my lyrics
journals to me are like _____[FILLED IT YOURSELF]
NEW YR EVE - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 8:44 AM
school in the morning just spoils the whole mood and having a TEST on that day makes it even worse!! to think that every wednesday is NO SCHOOL day. wth!!!! afterwhich,went out with secondary school peeps to catch up and celebrate NEW YEAR'S eve!! waited for sw,edmund and some freaky guy,keane for bloody long. so , we just hang around bugis. poor ryan had to follow us to sasa and some girly man. hahs went to look at e subcrew caps man. and i tell you, NOT NICE.hahs. i mean, the current designs. ewww. gross. look like some taxi hat. hahs BUGIS for DUNCH at siam kitchen and desert at shoduku:) lychee sorbet is loves:) hahs played arcade for A WHILE.oh my, my hands are aching shit. hahs. we played bball and some ball throwing game.hahs took neoprint and all. cam-whored a little and caught up big time. hahs. good meetup. walked to city hall and cam-whored there.hahs. trained home with ryan,ql n mel whereas sw and edmund went to meet with they own friends. watched countdwn show on tele and countdown with FUJI,KH and JANE on msn!! hahs. this time, we were on time:) 1/1/2009 wished everyone on my msn HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! shaked everyone's hands in my family wishing them HAPPY NEW YEAR as well. FIRST blog post of 2009!!! hahs new year resolutions will be up later. the afternoon of 2009. hahs. its kindda late now so toodles peeps:0 tselyn au revoir |
study - Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 8:01 AM
today is the last day of sem 1.2 term break.
and finally, i've started on proj. a bit crazy right? starting project on the last day of holiday. but its better than not doing anything huh. started on DSA proj.tks to trina, i got a better understanding to the codes and stuffs. went to andrew's house to do dsa. ok, travelled from simei to admiralty. 1 hr plus journey time. i should have just taken 969 man. hahs. if i had knew. hahs. msged with mel along the way. got to know that there were plans for new yr's eve. and my oh my, I HAVE SCHOOL man. cant they just have one more week for the holidays? this way, our NEW YEAR would be damn shiok. hais. anyways, reached admiralty at 3. his house is kindda HUGE.hahs. compared to mine:) hahs got i think 1/2 of the proj done?? left at 7 to makan dinner. we were famished man!! talked a lot. bused home. SLEPT like a pig on the bus ok??hahs parents went to watch 'ip man' / they said it was nice. might be even better than 'huo yuan jia' . hahs. anyways, dad bought GTO. hahs. very very old school ok?? 1990s genre. MY nian dai!! tselyn au revoir |
MEETUP - Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 8:57 AM
sam said the sky was 'DAMN NICE'. famously quoted by her. hahs. finally got hold of her language. 'DAMN NICE', 'DAMN COOL CAN'. hahs anyways, i should stagger my sentences now. kl and sam says my blog post have no breaks at all. it seems like its just one whole chunk lump together. really? makaned at SUBWAY-eat fresh for dinner:) caught up real big time. LAUGH LAUGH and LAUGH.hahs went to collect sam's contacts and kl paid her freakin' expensive M1 bill. seriously, M1 bill can KILL!!! damn freakin' expensive!! didnt have anything planned so we just chilled starbucks. hahs. it was nice:) laugh laugh and laughed again. hahs its sucha good thing to have friends whom you can talk to and stuffs. its just damn nice. thanks for being there man. we should meet up more often. with busy-gio next time:) hahs off to andrew's house to do DSA proj tomorrow. its been a hell of a 2 weeks for me. play play and play. i don even have the mood to study already!! and finals are coming real soon!! tselyn au revoir |
christmas eve - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 @ 5:20 AM
it wasnt so much of a party but a time to chill la. hahs. cooked for them. fries, nuggets,spring rolls,sara lee and campbell soup:) they even bought a log cake lahs. hahs. limguowei brought his mike and we sang k. hahs. ONLINE of course. its free. duh. hahs. moi voice wasnt in a good condition today which resulted in disaster!! hahs. horrible man. hahs we had fun:) sang the shit out of us:) hahs. took out my foosball for the peeps to play too. hahs. andrew was so poor thing, he couldnt find people to play with cause he kept winning. HAHAS.sad:( hahs logcake was nice:) jane finally got her craving fully satified i suppose. hahs.each of us got an ornament which was on the log cake as a memory. hahs. cool huh:) hahs we all left together cause i was heading to family dinner. gw and wenqi had to leave for their respective christmas events. met up with my relatives.makaned damn good food:) ahs.took a lot of piccas:) hahs. my grandma is celebrating her 70th bday on 10 jan 09 and it happend to be my OH day.. shit shit. i have to be at both places man.
