seriously, 3 hours of so-called lesson but only freakin 1 hours of studying? not say im not studying or what lahs, but c'mon, seriously, the whole lesson was basically a STEP-by-STEP guide to sign up for some cisco web. its seriously damn dumb. tselyn needs her beauty rest ok??
anyways, makan-ed at koufu. cause we had 2 hours break, clique went to GRASSROOT's for billard. hmmm. make a wild guess. did you think TSELYN shot balls into e hole? hahas. easy answer huh. I WAS SO SURE I COULDN'T SHOOT ANY BALLS. but, i proved myself wrong.haha. 2-3 balls.hahas. NOT BAD k?? SUPER BEGINNER!! trina was my shifu.hahas. oh should i say GENEVIEVE. hah.
anyways, after school, went to meet up with reb and jas. jas was a surprise. didn't expect her to come.UNINVITED GUEST!! jkjK :) studied ENGLISH!! how'd did i study that? hahas. revise and memorise.
IM SO FRRREEEAAKIN OUT NOW!!! less than 5 days to O's and i 'PROUDLY' say I'M PREPARED!!
stay home weekends. maybe popiah-ing.HEHE.
MY SEAB pay is here!!!
tselyn au revoir