selamat hari raya to all those malays out there!!
i want some KUEHS!! hahas.
tselyn au revoir
my lyrics
journals to me are like _____[FILLED IT YOURSELF]
bolster - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 8:53 AM
work today was kind of easy. free 1 hour pay. met up with sam after work. walked around tm. had hokkien mee. damn sinful can.. i finished the whole PLATE. shit la!! then sam wanted to buy bolster for her dad. hahas. damn funny, i tell you!! she hit the bolster w/o saying sorry.hahas.and e lady just dont care. i mean, i didnt describe in detail la. but if you were there, you will laugh kk?? hahas..
![]() ![]() selamat hari raya to all those malays out there!! i want some KUEHS!! hahas. tselyn au revoir |
guess - Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 3:11 AM
![]() looks kiddish but i like! stay home monday and tomorrow marks the official chionging of work! 3 different PAYS should be coming in anytime this week*HUGE GRIN*. *BLINK!! $$$$$$$* vcd-ed and youtube-ed. OMG. HINDER is back!!! with a freakin' awesome song!!! and i finally found a song that ive been looking for since forever!!! MADISON AVENUE-dont call me baby. kindda old song but i love her voice!! btw, HOW DUMB CAN I GET?? I FORGOT THAT THE AMAZING RACE WAS TODAY!!! thank god for 2nd telecast at night. can i tell you how much i love simple plan? hahas. their songs! OMFG. so ME! btw, i've a list of things to get and do when i get my pay!
so, i should have a hell a lot of $$ to buy my camera. HAHAS. tselyn au revoir |
- Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 12:50 PM
JASMINE IS A PRETTY AND ATTRACTIVE GIRL. see jas, i helped you publicise, must help me also kk?? HAHS. call me a fickleminded person. but i have to say this, WHY CANT YOU ALL STAND AT MY POINT OF VIEW AND UNDERSTAND MY SITUATION. IMAGINE BEING IN MY POSITION, I THINK YOU WILL FEEL IT TOO. WTH.WHO CARES!!! tselyn au revoir
mae's 21st - Saturday, September 27, 2008 @ 10:04 AM
heres the thing. i was suppose to meet up with poly peeps at 1pm at orchard. but lord and behold, i woke up at 1230. mom called me sayin that auntie margaret's husband passed away due to heart attack.. c'mon, his only 58?? so damn young can? its so crazy how life can be so unpredictable!! anyways, bused dwn to far east via 579. ryan cabera the way there...his songs are damn nice.so dated yet updated.HAAHS. contradicting. met up with them at long john. the sign looks damn FISH and CO.hahas. hanged around and went to STAGE.bought the handphone strap. hahas. finally! POWER RANGER.hahas. lame shit!! i think i wan to go back to far east for a streak extention. its freakin CHEAP can??$1 per strand.hahas. i wan RED!!! mb, next week?? HAHAS.when is my pay coming in??? IM STRUGGLING WITHOUT $$$$$$!!! anyways, walked to taka.. then to cine. booked a chamber room and i can proudly declare that im in love w the xbox CONTROLLER!!the click click sound.so damn COOL! rented DEFINITELY MAYBE. nice show. but i had to leave due to my cousin's 21st. nevertheless,
THANKS FOR THE MEETUP! trained to pasir ris and met mom on the train. waited fr dad at white sands cause HE OVERSLEPT!! hahas. like daughter like father.haha.. saw auntie alice and she looks different.ahahs. cabbed to costa sands. hanged and talked with cousins .went ezone to play! hahas. i got to play the basketball machine.hahs. omg, its so addictive kk??so fun!! quickly walked back to the chalet and we made it in time for cutting cake.hahas. picca-ed. anyways, my relatives all said i slim down.hahas..no secret formula or whatsoever cause i didnt know how i went dwn too.hahas
tselyn au revoir |
倪子岡 - Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 10:38 AM
so after hours of pondering, didn't go for work . msged my boss in the wee hours of the morning and went back to lala land. woke up at 2pm. finally!!! ive gotten my beauty sleep. hahas. watched dvd and computer-ed. it was kind of like a making up day. hahas. making up for all the lost dvds and all. hahas. ANTM-ed.finally, ISIS OUT!!
cousin MAE's 21st bday celebration tomorrow!! i think i cant wait to see them?? hahas. haven seen them since febuary?? should be going out with poly peeps for lunch too. im still in a dilemma cause mom says ive been going out too often. hmm..let me see.. the only time i went out was mainly for work. mb this week i went out kind of a lot of times but, im workin everyday from next tuesday onwards. no chance to go out AT ALL!!and 2 weeks later, im startin school. and 4 weeks later, its my O's ... ive to meet up with my teacher real soon. seriously, i want a B so badly but i dont think i deserve it. since i've not been workin on this language since FOREVER?? F1 started today. the sounds of the cars... so damn freakin awesome!! watched it on tele though.hahas. most of my friends are workin in F1 and some dread it. hahs.. chill.. GAIN EXPERIENCE!!! it looks nicer on your resume too!!
i want to watch the HOUSE BUNNY!!!such a bimbo show. hahas. but wth... i wan to!! i miss chatting with my friends and LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!! its only been a day since i saw them lahs. hahas tselyn au revoir |
klings 18bash - Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 9:35 AM
KL SURPRISE 18 BDAY BBQ!!! just start from the bottom.. that was how my pictures are arranged.hhaas. trained, bused and walked. crazy!!! but it was worthy! hahas. reached ECP at 645pm as promised. makan-ed and chatted with sam, her cous and the rest of KL friends.was damn funny kk? i swear, with them around, if you dont laugh, u will go bonkers!! KL came at around 740. it was a surprise so she didnt know we were there. HAHAS. wah kao!! common sense right??surprise?? hahas. sparklers and MASKS.hahas.puurrfect combination.HAHAS. she was like HUH??why are u all here?? got gathering nv ask and stuff.ahahs.FUNNY + HILARIOUS!!! hope this girl was surprised!! talked and makaned.. laughed and crapped. matt and char was there. hahas. haven seen them since 4ever. hahas.talked about choir boys.hahas. kuku.. ahahs. joanne and andrew came a little later. met up with giovanna to complete our bday present!! its byfar the most thoughful present ive ever done for my friend.so tressure it Kai Ling!!! the following bday wish is by far the BEST note ive ever seen ok?? HAPPY BDAY in 10 different ways by the infamous JOHNSON LEE!! wah kao... its damn HILARIOUS!! SUPER LOL!!!!! he wrote the day before he left for ipoh and he did it in mac. omg!! WE LAUGHED TLL I ALMOST CRIED !!! its so damn funny kk??? JOKE OF THE FREAKIN CENTURY!!! anyways, we crapped a lot today!!! we have to seriously thank fuxing for planning everything by himself. what a nice bf..!! KL , this one's for KEEPS!!! enjoy your vietnam trip and take cares kk?? we shall hang soon:) i love these peeps damn freakin a lot!!! we shall meet soon. mb, i'll have a bbq this dec.HAHAS. oh ya, thanks joanne for the ride home.hehe. cabbing was fun.LAUGHED in the cab till the cabbist almost went crazy bah. hahas. andrew, take care of yr teeth ya.. 4 wisdom tooth is no easy feat. jia yous. hahas. tselyn au revoir ps-pondering whether to go work 2moro a not??
work - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 9:16 AM
OG bugis today. finally, saw fanny! i helped her relief the other time at og orchard. hahas. she's damn pretty and helpful.HAHAS.damn hard to find these days k? anyways, sales was good. taking the shitty number of customers that walked into the store today. hahas.i wonder if i was paid for commssion, how much would i get man. hahas. im sucha good salesperson.WHAT TO DO? hahas. omg!!! from begingin of the year till now, i've went down 2 sizes. CRAZY HUH. haha.the auntie told me, you're not fat right? its the shirt that makes you look big.ahahs. hello?? i can fit like another person into my shirt kk?? haahs.its freakin HUGE.haahs. happyness!! yue xin was damn funny.shes like the happy pie there!! met a new girl,mei ting, i mean, at least to me. same age,private dip student, harperdasher promoter. kawaii like shit can.HAHAS.
trained home.saw daniel.hahas.haven changed a bit man. haahs. funny with a little sacrasim. hahas. jasmine acc me home.hahas. i mean not physically but we talked on the phone.ahahs. tks girl. PASS ME YOUR CABLE KK??hahss. input yr cpu to yr tv screen.hahas. BUSY DAY 2moro.... morning shift!! have to wake up at 8am 2moro. S.H.I.T!! im jus gonna earn slightly more than a thousand this month.WTF! tselyn au revoir |
work - Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 10:31 AM
work today was freakin tiring.hahas... manage to sell some apparels and i have to lie to myself saying that particular piece of garments looks freakin' damn nice on them wen it doesnt AT ALL. so guilty consicious.hahas. shit la.hahas. but anyways, its part of my job.hahas. its fun though.HAHAS. no regrets.lol..dinner with gw and jane.hehe...sneaky little tselyn manage to convince her friends to makan w her.hahas.. im sucha NICE friend right?? hahas.long john-ed.
back to work till 9.then went to meet my friends. FINALLY!!!! its completed...ITS DAMN NICE!! laughed the hell out ..hahas.it was a blast.haha. remeniscing the past was fun!!! work 2moro at bugis. 12-9.. freakin schedule. tselyn au revoir |
out - Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 9:56 AM
kboxing with qian ling , jasmine and rebecca today. we were suppose to watch movie and jus purely HANG.but, when i reached, where i was 30 min late, they asked me, 'you really want to watch movie?' , then i was like 'i know la, you all want go kbox is it??' hahas.see i know them so well..we met at 1230 and we had around 1 hr to RAWT.so, went to makan gelare. HAHAS.we shared 1 waflle. rasberry sorbet. nice:> next, we went to the arcade. didnt play but went to take neoprints.HAHAS.2nd neoprint of the year.PATHETIC right?? shall upload the neoprints soon, since im sing my laptop now. hahas.. kbox-ing was fun. sang quite a few songs. i think i was not so excited cause i just sang kbox 1 week ago.ahahs. with the same server and all. hahas.it was FUNNY!!!
bused home at 615. talked to gw. so, he was freakin' high since his dvd arrived 2 days earlier than excited.WTH! hahas. went out after dinner.did some stuffs. was damn funny , i tell you!!! hahas...shall elaborate more after everything is done!! official chiongin of work starts 2moro... this week tues,wed,thurs,fri,sat!!! next week mon,tues,wed,thurs,fri the week after mon,tues,wed,thurs,fri. i have no time to PLAY anymore and my Os are coming soon!!!!! WTFH!! tselyn au revoir |
bugis - Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ 11:42 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() started work at bugis OG today.its freakin AUNTIE PARADISE.haahs. new environment. sales was good today. my partner happens to be interlinked with my RC and CP friends. so cool huh. haahs. dinner w parents .they came to find me.ahahs. work ended at 9. met up with parents at starbucks and went to watch MAMAMIA.hahas.. nice show. can go catch it if u haven. hahas. its kindda like my 2nd time watching. 1st time was illegal. and it was only part of it.HAHS. movie ended at 1115.trained home . movie again 2moro.this time with jas,ql and reb.CANT WAIT. then its WORK WORK WORK for the whole freakin week..MAE'S 21st bday this sat.haahs. tselyn au revoir |
stay home saturday - Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 7:13 AM
stayed at home today. got woken up by my parents at 12. slept at 3 last night. ANTMing. hahs. makeover episode.WOW!!! a haircut really makes a lot of difference. talking about haircut, i got my hair cut ytd with charmaine. tried out a salon at suntec, S4H. love the environment and the stylist. changed my parting and cut fringe. the whole volume of my hair changed. NICE. charmaine got her hair cut too... shorter by around 3 inches, i think?? hahas. she wanted and i think needed more volume to her hair. hahas. best of all, it cost only $29 bucks. hehes. shopped around suntec and eyed on a few stuffs.... gonna get it soon. when i get my pay. hahas. charm was like finally ,SHOPPING!!! she's pretty busy with school and work. rest well girl. dont be too stressed out. swensens for lunch.salmon and mushroom bake rice.WOOx... bounced train with charm cause she needed to go to work and i needed to wait for my mom for about an hour. in the end, i called mom and she changed from city hall to PARKWAY . so, i bounced till bedok and bused there.. walked from tao nan to PP. talked on the phone. HAHS..if not, i'll die of bordem. hahas. bought a pair of heels from marks and spencer. brown.. for presentations. this way, i'll be TALLER and no one can critisise my auntie flats during presentations. have not gotten use to it yet but i';; make an effort to practise 10 min everyday.HAHAS.. walked around for a while, steamboat-ed and cabbed home.
work 2moro. its a different venue. WTH.bugis... hahas. monday, out with ql,jas and reb.(movie-ing) tselyn au revoir |
out - Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 10:08 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() talked from 730- 10+. bused home with sam. omg, she knows where is my favourite seat on the bus. hahs..funny sia.. hahas. anyways, had a freakin' fun time today and crazy enough, my mom didnt call to ask me what time i was going home. hahas. weird?? i hate my AUNTIE HAIRstyle.ITS DAMN GROSS!!! i wanan try something edgy and funky but do i have the guts to try it. thats another question.hahas. im gonna post my new hairstyle if i like it, otherwise, IM GONNA CRY.haha..JKING. tselyn au revoir |
hello? - @ 12:19 AM
just typed out a whole long post on my rantings about my results and stuffs and i thought of deleting that post cause i think people are sick of hearing my thoughts and stuff. some may even be irritated by me but wth, this is my blog. i have the rights to type what i want and all. dont judge me. but, i seriously want to appreciate the concern some people gave to me. it really made me feel a little better. thank you.