tselyn au revoir |
everything - Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 2:37 AM
stay home tuesday.
woke up at 2 . damn shag. watched 'the initiation of sarah'. not bad.kindda nice:) hahs. my voice is getting worse. grandmama made wintermelon drink for me. damn sweet as in literally sweet. hahs. will be taking a break from work for the month of january. its exam month too. saw khaili fong's new mv. my oh my, its damn nice:) SINGALONGSONG.sweet:) tselyn au revoir |
chill - Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 8:03 AM
gathering at shili's was great. caught up with fellow ex-classies. hahs.
met up with ws,edward,lp and jordan(jason). walked to shili's house. titus and daniel was already there and were damn high. these 2 sp-ians brought the who atmosphere to a whole new level. they are always so HIGH. hahs. shili kept saying she was a bad host when frankly, she's a great one:) hahs. her room.OMGOSH. i love it ok?? DAMN DAMN cosy. the black combi>loves!! no wonder it cost 8K. hahs. some ice-breakers. 2 truths and a lie. FUN. i managed to skip my turn. seriously, not intended but mr sham came in time to 'save' me. hahs. cheryl they all came soon after. hanged around e dining table and just chat. was great company:) totally miss them lah. no piccas from my camera cause i wasnt in e mood to take pictures. 1st time huh. when i get e piccas from cheng, i'll upload it:) met up with joanne b4 i went to shili's. PIZZA-ed . talked about school ,projs and our own classies. hahs shes damn fun. she bought a cardi at cotton on. gaya was workin' there ok?? hahs. darn cool. saw cheng n cheryl at there too. hahs. stay home tomorrow. tselyn au revoir |
out - Sunday, December 21, 2008 @ 9:52 PM
finally, besides going out for work, im officially going out. hahs
im having a bad sore throat now which explains my hoarse voice. but still, i have a nice voice lahs. hahs. if you miss my singing, request, and i'll sing:) hahs finished moi francais homework. kindda tedious. did a little dsa but bad news, im stucked. i cant do this and that. whats more, the hotel codes are damn complicated that i dont even know what the hell our lovely teacher is doin. its damn damn damn frustrating!! anyways, i miss my classies already. 2 days w/o hearing their voice and seeing their faces and im feeling weird. imagine me going to tp , i'll have no no more opportunities to see them anymore. omg omg. how how. results will be out damn soon. even though its only 1 subj, its damn impt to me. i wanna go for TP open house man. but, i might be on duty for NYP OH 09. shit. ok peeps, im going out :) tselyn au revoir |
work - @ 7:23 AM
work for the past 2 days was freakin' tedious. reason being, it was so damn boring. but anyways, how can i say no to money:) my hair is once again in a mess. but what to do, i cant possibly cut it again huh. it would be crazy. it would be an obsession already.cutting my hair every 2 months? or even more frequent than that. hahs. i've totally lost count. hahs. should be dying my hair again since many people are telling me my hair is back to black or to a darker shade of brown. shit man. its been 9 weeks with this colour and i've had my fair share of copper tone. i wanna go for something bolder and striking. RED.but people will think im crazy. my mom sure does. i dont wanna look cheena. i wanna look ang moh. or at least i feel ang moh eventhough i speak a lot of singlish but i freakin' think that ang moh's are darn COOL. anyways, FREAKIN' packed this week. 5a gathering at shili's proj and movie on tues christmas eve poly peeps coming over.*should be* christmas eve dinner with family working on christmas. proj on fri work on sat*hoping to cancel it though* revision on sun i have tons of stuffs to do. take DSA for an example, i haven done a single shit man. maths, NO improvment at all. i haven even revise anything FNET, needless to say, i dont even know anything lah. i mean, I DON EVEN KNOW THE BASIC stuffs. INNO is going no where. i have to meetup with projmate soon!! french, NO COMMENTs MFP, totally forgot everything!!! ive tried to prioritise my time between school,work and friends. why cant you? maybe its a good thing we have all proceed to different schools or i seriously think we will all be darn pissed off at each other. tselyn au revoir |
