with him. haha.. cannot pang seh. haha.. die die.!!! tselyn au revoir |
study - Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 7:21 AM
![]() ![]() after so long, my cravin of JCO dOnuts was satisfied. went to bk easpt to study today. im like bk hopping ok?? ytd was at millenia walk and today, eastpoint. main reason why i went to bk instead of studyin at home was because there are distractions and if i stay at home, my dad would definitely get me to clean up the house which i would inevitably DONT WISH TO DO SO.haha .. anyways, started at 145. i was suppose to do studyin alone then trina called me at around 3-4?? saying she could come. so, we studied together.tks tks. haha..i understood COMPLEMENTS !! haha. don gimme e whatever face ok?? i noe its a simple chap but im weak at it. now i noe. haha.. hehe.. happy happy:>:>:>:>:>:> left BK at 7. met up with mom and walked home. haha. studying again 2moro... tselyn au revoir MY OLEVELS ORAL IS LESS THAN 15 DAYS.shit. |
super short post - Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 8:04 AM
went to MS BK to study with class. notice ITS CLASS! ahah...very fruitful.know graphs, differencitation and KILLER VENN DIAGRAMS. haha.
robinsons after studyin with mom..i miss RAFFLES gonna ask micheal to tansfer me back!! ahaha.. i love swimmers!!! they rock! pictures in next post. tselyn au revoir |
ice tour - Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 8:01 AM
![]() HSM ICE TOURomg!!! just came home from expo. i tell you, the HSM ICE TOUR is damn nice!!!the figure skaters are damn cool. they look so like the original cast of high school musical ok? eventhough they are different people. haha... took some pictures but im lazy to upload. mb , i'll upload it in the next entry. anyways, i watched it alone. reason being, my mom wasnt keen in it and it was a last min thing cause i bought the ticks online this morning at 11am. haha. remember?? i was sick ytd. haha . so it was sorta like a last minute thingy and it being the last show, I HAVE TO CATCH IT!!! didn't regret.. i was so happy kk? haha studying with clique 2moro.. haha..can't wait. wenqi got to shake hands with JAM XIAO!!!wah so upset with myself for not going ok..... tselyn au revoir |
fever - Saturday, August 09, 2008 @ 9:09 PM
burnt up till 39.2 degrees last night.
freakin' aching all over. damn tiring. could be because of the weather. makaned panadol. damn giddy. what a national day!! HSM ice tour tonight. hopefully i can tahan. its the last show for them. im damn excited!! study break starting from 2moro.MATH MATH MATH!!! i have to get an A!!! freakin stress out. tselyn au revoir |
winter sonata - Friday, August 08, 2008 @ 12:17 AM
so i guess my clique is hooked on JEFF CHANG'S 从开始到现在. made famous by the Korean soap drama 'WINTER SONATA' with my ONLY favourite Korean actress choi ji woon. haha .
so guess what am i doing now? I'm watching youtube . only difference is that I'm learning maths via videos. CALCULUS!! freaking killer. im learning differentiation online. ha ha. viwawa-ed with gw,wq and thomas last night. it was my 1st time playing ok? and guess what I LOST EVERY SINGLE GAME!!