im not gonna think nor say anything about my gpa already. to keep me positive, ive got better gpas compared to my secondary school friends who got better L1R4s than me. i mean much better L1R4s. so, getting better gpa is really comforting. hahas. slept like a pig today. from 1am to 2pm. 13 hours, if im not wrong. i needed to make up for all the loss sleep for the past 3 days. 7am everyday. Craziness!! going out with clique later KLing, Gio and Sam. it will totally be a crapping good time. hahas.
ive yet to choose a hairstyle but mb, i'd just leave it to the hands of S4H stylist. hahas. i wan to go back to school with a whole new look but hello?? it ain't easy. jeans and tees are a necessity but i needed change it a little. contradicting huh?? i told you life was a contradiction .haahs. work on sunday. CP if im not wrong. new brand.HAHA.i think im adaptable to new surroundings but it kindda depends. tselyn au revoir |
opinion - Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 9:33 AM
ok, so mb i really care a lot on how people think of me as a person. and so what if i like comparing with others?? DONT YOU? hello?? come on, dont deceive yourselves. there is just a part of you that wants to show how good you really are and wanna compare. or mb its just me?? i really dono... theres kindda a lot of misconception about my personality and character. it seems that i am LOUD, NOISY, IRRITATING, WEIRD and most of all DUMB(because of my gpa). i mean hello??? its me!!!! i am like that. if you want me to change , there is seriously no way i can be your friend. i mean, im not taking it negetively for having these traits but come on!!
nvm, i think im really damn upset about my GPA which explains this behaviour. nvm, TSELYN is a POSITIVE and HAPPY-GO-LUCKY person, she'll get over it. work was expecially tedious today.chionged with OT till 630. wah, it was practically, RUSH RUSH RUSH.but the feeling is like..WAH !!!damn shuang, i think i love the fast-paced world. anyways, had the black-out feeling again when i was on the train. i couldnt see nor hear ANYTHING/. seriously!!! got out of the train and rested but dragged myself back onto the next train for work. i was damn scared i was gonna die ok??? seriously, this is like e 2nd or 3rd time it had happened to me from the start of 2008. what if i DIE one day?? will anyone care?? i think NO ONE WOULD CARE except for my cliques in sec sch and my relatives la. WTH right?? its just silly thoughts. dont bother about me. going out with kl,sam and gio 2moro for dinner. cannot wait!!! i needa crap with these peeps. hahas. its been a week or 2 sicne i saw them and i miss them already!!! cutting hair with charm on friday. i want to cut it short and i dont give a damn on how people think about it. AT ALL!!! highlighting when i get my other pay. HEHE. tselyn au revoir |
gpa - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 9:01 AM
results came out today or last night to be exact. hogged on the com at 1159 hoping to get 1st hand results.howver, the freakin' system is damn lag..so, i couldnt get my results till 1 plus. wenqi checked it for me. tks girl. anyways , i have told some people my gpa and seriously, i wish to tell people by myself and not through the spread of word. i mean, coming from myself would mean more to me. however, my gpa SUCKS.i mean, compared to my class, its one of the worse ok?? but im gonna heed someone's advice and not compare with others and just know that i did my best.thats all i have to care about.seriously. hahas. but im so damn beaten cause i dono why those who don contribute to projs get freakin high gpa and people like me get shitty gpa's??? its crap la. mb, next sem i should stay home, don do projects and get gpa of 4.0??? i mean, theres NO JUSTICE!!!!
but why do i care so much about my gpa?? i seriously have no idea. is it because of face?? or i have no confidence in myself getting a B for O's english. i ask myself that everyday and i still don have an answer. its contradicting huh. work today was freakin tedious.doze off a couple of time and made tons of mistakes. I MUST CHANGE!!! this week is kinda busy. im meetin my choir peeps on thurs after work and meetin charm on friday for a HAIRCUT.hahas. my straightened hair have seriously gone haywire. antennas coming out but its cool. hahs.UNIQUENESS. ahahs. my 1 special quality:> tselyn au revoir |
wrk - Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 9:33 AM
happy lantern festival.
lunch with parents and grandmama. kindda heavy lunch. dim sum to be exact.hahas. shopped around eastpt for a while since i was still early.hahas. left for work and reached at a record time of 127.hahs...i was like 33 min early for work la.hahs.mary was like 'wah, so kuai arr, come so early'. hahs. geng hua was there..omg, she is sucha techie.hahas. keep askin me about it stuffs. hahas. she's damn nice ok??haahs. gina was great as well. she helps me in everything la. hahas.ok la, mb only in e sewing of clothes since im noob at that.hahas. worked till 10.crazy customer kept irritating us.gave us the creeps but it was damn hilarious as well.hahas. gina said that customer was fom IMH.haha..crazy.hahas.. trained home. SEAB 2moro. cant wait to C.R.A.P!hahas. results out on tuesday!!! crazy!!! tselyn au revoir |
kbox - Saturday, September 13, 2008 @ 7:20 AM
finally!! i managed to go KBOX-ing!!! hahs..
suppose to meet sam at 1 but so 'lucky', when i reached the bus stop, the freakin' bus just left. ironic isn't it? always when your in a rush, everything just goes the other way.hahas. so, i reached ehub at 130. 30 minutes late.SORRY GIRL.haah.. makan-ed at SUPERDOG!! 1st time. damn nice man.. the bacon ripper.. crazy in love!! hahs. sam had something related to bacon as well. only difference, hers had more sauce and it was beef. hahas. went to kbox at 2pm. we were initially assigned to sing till 515. stupid right? 3 hours but thank goodness we had the room till 7. hahas..we were multi-language today.hahas.had a fair share of canto,english and of course chinese songs.lol..did i mention that it was like a freezer there? damn COLD ok?? my hands turned BLUE.hahas. the servers there were cute. i mean compared to the other outlets. hahas . one came in and said 'zhao huo le' , while serving us drinks cause the fire alarm went off or what la. hahas.very funny.haah FUN day with sam. hahas. we'll meet up soon alrights?? ytd night was damn shockin'. didnt even thought that i could do something like that but i did it anyways. dont worry, its a legal thing. hahas.. CENTREPOINT 2moro. with family lunch before work.haahs. tselyn au revoir |
itouch - Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 7:53 AM
work was stress.. hahas.haven seen a temp job which is so mentally exhausting right? but its damn true. counting and tabulating scores can be quite irritating but come on, its easy money
hahas. time seriously just FLY by... kboxing 2moro if everything goes as planned ... cant wait ok??SERIOUSLY!! hahas work on sunday.. MY BANK IS FREAKIN' DRY!!! tselyn au revoir |
work2 - Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 9:27 AM
work was freakin' tedious. piles and pile of scripts just keep coming in.its crazy!!! but, due to my HIGH EFFICIENCY level , we manage to clear what we were suppose to do. hahas. anyways, i love workin !!!! i love the crapping and stuffs with my secondary school people. haahs. but not same sentiments goes with poly work-mates. its a little scary as they have something POWERFUL in their hands. but whatever!! actually, i care a little but what the heck. do whatever you want bah. play all you can. hmmm... tselyn is pissed. hahs.
