teacher's day celebrations at SHSS was a blast . caught up with so many peeps . even though its like 1 week since i saw them. it was nice. hahas. saw my choir juniors and all!!! chuying said to abu 'tselyn looks nicer like that hor' i was like wth. i was U.G.L.Y. last time meh?? kiddin la. haha .saw so many teachers. i miss mdm lau, mdm norhani, mrs leong, mr sham, mr lee,ms yew ,miss goh and even sharil. hahas. i missed their teaching!!! seriously. they ROCK!! talked a lot with mr lee , mdm norhani and mrs leong. omg!! did i mention i saw ms tan !! SS teacher?? she remembers me!! hopefully it was for the good reasons.haahs. ok, im not praising myself or anything but kindda lot of teachers said 'eh, tselyn , you slimed down'. ok, so i'll heed mr lee's advice and turn it to positive instead of negetive stuffs. haahs. i said 'THANK YOU!!!' so many times ok?? i have to admit, i was happy!! hahas. miss tan said that 'tselyn, you better don't slim down somemore otherwise i make you copy chapters arr'. haahs. omg,talkin bout copying chapters!! i miss those copyin chapters time man. it really does help!!! IM NOT SICK IN THE MIND KK??
anyways, makaned at S11 with peeps. it was fun.cause b4 that, mel wanted to weigh herself on some 'pay money machine' hahas. so, she weighed. good weight! shan't reveal cause i don think she wans peopel to know. hahas. i also weighed myself out of curiosity!! OMG!!! not to be proud or ad la, but, i lost 10 kgs since jan. ok, slow progession but WTH!! im 65kg. OK LA, STILL HEAVY OK???but mom says its enough. hahas. im a happy child. haha
WATSONS time!!! omg, dont you just miss the good old days?? of, after school shopping at TM??i kindda missed it!!HAHAS.
trained to city hall for work. damn tiring cause new stocks came in.did inventory and steaming of clothes. today is by far the MOST TIRING DAY ever!! hahas. met a new friend.huixian. omg, she's damn pretty ok??? and nice!! hahas. same age too!!so cool arr!! hahs. and her english name is TRISLYN!kinnda similar as my name huh. haahs.
me n jas got super played by that COMPANY!!! we shant patronise them EVER!!!right jas??
BRUNCH with fellow clique 2moro..i super miss them already la. oh my, i think im so dependant on them now!! hahas. how?? hahas.
tselyn au revoir