i did their card:):)
hope they liked it:)
FNET for 3 hours. omg.
the curriculum is so freakin' heavy and i have 2 FNET quiz which ive yet to do.
im totally dying out there!!waiting for someone to come rescue moi!!
fnet was kindda fun:)
details shan't be disclosed.
its just FUN.hahs
after class, we celebrated SABERINA's 21st bday and SYED's 18th day.
played some trick on them. having those cannot be blown out candles.
omg. its effing HILARIOUS!!
went to bball court after that to shoot some hoops.
so, cause i was walking to the bball court alone while the others came later.
it was just me and my phone.
then something happened, and i SMILED for the WHOLE DAY!!!
so, cause i was walking to the bball court alone while the others came later.
it was just me and my phone.
then something happened, and i SMILED for the WHOLE DAY!!!
DSA was killer. i was so frustrated at myself that i wanted to cry.
i really was B.L.A.N.K . nothing was functioning in moi brain.
i mean, i passed that module last sem and its like i should have some basics.
BUT, none!!
i have nothing.. i cant recall anything or whatsoever.
SERIOUSLY have to brush up, or at least GET BY WITH LAB TEST in 2 weeks time.
after lesson, went to CINE with that ACE TEAM GANG.
was meetin giovanna at 730 at tam.and time was like 4?
so, i hanged with them. they were going to watch the coffin at 7 pm.
which gives us time to play D.A.R.T.S! hahs.
haven played that game since mae's bday when i went out with them. hahs.
anyways, this mademoiselle here, HAVE SKILLS OK??
i can get bull.hahas. like hello??? CAN YOU?
hahs. ok la, its no big deal kk.hahs
but still, IM NEW:):):)
act cute:)
i seriously haven seen sucha cam-whore couple.
wah piang, theres like 20 over pics of them togehter in my camera ok??
left cine at 7. trained dwn to tam to meet Gio at her wrkplace.
passed her the camera.
she bought it from moi.
insead of letting the camera hibernate at home, i've sold it to her:)
hope she enjoy using it as much as i did for the past 5 yrs.
bused to 201 then walked home.
HAVEN walked home from tam since forever ok??
its so relaxing. haahs
anyways, WORK 2moro.
ive been having this weird thought in my brain that i want to quit my job in december. at least ive been with them for a year.
i reall cannot tahan le la. hahs. very tiring.
i need breaks. i need time. i need this and that.
tselyn au revoir
ps- im indeed a FICKLEMINDEDFOOL:)