but im still the QUEEN OF LAMENES. this throne is still with me:)
SWENSEN-ED. ice cream....colt tower. so we were so lame cause we ordered the same ice cream as on the advertisement. i mean, you'll get it if yr there.HAHAHS.talked about school and friends.haha.FUN!
see her drink?MOI creation.hahas
mah ice crEAM:)
walked around then we decided to watch MOVIE! hanged around after buying ticks.hahas. saw a bunch of SHSS peeps including xin ying and vivian.hahas.HAPPY-ness. lol.
decided on THE HOUSE BUNNY .hahas.funny, dumb and lame.hahas. freakin' hilarious though.HAHS.went eastpt to da bao. she bus-ed 5 home.hahas. walked home to burn some calories. BTW, im proud of myself..i didnt munch on nachos while watchin movie today.HAHAS.
anyways, food today was great.had cereal prawns and long beans, my favourites. didnt do much today. waiting for mom to get the clothes home.hehe:)
might be workin 2moro.that freakn; auntie didnt call me back :(
tselyn au revoir