anyways,my group has this lindis neighbour and he suggest i write composition POETIC-ly. i mean seriously, poems are hard enough. hahas.and writing poetic-ly would be kindda impossible for me .but nevertheless, tks for your advice:> trained home with weishan,edward and qianling. lipping and that epson printer person couldnt manage to get onto the train. haiz. but nvm, with me around, theres bound to have fun and laughter.HAHAS.talked major crap on the train. its was damn cold till .... pasah malam was awesome. hahas. tons of food ok?? manage to get my corn,peanuts and sausage. hahas... cravings fully satisfied. hahs. my bank is getting lesser day by day. not because i spent on unnessasary stuffs but i just paid my freakin M1 bill of $109. crazy man. hahas.. so people, sms and call me back at my usual number. ok?? read the tags of kokwei and giovanna. seriously, tks for everything man. mb, i might feel the reluctantness i felt in sem 1 but WHO KNOWS. work 2moro.. this time, ql wouldnt be workin cause her job duration ended already.freak man. tselyn au revoir |
work - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 5:14 AM
hey peeps. work today was kindda tedious . i mean main problem was major lost of manpower,we intially had 6 member sin our team which eventually became a pathetic figure of 4 when 2 has stuffs to handle. damn tired. from an efficient team to the last group to finish. pathetic right? anyways, TPians got their long awaited results today. seeing how well my sec peeps has done really scares me. will i be the worse in poly? wow!!! they have a Z!!!which is a top 10% of As!!!!
major crapping was done in the train home today!!! FUN FUN FUN!! i think my classmates miss it and here i am, fufilling their long time wish.hahas. jking!!!i love to L.A.M.E!!! anyways, the NEW IPOD NANO is freakin loves !!! DAMN NICE COLOURS!!! its crazy!!! hahas... chromatic. $248 plus. 8G!!! but my mp3 is like less than 1 yr old. how how??? any suggestions?? tselyn au revoir |
poly peeps - Tuesday, September 09, 2008 @ 9:57 AM
this is gonna be random once again but i seriously want to say something. EI0803 PEEPS, AFTER READING THIS POST, DONT HATE ME. i've been feeling a sense of unbelonging in EI0803.i dono why i feel this way. its just a sudden feeling. weird. results will be coming out soon and i have an urge to get out of this class. mb, its because of the different cliques and all. the kuai kias STUDYING everyday after school and unknowingly giving me huge pressure. this kind of pressure just accumulates and i don know when i will explode.ok, mb not to the extend of explode but i think you peeps get what i mean. right? ive made some friends in my 4 months in NYP. friends. not good ones. i mean, not BFFs. i dono how to put it la. its like friends that you can crap along and talk. thats all. not ones that you can tell them everything. its not that i dont trust them or what but i seriously have no idea. these past few weeks into holidays, we have drifted apart from our usual hangouts and all. found back familarity with secondary school friends and kindda lost touch with one another. even though, some of us might be working with one another, its a different feeling. we dont talk as much as i want to. even if my friends are workin there, SO WHAT! i dono la. the thought of just having NYP as a back-up plan is seriously killing me!! what if i dont make it to tp? will people think i just say i want to go to tp for fun and totally outcast me or will they treat me normally? its a question i ponder every other day. its funny how life works right? its a cycle. watched tyra show today. this lady said somethign which i totaly agree. MONEY CAN'T BUY BACK TIME !'. since life is a cycle, why can't we just go back in time to mend what we have done wrong? i mean, I WANT TO RETAKE my PSLE. get into express and go in JC. but can i? NO!! funny huh. this feeling has been hauntin me and i hope that people wouldnt mind me havin this kind of feeling. i can fully understand if u all hate me or what. its a crazy world, i know. but, after i pour this out, i ain't gonna probe on this anymore. i swear. btw, i totally hate these group of people. shan't say their names but im just beginning to hate their actions. dont worry peeps, its not the workin gang in SEAB. ok, mb only 1 bah. go ahead and guess. i think you all can see how my attitude has change towards this person:> im not proud of my behavior but what to do? I AM ME! work 2moro. tselyn au revoir |
meeting - Monday, September 08, 2008 @ 9:34 PM
jus came back from meetin xj. omg, i apologize for being late.haha. talked at mac. its been a long time since we met girl. talked about school and stuffs. good luck in finding a job ya?? hope the agency calls you soon. hahs. will meet up soon again.next time, KBOX!!!hahas.
omg, ytd was like catching up with an old friend day. hahs. rmb the jun hao i mentioned i saw during AVRIL'S concert? i finally rmb him!! he was my classmate during pri 1 and 2.. talked on msn and reminiscing the past. hahas.. we combed almost everyone we rmbed in pri 1 and 2. hahs. was funny kk?? hahas. he was still close friends with nicole cheong. omg... she used to be my best friend in pri sch but i lost touch with her. i mean MAJOR lost touch. haha anyways, im gonna get my butt to work 2moro. even though how reluctant i may be, i have to. think of the CASH.hahas. tselyn au revoir |
meet - @ 10:53 AM
im thinking of cutting my fringe 2moro. but im still considering. tselyn au revoir |
600 - @ 2:55 AM
let's freakin celebrate my 600th post!!!
anyways, woke up at a crazy time of 233pm. was suppose to go out with wenqi but cause my mom doesnt allow, i have to pass it off. but i still manage to get out of the house. hehe :> met up with sam and her sis for lunch at EIGHTEEN CHEFS. its been damn long since i've ate there... miss the CBR man. hahas.talked and kindda caught up la.hehes went to do my nails after lunch. hahas. HOT PINK!!! walked home. hahas. stay home 2moro as well. but mb, i'll be meeting xj or sabita. waiting for sms-es. hahas tselyn au revoir |
AVRIL - Sunday, September 07, 2008 @ 9:55 AM
A V R I L L A V I GN E OMFG!!! ITS SO THE BEST DAMN THING!! met up with wenqi, andrew and his gf at kallang. bused down to indoor stadium. one word. PACKED! found the east entrance. i was so enticed by the merchandise they were selling ok?? its freakin damn cool. bought a flag. hahas. KINDDA LIKE A CAM-WHORE PROP .hahas. anyways, the whole concert was damn nice. with familier songs and wonderful crowd and FREE lightsticks and lanyard... how cool can it get man . couldnt get much pics of the concert cause of my old camera. hahas. but i manage to get SOME!! oh ya, we had great seats. clear view of everything!! it was nearly 11 when the concert ended. went to kallang leisure park and i saw GLORIA.omg, its like my 1st encounter with her ok?? weird but funny.haahs. its kindda surreal ok?? hahas. and on ym way out of the mall, i saw jun hao. ok?? he recognised me but i didnt ..so ps.. but i know he was from shps. hahas. the only thing i said to him was 'wah piang, you changed a lot!!' .hahas. free ride back to kallang.so cool ok?? the bus is freakin posh like. ok, mb not to the extend of posh but different. haahs. trained home.with slurppeee.. haahs. yumms. we should go for these kind of concerts MORE OFTEN!!!haahs.. i was H.I.G.H the whole night kk? hahas.am i right? tselyn au revoir |
bolster - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 8:53 AM
work today was kind of easy. free 1 hour pay. met up with sam after work. walked around tm. had hokkien mee. damn sinful can.. i finished the whole PLATE. shit la!! then sam wanted to buy bolster for her dad. hahas. damn funny, i tell you!! she hit the bolster w/o saying sorry.hahas.and e lady just dont care. i mean, i didnt describe in detail la. but if you were there, you will laugh kk?? hahas..
