as u can see, we also celebrated Johnson's 18th. hahss. he was playing mahjong when we 'surprised' him with the cake.haha.
anyways, school today was WEIRD. i was feeling a little dumb for PRINTING out that excel sheet when i wasn't suppose to la. i accidentally clicked on that freakin' PRINT button. how dumb can i get. then fuji and i chiong-ed out to the printer to retrieve the 3 pages lah. hahas.super embarrassing. MFP was kinda interesting. i got some concepts on formulas. TSELYN's having the mood to study!! INNO lecture was practically free time. hahas. gw with his cheapo stuffs. hahas. his specs cost him only freaking' $3. i mean, if it was me, i'd lie n say it was like $10 lah. wah piang. hahas. FACE!. hahas..
french was a blast. even though we had to stand in front of the class to talk about the assigned celebrity, it was fun cum FUNNY.hahas. FRENCH is interesting ok?
anywyas, the jap teacher thought i knew tons of language ok?? hahas. i introduced myself in jap . then she asked, you know spanish, german?? hahas. freakin' KAN DE QI WO.hahas. had a blast during the break. hahas. it was the highlight of the day kk?
ok, imagine this, TSELYN took the BUS home. its freakin' fun. thought of so many stuffs. like how would my life be if my DAE applicaiton was to get through and i'll be in BIT now. would i have these classmates?? so many IF's came across my mind today. no idea why. tlked to ql on the bus.
hahas. cannot wait!! anyways, instead of ended school on fridays at 3, we're gonna end at 4. cause the malay boys needa go for their prayers. we totally understand them:):):) its ok, its only an hour.hahas. 3 hours of spare time though. should be grassroot-ing .ahahs.
tselyn au revoir