0803 chalet - Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 1:05 AM
total telly of chalet pictures-366. obviously i wont be posting all of it huh. so, most probably i'll just post some. the rest, i'll just try to compile it using photoshop. too many le!!anyways, the past 3 days have been hell of a ride. freakin' fun!! day 1 went back to school first with the open house peeps. OMG.its just a freakin' waste of time ok?? we went to school for some briefing at around 215 and the freakin' briefing ended at like 245. WAH PIANG.i tell you, it wasnt even a briefing lahs. super waste of my time. trained home to get chalet stuffs and met trina,qf n boon on the bus. bused down to dwntown east. some were there already. so, basically on the first day, it was free and easy. nothing specially planned except the sec sch pe shirt part. hahs. most of us played card games lah. uno and stuffs. dinner at the food court. hotel standard chicken rice:) hahs. cam-whored and stuffs. blast music on afam's logitech speaker. OMG.THE BASS IS DAMN GOOD!!! little nyonya at 9. kokwei's favourite local production and let me tell you, his like INTO the show ok? hahs channel surfing between little nyonya and cambodia's match. hahs. 0-0. hahs. since i couldn't stay over, i left at around 1130. couldnt sleep man. NO ONE was online since most of them were at costa sands. SAD:( wanted to go wake the classies up at 6am by going and knock the door. BUT, cause i couldnt sleep the previous night, i woke up at 7 and i was in turn, woked up by them. hahs. ps!! reached there at 830am. nurul was there too. coolness. hahs. unexpected guest. hahs:) so, everyone woked up at 10am.. some had weird sleeping positions. hahs. decided to go to WILD WILD WET for the afternoon. OH MY GOSH!! we had a blast there. and since we dont have any waterproof camera's no piccas. :( but, we really had fun. 8 of us went. trina,andrew,wenqi,thomas,fuji,jane,guowei and me:) left WWW at 3 plus. we walked back to the chalet,DRENCHED.hahs. duh, i mean, its wild wild wet leh. hahs. we didnt have our towels and stuffs so it was wetwetwet. hahs. ewwww huh. hahs me n wq went to get our lunch cause we were damn starved. hahs. the others went to bath. KFC for lunch. packed back. took turns to bath and stuffs, was the last in the WWW peeps. hahs. all of the WWW peeps were red. totally envy them ok? they were going to be tan. hahs. like the only one who wasnt red nor tan. shit. hahas . so, bbq started at about 6-7. before that, went cycling with qf,thomas and kh. OMG, they were going aorund in circles and turning around.i was omg, turning on a bike is totally my weakness. hahs. so, i was played by them . SHIT.hahahs. they were like laughin la. hahs. just in time, back for bbq. NICE NICE. the food was nice:) exchanging of presents was next!! we were like damn high and stuffs. super hilarious. no one wants to be the unlucky one to get present number 4!!! hahs. in the end, the unlucky one is FUJI. hahs. super funny!!! i got wenqi's present and jane got mine:) after that, we talked for a while and i left at 1130. its been a good 2 days with my classies:) totally enjoyed their company and hope they loved mine. hahs. at least im a model, standing at 1.7m tall with a monster figure right? HAHS. inside joke.hahs reached home at 12. and tk god!!! i was a little tan. i could see the contrast. hahas. damn happy!!! made my night man. anyways,i woke up at 2 plus today. watched 'midnight sun' starrring yui. omg, its so nice. eventhough the starting is a little slow, its nice:) the song, GOODBYE DAYs.HAHS. super nice:):) work tomorrow. money come man. my bank is kindda depleting soon !! and , i haven started studyin YET.shit. tselyn au revoir |
SHOPPING - Tuesday, December 16, 2008 @ 8:18 AM
im blogging damn regularly these days. maybe TOO regularly. hahs.