![]() ![]() selamat hari raya to all those malays out there!! i want some KUEHS!! hahas. tselyn au revoir |
guess - Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 3:11 AM
![]() looks kiddish but i like! stay home monday and tomorrow marks the official chionging of work! 3 different PAYS should be coming in anytime this week*HUGE GRIN*. *BLINK!! $$$$$$$* vcd-ed and youtube-ed. OMG. HINDER is back!!! with a freakin' awesome song!!! and i finally found a song that ive been looking for since forever!!! MADISON AVENUE-dont call me baby. kindda old song but i love her voice!! btw, HOW DUMB CAN I GET?? I FORGOT THAT THE AMAZING RACE WAS TODAY!!! thank god for 2nd telecast at night. can i tell you how much i love simple plan? hahas. their songs! OMFG. so ME! btw, i've a list of things to get and do when i get my pay!
so, i should have a hell a lot of $$ to buy my camera. HAHAS. tselyn au revoir |
- Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 12:50 PM
JASMINE IS A PRETTY AND ATTRACTIVE GIRL. see jas, i helped you publicise, must help me also kk?? HAHS. call me a fickleminded person. but i have to say this, WHY CANT YOU ALL STAND AT MY POINT OF VIEW AND UNDERSTAND MY SITUATION. IMAGINE BEING IN MY POSITION, I THINK YOU WILL FEEL IT TOO. WTH.WHO CARES!!! tselyn au revoir
mae's 21st - Saturday, September 27, 2008 @ 10:04 AM
heres the thing. i was suppose to meet up with poly peeps at 1pm at orchard. but lord and behold, i woke up at 1230. mom called me sayin that auntie margaret's husband passed away due to heart attack.. c'mon, his only 58?? so damn young can? its so crazy how life can be so unpredictable!! anyways, bused dwn to far east via 579. ryan cabera the way there...his songs are damn nice.so dated yet updated.HAAHS. contradicting. met up with them at long john. the sign looks damn FISH and CO.hahas. hanged around and went to STAGE.bought the handphone strap. hahas. finally! POWER RANGER.hahas. lame shit!! i think i wan to go back to far east for a streak extention. its freakin CHEAP can??$1 per strand.hahas. i wan RED!!! mb, next week?? HAHAS.when is my pay coming in??? IM STRUGGLING WITHOUT $$$$$$!!! anyways, walked to taka.. then to cine. booked a chamber room and i can proudly declare that im in love w the xbox CONTROLLER!!the click click sound.so damn COOL! rented DEFINITELY MAYBE. nice show. but i had to leave due to my cousin's 21st. nevertheless,
THANKS FOR THE MEETUP! trained to pasir ris and met mom on the train. waited fr dad at white sands cause HE OVERSLEPT!! hahas. like daughter like father.haha.. saw auntie alice and she looks different.ahahs. cabbed to costa sands. hanged and talked with cousins .went ezone to play! hahas. i got to play the basketball machine.hahs. omg, its so addictive kk??so fun!! quickly walked back to the chalet and we made it in time for cutting cake.hahas. picca-ed. anyways, my relatives all said i slim down.hahas..no secret formula or whatsoever cause i didnt know how i went dwn too.hahas
tselyn au revoir |
倪子岡 - Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 10:38 AM
so after hours of pondering, didn't go for work . msged my boss in the wee hours of the morning and went back to lala land. woke up at 2pm. finally!!! ive gotten my beauty sleep. hahas. watched dvd and computer-ed. it was kind of like a making up day. hahas. making up for all the lost dvds and all. hahas. ANTM-ed.finally, ISIS OUT!!
cousin MAE's 21st bday celebration tomorrow!! i think i cant wait to see them?? hahas. haven seen them since febuary?? should be going out with poly peeps for lunch too. im still in a dilemma cause mom says ive been going out too often. hmm..let me see.. the only time i went out was mainly for work. mb this week i went out kind of a lot of times but, im workin everyday from next tuesday onwards. no chance to go out AT ALL!!and 2 weeks later, im startin school. and 4 weeks later, its my O's ... ive to meet up with my teacher real soon. seriously, i want a B so badly but i dont think i deserve it. since i've not been workin on this language since FOREVER?? F1 started today. the sounds of the cars... so damn freakin awesome!! watched it on tele though.hahas. most of my friends are workin in F1 and some dread it. hahs.. chill.. GAIN EXPERIENCE!!! it looks nicer on your resume too!!
i want to watch the HOUSE BUNNY!!!such a bimbo show. hahas. but wth... i wan to!! i miss chatting with my friends and LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!! its only been a day since i saw them lahs. hahas tselyn au revoir |
klings 18bash - Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 9:35 AM
KL SURPRISE 18 BDAY BBQ!!! just start from the bottom.. that was how my pictures are arranged.hhaas. trained, bused and walked. crazy!!! but it was worthy! hahas. reached ECP at 645pm as promised. makan-ed and chatted with sam, her cous and the rest of KL friends.was damn funny kk? i swear, with them around, if you dont laugh, u will go bonkers!! KL came at around 740. it was a surprise so she didnt know we were there. HAHAS. wah kao!! common sense right??surprise?? hahas. sparklers and MASKS.hahas.puurrfect combination.HAHAS. she was like HUH??why are u all here?? got gathering nv ask and stuff.ahahs.FUNNY + HILARIOUS!!! hope this girl was surprised!! talked and makaned.. laughed and crapped. matt and char was there. hahas. haven seen them since 4ever. hahas.talked about choir boys.hahas. kuku.. ahahs. joanne and andrew came a little later. met up with giovanna to complete our bday present!! its byfar the most thoughful present ive ever done for my friend.so tressure it Kai Ling!!! the following bday wish is by far the BEST note ive ever seen ok?? HAPPY BDAY in 10 different ways by the infamous JOHNSON LEE!! wah kao... its damn HILARIOUS!! SUPER LOL!!!!! he wrote the day before he left for ipoh and he did it in mac. omg!! WE LAUGHED TLL I ALMOST CRIED !!! its so damn funny kk??? JOKE OF THE FREAKIN CENTURY!!! anyways, we crapped a lot today!!! we have to seriously thank fuxing for planning everything by himself. what a nice bf..!! KL , this one's for KEEPS!!! enjoy your vietnam trip and take cares kk?? we shall hang soon:) i love these peeps damn freakin a lot!!! we shall meet soon. mb, i'll have a bbq this dec.HAHAS. oh ya, thanks joanne for the ride home.hehe. cabbing was fun.LAUGHED in the cab till the cabbist almost went crazy bah. hahas. andrew, take care of yr teeth ya.. 4 wisdom tooth is no easy feat. jia yous. hahas. tselyn au revoir ps-pondering whether to go work 2moro a not??
work - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 9:16 AM
OG bugis today. finally, saw fanny! i helped her relief the other time at og orchard. hahas. she's damn pretty and helpful.HAHAS.damn hard to find these days k? anyways, sales was good. taking the shitty number of customers that walked into the store today. hahas.i wonder if i was paid for commssion, how much would i get man. hahas. im sucha good salesperson.WHAT TO DO? hahas. omg!!! from begingin of the year till now, i've went down 2 sizes. CRAZY HUH. haha.the auntie told me, you're not fat right? its the shirt that makes you look big.ahahs. hello?? i can fit like another person into my shirt kk?? haahs.its freakin HUGE.haahs. happyness!! yue xin was damn funny.shes like the happy pie there!! met a new girl,mei ting, i mean, at least to me. same age,private dip student, harperdasher promoter. kawaii like shit can.HAHAS.
trained home.saw daniel.hahas.haven changed a bit man. haahs. funny with a little sacrasim. hahas. jasmine acc me home.hahas. i mean not physically but we talked on the phone.ahahs. tks girl. PASS ME YOUR CABLE KK??hahss. input yr cpu to yr tv screen.hahas. BUSY DAY 2moro.... morning shift!! have to wake up at 8am 2moro. S.H.I.T!! im jus gonna earn slightly more than a thousand this month.WTF! tselyn au revoir |
work - Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 10:31 AM
work today was freakin tiring.hahas... manage to sell some apparels and i have to lie to myself saying that particular piece of garments looks freakin' damn nice on them wen it doesnt AT ALL. so guilty consicious.hahas. shit la.hahas. but anyways, its part of my job.hahas. its fun though.HAHAS. no regrets.lol..dinner with gw and jane.hehe...sneaky little tselyn manage to convince her friends to makan w her.hahas.. im sucha NICE friend right?? hahas.long john-ed.
back to work till 9.then went to meet my friends. FINALLY!!!! its completed...ITS DAMN NICE!! laughed the hell out ..hahas.it was a blast.haha. remeniscing the past was fun!!! work 2moro at bugis. 12-9.. freakin schedule. tselyn au revoir |
out - Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 9:56 AM
kboxing with qian ling , jasmine and rebecca today. we were suppose to watch movie and jus purely HANG.but, when i reached, where i was 30 min late, they asked me, 'you really want to watch movie?' , then i was like 'i know la, you all want go kbox is it??' hahas.see i know them so well..we met at 1230 and we had around 1 hr to RAWT.so, went to makan gelare. HAHAS.we shared 1 waflle. rasberry sorbet. nice:> next, we went to the arcade. didnt play but went to take neoprints.HAHAS.2nd neoprint of the year.PATHETIC right?? shall upload the neoprints soon, since im sing my laptop now. hahas.. kbox-ing was fun. sang quite a few songs. i think i was not so excited cause i just sang kbox 1 week ago.ahahs. with the same server and all. hahas.it was FUNNY!!!
bused home at 615. talked to gw. so, he was freakin' high since his dvd arrived 2 days earlier than excited.WTH! hahas. went out after dinner.did some stuffs. was damn funny , i tell you!!! hahas...shall elaborate more after everything is done!! official chiongin of work starts 2moro... this week tues,wed,thurs,fri,sat!!! next week mon,tues,wed,thurs,fri the week after mon,tues,wed,thurs,fri. i have no time to PLAY anymore and my Os are coming soon!!!!! WTFH!! tselyn au revoir |
bugis - Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ 11:42 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() started work at bugis OG today.its freakin AUNTIE PARADISE.haahs. new environment. sales was good today. my partner happens to be interlinked with my RC and CP friends. so cool huh. haahs. dinner w parents .they came to find me.ahahs. work ended at 9. met up with parents at starbucks and went to watch MAMAMIA.hahas.. nice show. can go catch it if u haven. hahas. its kindda like my 2nd time watching. 1st time was illegal. and it was only part of it.HAHS. movie ended at 1115.trained home . movie again 2moro.this time with jas,ql and reb.CANT WAIT. then its WORK WORK WORK for the whole freakin week..MAE'S 21st bday this sat.haahs. tselyn au revoir |
stay home saturday - Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 7:13 AM
stayed at home today. got woken up by my parents at 12. slept at 3 last night. ANTMing. hahs. makeover episode.WOW!!! a haircut really makes a lot of difference. talking about haircut, i got my hair cut ytd with charmaine. tried out a salon at suntec, S4H. love the environment and the stylist. changed my parting and cut fringe. the whole volume of my hair changed. NICE. charmaine got her hair cut too... shorter by around 3 inches, i think?? hahas. she wanted and i think needed more volume to her hair. hahas. best of all, it cost only $29 bucks. hehes. shopped around suntec and eyed on a few stuffs.... gonna get it soon. when i get my pay. hahas. charm was like finally ,SHOPPING!!! she's pretty busy with school and work. rest well girl. dont be too stressed out. swensens for lunch.salmon and mushroom bake rice.WOOx... bounced train with charm cause she needed to go to work and i needed to wait for my mom for about an hour. in the end, i called mom and she changed from city hall to PARKWAY . so, i bounced till bedok and bused there.. walked from tao nan to PP. talked on the phone. HAHS..if not, i'll die of bordem. hahas. bought a pair of heels from marks and spencer. brown.. for presentations. this way, i'll be TALLER and no one can critisise my auntie flats during presentations. have not gotten use to it yet but i';; make an effort to practise 10 min everyday.HAHAS.. walked around for a while, steamboat-ed and cabbed home.
work 2moro. its a different venue. WTH.bugis... hahas. monday, out with ql,jas and reb.(movie-ing) tselyn au revoir |
out - Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 10:08 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() talked from 730- 10+. bused home with sam. omg, she knows where is my favourite seat on the bus. hahs..funny sia.. hahas. anyways, had a freakin' fun time today and crazy enough, my mom didnt call to ask me what time i was going home. hahas. weird?? i hate my AUNTIE HAIRstyle.ITS DAMN GROSS!!! i wanan try something edgy and funky but do i have the guts to try it. thats another question.hahas. im gonna post my new hairstyle if i like it, otherwise, IM GONNA CRY.haha..JKING. tselyn au revoir |
hello? - @ 12:19 AM
just typed out a whole long post on my rantings about my results and stuffs and i thought of deleting that post cause i think people are sick of hearing my thoughts and stuff. some may even be irritated by me but wth, this is my blog. i have the rights to type what i want and all. dont judge me. but, i seriously want to appreciate the concern some people gave to me. it really made me feel a little better. thank you.
im not gonna think nor say anything about my gpa already. to keep me positive, ive got better gpas compared to my secondary school friends who got better L1R4s than me. i mean much better L1R4s. so, getting better gpa is really comforting. hahas. slept like a pig today. from 1am to 2pm. 13 hours, if im not wrong. i needed to make up for all the loss sleep for the past 3 days. 7am everyday. Craziness!! going out with clique later KLing, Gio and Sam. it will totally be a crapping good time. hahas.