nothing to boast about huh. haha. IM NEW!!! no, after watching those diff videos online, im gonna go do maths. haha. start a little 1st. otherwise i will be super lost next week. I'M A SLOW LEARNER. i take hours and days to digest. HAPPY OLYMPICS DAY!! this marks the beginning of 24/7 sports coverage on tv. shit. haha. im only interested in badminton and table tennis.. others doesn't interest me at all!! nvm, STUDY!!!tselyn au revoir |
maths - Thursday, August 07, 2008 @ 1:42 AM
![]() 2D arrays for POC. clique was busy viwawa-ing. haha.. i listened to lesson. but was a little shag. aha.. teacher asked andrew and qf to sing cause in the report conclusion, i wrote that lesson was a little dry and all. haha. it was damn funny ok. anyways, after lesson, had some talk by level co-ordinator. then makaned at south canteen. PAY CAME IN TODAY!!! haha.eventhough its a small amount but who cares. i have money. haha. im gonna cut hair!! and hopefully, HIGHLIGHT!! anyways, maths lecture was fun!! i understood matrix and cramers rule. its freakin fun okk?? went to photocopy maths revision answers after school. trained home with qf, jane,boon,trina and her bf and wenqi. haha.. ~~~FUN~~~ hopefully love guru 2moro.. haha.. but sam has driving prac. haha tselyn au revoir
concentration - Tuesday, August 05, 2008 @ 11:18 PM
nanyang polytechnic i just love this pic. although its a little out of focus but who cares. today is just a total slack day. gonna maths e whole day. haha. eventhough half the day is freakin' gone. haha. woke up at 1 pm me a pig. haha. chatted with fuji on msn. talked about what i am gonna do if i get a B3 for english ( which i hopefully can get) . if i really get a B3, initial though would be considering leaving NYP and go to TP. but after these 2 weeks, i have to say, 0803 will be a freakin huge reason i might not go. its like they are one of the cooless bunch of people you can ever meet. so i have no accurate or guaranteed answer on what im gonna do if i get a B3 but DEPENDS!!! seriously. anywyas, my o'levels are coming right up and its like im still doing poly stuffs or sometimes not even doing anything. 2 more weeks to oral.. shit la. pls talk ENGLISH with me. no more cheena, dialect or even SINGLISH!! am i COMPETITIVE??i mean in school?? seriously, i have to admit at times i am la. but who can blame me. its e society. everyone is so competitive these day and if i have the slack attitude, its totally BUANG!!! work 2moro after school. the prob is, i didnt know maths lecture was till 2. how!!! i start work at 2. shit!! tselyn au revoir |
poc - Monday, August 04, 2008 @ 10:52 PM
ASTRO BOY met up with jane, qifeng and trina at bedok b4 heading to school for POC. sorta crapped on the train. its always fun and laughter with them ok?? together w the rest of the clique. haha. poc was rather a waste of time. went through all the mcq answers for the past 3 quizzes which we did throughout the whole semester. after that, i seriously thought we had maths lecture. but it was cancelled. i dono why .haha. apparently, everyone knows about it except me. haha. so, we did something illegal i guess?? haha... we hanged in the lecture hall. haha.. crapped and all.. freakin hilarious. haha makaned in school. trained home w qifeng and trina. haha.. joked,lame home. schoolless 2moro. haha. staying home to study maths i think?? if not, jio me out!! hahah.. jkjk... study study :> studyin with friends next week.. everyday. CMATHS!!! saw marcus on the way home.. haven seen him in a long while. haha.guess everyone has been so busy about projects and stuffs. hmmmm... tselyn au revoir |
0803 - @ 7:51 AM
![]() taken at some admiralty garden while studying DE!!!! seriously, i was studying!! just took some time off to rest!! talking about DE, i freakin know how to do the CT paper ok?? the previous time, i got a D. i think this time round, i can get a B or A!! depending on whether i have any careless mistakes a not. ahaha .. after the test, makaned in school till 1. then bused down from yck to tampines via 72. 1st time sia. haha.. i mean, its ok la.. frekain long and tiring. haha. trained dwn from tampines to pasir ris. call us crazy but we did it! haha. funny.. but its ok.. seeing the north people so foreign to east side.haha. funny!!! ![]() THOMAS SAVES THE DAY!!! i have to specify, this is the thomas that is cute!! ![]() ![]() ![]() super shocking cake. i fed everyone with it. haha. except some. haha EHUB!! bowlers COUPLE OF THE YEAR!! oh sharks, i forgot bout ifah and faz. haha groupy fazid thomas trina and spongebob syed for sale. dao kia andrew CLIQUE-Y cute trina and even cuter me! ahah. jkjk bowlers me jane sabrina MUMMY!!! In order to get student price, we had to display all out student cards. freakin' hilarious. haha the mummy is freakin ZAI ok? the morphing of jet li is just damn fantastic. haha. story line was so so. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() taken in school before going ehub. haha roses made form mac tissue. tks 0803. damn nice kk? i carried it safely from yck to ehub. and i'll keep it ...seriously!! THIS POST IS SUPER upside down. haha. started with end of day then to beginning of day. stupid right. haha. anywyas, i have somemore piccas but im lazy to wait for blogger to wad i shall do is to save it in my thumb drive. if u wan it, tell me :> had a fun and great day today!!! we shall hang more often after MaTH k?? best bday celebrations ever. with my bbq and now this!!! tselyn au revoir |
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