ive yet to choose a hairstyle but mb, i'd just leave it to the hands of S4H stylist. hahas. i wan to go back to school with a whole new look but hello?? it ain't easy. jeans and tees are a necessity but i needed change it a little. contradicting huh?? i told you life was a contradiction .haahs. work on sunday. CP if im not wrong. new brand.HAHA.i think im adaptable to new surroundings but it kindda depends. tselyn au revoir |
opinion - Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 9:33 AM
ok, so mb i really care a lot on how people think of me as a person. and so what if i like comparing with others?? DONT YOU? hello?? come on, dont deceive yourselves. there is just a part of you that wants to show how good you really are and wanna compare. or mb its just me?? i really dono... theres kindda a lot of misconception about my personality and character. it seems that i am LOUD, NOISY, IRRITATING, WEIRD and most of all DUMB(because of my gpa). i mean hello??? its me!!!! i am like that. if you want me to change , there is seriously no way i can be your friend. i mean, im not taking it negetively for having these traits but come on!!
nvm, i think im really damn upset about my GPA which explains this behaviour. nvm, TSELYN is a POSITIVE and HAPPY-GO-LUCKY person, she'll get over it. work was expecially tedious today.chionged with OT till 630. wah, it was practically, RUSH RUSH RUSH.but the feeling is like..WAH !!!damn shuang, i think i love the fast-paced world. anyways, had the black-out feeling again when i was on the train. i couldnt see nor hear ANYTHING/. seriously!!! got out of the train and rested but dragged myself back onto the next train for work. i was damn scared i was gonna die ok??? seriously, this is like e 2nd or 3rd time it had happened to me from the start of 2008. what if i DIE one day?? will anyone care?? i think NO ONE WOULD CARE except for my cliques in sec sch and my relatives la. WTH right?? its just silly thoughts. dont bother about me. going out with kl,sam and gio 2moro for dinner. cannot wait!!! i needa crap with these peeps. hahas. its been a week or 2 sicne i saw them and i miss them already!!! cutting hair with charm on friday. i want to cut it short and i dont give a damn on how people think about it. AT ALL!!! highlighting when i get my other pay. HEHE. tselyn au revoir |
gpa - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 9:01 AM
results came out today or last night to be exact. hogged on the com at 1159 hoping to get 1st hand results.howver, the freakin' system is damn lag..so, i couldnt get my results till 1 plus. wenqi checked it for me. tks girl. anyways , i have told some people my gpa and seriously, i wish to tell people by myself and not through the spread of word. i mean, coming from myself would mean more to me. however, my gpa SUCKS.i mean, compared to my class, its one of the worse ok?? but im gonna heed someone's advice and not compare with others and just know that i did my best.thats all i have to care about.seriously. hahas. but im so damn beaten cause i dono why those who don contribute to projs get freakin high gpa and people like me get shitty gpa's??? its crap la. mb, next sem i should stay home, don do projects and get gpa of 4.0??? i mean, theres NO JUSTICE!!!!
but why do i care so much about my gpa?? i seriously have no idea. is it because of face?? or i have no confidence in myself getting a B for O's english. i ask myself that everyday and i still don have an answer. its contradicting huh. work today was freakin tedious.doze off a couple of time and made tons of mistakes. I MUST CHANGE!!! this week is kinda busy. im meetin my choir peeps on thurs after work and meetin charm on friday for a HAIRCUT.hahas. my straightened hair have seriously gone haywire. antennas coming out but its cool. hahs.UNIQUENESS. ahahs. my 1 special quality:> tselyn au revoir |
wrk - Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 9:33 AM
happy lantern festival.
lunch with parents and grandmama. kindda heavy lunch. dim sum to be exact.hahas. shopped around eastpt for a while since i was still early.hahas. left for work and reached at a record time of 127.hahs...i was like 33 min early for work la.hahs.mary was like 'wah, so kuai arr, come so early'. hahs. geng hua was there..omg, she is sucha techie.hahas. keep askin me about it stuffs. hahas. she's damn nice ok??haahs. gina was great as well. she helps me in everything la. hahas.ok la, mb only in e sewing of clothes since im noob at that.hahas. worked till 10.crazy customer kept irritating us.gave us the creeps but it was damn hilarious as well.hahas. gina said that customer was fom IMH.haha..crazy.hahas.. trained home. SEAB 2moro. cant wait to C.R.A.P!hahas. results out on tuesday!!! crazy!!! tselyn au revoir |
kbox - Saturday, September 13, 2008 @ 7:20 AM
finally!! i managed to go KBOX-ing!!! hahs..
suppose to meet sam at 1 but so 'lucky', when i reached the bus stop, the freakin' bus just left. ironic isn't it? always when your in a rush, everything just goes the other way.hahas. so, i reached ehub at 130. 30 minutes late.SORRY GIRL.haah.. makan-ed at SUPERDOG!! 1st time. damn nice man.. the bacon ripper.. crazy in love!! hahs. sam had something related to bacon as well. only difference, hers had more sauce and it was beef. hahas. went to kbox at 2pm. we were initially assigned to sing till 515. stupid right? 3 hours but thank goodness we had the room till 7. hahas..we were multi-language today.hahas.had a fair share of canto,english and of course chinese songs.lol..did i mention that it was like a freezer there? damn COLD ok?? my hands turned BLUE.hahas. the servers there were cute. i mean compared to the other outlets. hahas . one came in and said 'zhao huo le' , while serving us drinks cause the fire alarm went off or what la. hahas.very funny.haah FUN day with sam. hahas. we'll meet up soon alrights?? ytd night was damn shockin'. didnt even thought that i could do something like that but i did it anyways. dont worry, its a legal thing. hahas.. CENTREPOINT 2moro. with family lunch before work.haahs. tselyn au revoir |
itouch - Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 7:53 AM
work was stress.. hahas.haven seen a temp job which is so mentally exhausting right? but its damn true. counting and tabulating scores can be quite irritating but come on, its easy money
hahas. time seriously just FLY by... kboxing 2moro if everything goes as planned ... cant wait ok??SERIOUSLY!! hahas work on sunday.. MY BANK IS FREAKIN' DRY!!! tselyn au revoir |
work2 - Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 9:27 AM
work was freakin' tedious. piles and pile of scripts just keep coming in.its crazy!!! but, due to my HIGH EFFICIENCY level , we manage to clear what we were suppose to do. hahas. anyways, i love workin !!!! i love the crapping and stuffs with my secondary school people. haahs. but not same sentiments goes with poly work-mates. its a little scary as they have something POWERFUL in their hands. but whatever!! actually, i care a little but what the heck. do whatever you want bah. play all you can. hmmm... tselyn is pissed. hahs.
anyways,my group has this lindis neighbour and he suggest i write composition POETIC-ly. i mean seriously, poems are hard enough. hahas.and writing poetic-ly would be kindda impossible for me .but nevertheless, tks for your advice:> trained home with weishan,edward and qianling. lipping and that epson printer person couldnt manage to get onto the train. haiz. but nvm, with me around, theres bound to have fun and laughter.HAHAS.talked major crap on the train. its was damn cold till .... pasah malam was awesome. hahas. tons of food ok?? manage to get my corn,peanuts and sausage. hahas... cravings fully satisfied. hahs. my bank is getting lesser day by day. not because i spent on unnessasary stuffs but i just paid my freakin M1 bill of $109. crazy man. hahas.. so people, sms and call me back at my usual number. ok?? read the tags of kokwei and giovanna. seriously, tks for everything man. mb, i might feel the reluctantness i felt in sem 1 but WHO KNOWS. work 2moro.. this time, ql wouldnt be workin cause her job duration ended already.freak man. tselyn au revoir |
work - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 5:14 AM
hey peeps. work today was kindda tedious . i mean main problem was major lost of manpower,we intially had 6 member sin our team which eventually became a pathetic figure of 4 when 2 has stuffs to handle. damn tired. from an efficient team to the last group to finish. pathetic right? anyways, TPians got their long awaited results today. seeing how well my sec peeps has done really scares me. will i be the worse in poly? wow!!! they have a Z!!!which is a top 10% of As!!!!
major crapping was done in the train home today!!! FUN FUN FUN!! i think my classmates miss it and here i am, fufilling their long time wish.hahas. jking!!!i love to L.A.M.E!!! anyways, the NEW IPOD NANO is freakin loves !!! DAMN NICE COLOURS!!! its crazy!!! hahas... chromatic. $248 plus. 8G!!! but my mp3 is like less than 1 yr old. how how??? any suggestions?? tselyn au revoir |
poly peeps - Tuesday, September 09, 2008 @ 9:57 AM
this is gonna be random once again but i seriously want to say something. EI0803 PEEPS, AFTER READING THIS POST, DONT HATE ME. i've been feeling a sense of unbelonging in EI0803.i dono why i feel this way. its just a sudden feeling. weird. results will be coming out soon and i have an urge to get out of this class. mb, its because of the different cliques and all. the kuai kias STUDYING everyday after school and unknowingly giving me huge pressure. this kind of pressure just accumulates and i don know when i will explode.ok, mb not to the extend of explode but i think you peeps get what i mean. right? ive made some friends in my 4 months in NYP. friends. not good ones. i mean, not BFFs. i dono how to put it la. its like friends that you can crap along and talk. thats all. not ones that you can tell them everything. its not that i dont trust them or what but i seriously have no idea. these past few weeks into holidays, we have drifted apart from our usual hangouts and all. found back familarity with secondary school friends and kindda lost touch with one another. even though, some of us might be working with one another, its a different feeling. we dont talk as much as i want to. even if my friends are workin there, SO WHAT! i dono la. the thought of just having NYP as a back-up plan is seriously killing me!! what if i dont make it to tp? will people think i just say i want to go to tp for fun and totally outcast me or will they treat me normally? its a question i ponder every other day. its funny how life works right? its a cycle. watched tyra show today. this lady said somethign which i totaly agree. MONEY CAN'T BUY BACK TIME !'. since life is a cycle, why can't we just go back in time to mend what we have done wrong? i mean, I WANT TO RETAKE my PSLE. get into express and go in JC. but can i? NO!! funny huh. this feeling has been hauntin me and i hope that people wouldnt mind me havin this kind of feeling. i can fully understand if u all hate me or what. its a crazy world, i know. but, after i pour this out, i ain't gonna probe on this anymore. i swear. btw, i totally hate these group of people. shan't say their names but im just beginning to hate their actions. dont worry peeps, its not the workin gang in SEAB. ok, mb only 1 bah. go ahead and guess. i think you all can see how my attitude has change towards this person:> im not proud of my behavior but what to do? I AM ME! work 2moro. tselyn au revoir |
meeting - Monday, September 08, 2008 @ 9:34 PM
jus came back from meetin xj. omg, i apologize for being late.haha. talked at mac. its been a long time since we met girl. talked about school and stuffs. good luck in finding a job ya?? hope the agency calls you soon. hahs. will meet up soon again.next time, KBOX!!!hahas.
omg, ytd was like catching up with an old friend day. hahs. rmb the jun hao i mentioned i saw during AVRIL'S concert? i finally rmb him!! he was my classmate during pri 1 and 2.. talked on msn and reminiscing the past. hahas.. we combed almost everyone we rmbed in pri 1 and 2. hahs. was funny kk?? hahas. he was still close friends with nicole cheong. omg... she used to be my best friend in pri sch but i lost touch with her. i mean MAJOR lost touch. haha anyways, im gonna get my butt to work 2moro. even though how reluctant i may be, i have to. think of the CASH.hahas. tselyn au revoir |
meet - @ 10:53 AM
im thinking of cutting my fringe 2moro. but im still considering. tselyn au revoir |
600 - @ 2:55 AM
let's freakin celebrate my 600th post!!!
anyways, woke up at a crazy time of 233pm. was suppose to go out with wenqi but cause my mom doesnt allow, i have to pass it off. but i still manage to get out of the house. hehe :> met up with sam and her sis for lunch at EIGHTEEN CHEFS. its been damn long since i've ate there... miss the CBR man. hahas.talked and kindda caught up la.hehes went to do my nails after lunch. hahas. HOT PINK!!! walked home. hahas. stay home 2moro as well. but mb, i'll be meeting xj or sabita. waiting for sms-es. hahas tselyn au revoir |
AVRIL - Sunday, September 07, 2008 @ 9:55 AM
A V R I L L A V I GN E OMFG!!! ITS SO THE BEST DAMN THING!! met up with wenqi, andrew and his gf at kallang. bused down to indoor stadium. one word. PACKED! found the east entrance. i was so enticed by the merchandise they were selling ok?? its freakin damn cool. bought a flag. hahas. KINDDA LIKE A CAM-WHORE PROP .hahas. anyways, the whole concert was damn nice. with familier songs and wonderful crowd and FREE lightsticks and lanyard... how cool can it get man . couldnt get much pics of the concert cause of my old camera. hahas. but i manage to get SOME!! oh ya, we had great seats. clear view of everything!! it was nearly 11 when the concert ended. went to kallang leisure park and i saw GLORIA.omg, its like my 1st encounter with her ok?? weird but funny.haahs. its kindda surreal ok?? hahas. and on ym way out of the mall, i saw jun hao. ok?? he recognised me but i didnt ..so ps.. but i know he was from shps. hahas. the only thing i said to him was 'wah piang, you changed a lot!!' .hahas. free ride back to kallang.so cool ok?? the bus is freakin posh like. ok, mb not to the extend of posh but different. haahs. trained home.with slurppeee.. haahs. yumms. we should go for these kind of concerts MORE OFTEN!!!haahs.. i was H.I.G.H the whole night kk? hahas.am i right? tselyn au revoir |
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