anyways, went to nyp . i mean seriously, i wont go nyp for nothing right? hahs. did inno proj and had DSA lessons. kinda productive. oh should i say, VERY!! after school, Trina,Andrew,Fuji ,Jane and me went to tampines. went to ikea to makan. spaghetti with meatballs is loves. then went to tam giant with the thought of hoping to get cheap stuffs for chalet cause we were on a darn tight budget. however, after 45 min of playing with trolley and shopping around, our trolley, which has all our bags in it only had 1 freakin' item which was a pack of serverts tissue. damn it!! hahs so we all decided to change venue and headed to bedok. hahs. sheng siong. still the number one choice for cheap cheap stuffs. hahs so, we were IN budget:) left at 745. cause i had a curfew of 8pm. hahs went to the doctor.oh man, i went into the room for like less than 2 min and out i was. the consultation was damn short can. EI0803 chalet is tomorrow:) super looking forward to it!! everyone will be in their respective sec sch shirts 2moro:) super looking forward to it man!!!! 0803 UNITED!! tselyn au revoir |
eclipse - Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 6:58 AM
I'm currently at chapter 4 of eclipse.
making faster progression compared to twilight. the story is getting more and more interesting:) seriously, its just HOOKS you. hahs. in a good way, i suppose. anyways, mom got her colleague to check out borders to see whether there's new moon or not but sadly, they don't have. so, instead, since breaking dawn was available, i got her to help me get that. so, it seems like i have to make a trip down kinokuniya just to get new moon. freak! got a sneak peek into Midnight Sun last night via Stephenie Meyers oh my, is the 1st chapter just good or what!! FYI, midnight sun is like twilight , only difference, its from Edward's perspective. the 1st chapter revolves around his frustration of not being able to get into Bella's mind and how he had wanted to kill her. its crazy! i know right? hahs ok, enough of twilight saga. back to tselyn. hahs. so how did tselyn rot her day? tv, online and music. current youtube fav -EOGHAN QUIGG 3rd position in X-factor 2008. his cute and he sings darn well. and when i say cute, TRUST ME.he is!! current playlist decode-acoustic lies year 3000 school tomorrow:) dont i just miss YCK?? ya right!!!! i beg to differ. tselyn au revoir |
suvivor - Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 11:39 PM
so, im watching survivor now. omg!!
i hate the winner man even though i admire him for being the oldest yet strongest player. this season has loads of blindsides and stuffs. but, still, disappointed with the results. BOB . im so in no mood to watch right. make me rush home for nothing. went out at 1plus to get NEW MOON. its seems like popular has reclaimed all books on the TWILIGHT SAGA.shit!! so, i went to times instead. a bit of progress. at least they have ECLIPSE. so , i bought it. it beats finding for NEW MOON right? so, e starting of ECLIPSE starts of with the letter from jacob to bella. it seems like bk 2 has a lot on jacob's relationship with bella. so, i still have to get my hands on NEW MOON by hook or by crook. anyways, im kindda interested in getting INK HEART. i mean, the movie seems nice:) with one of my favourite actor,Brandon fraser. but i reckon i shouldn't get the book until im done wth the TWILIGHT series. 1st day of holiday. but it seriously it just feels like a typical WEDNESDAY. cause i have no school on wednesdays. i'll have to get my ass back to school tomorrow. for projects. shit! tselyn au revoir |
finished - @ 12:38 AM
finally done with twilight. it took me freakin' 4 days to complete the book!! woke up damn late. so most probably should be getting the book at night. hopefully.
got a sneak peek into NEW MOON with the chapter 1 provided at the back pages of twilight. kinda interesting. starting of with Bella's birthday. its kinda funny when there's a part where she said that she was finally 18 when Edward is still always 17 with no chance of being 18. "and Edward would never be". it kinda amused me a little. hahs. thanks to twilight, i found myself reading again. it may be boring but i mean, its a form of entertainment too. you find yourself immerse in the characters and into the story. its like you are part of the story now. interesting to see the transition of one character to another. finally, becca's back from HK. we'll be meeting up soon.yeah! ![]() i mean, thomas suggested doing the project during chalet.WTF. no way am i doing it during the chalet!!! loads of programme planned up for this first week of holiday. seriously, i've got tons to do!!! work, meet-ups, chalet, proj. just kill me lah!! or better still, gimme the vampire venom. this way, i'll have eternity to complete these stuffs. tselyn au revoir |
christmas - Saturday, December 13, 2008 @ 7:46 AM
christmas parrttyyy!!!
was kindda engrossed on reading twilight since it reached its climatic pages. every year its the same old programme. choir,dance and lucky draw. only difference, live band and pastor singing/dancing.hahs anyways, call me a typical singaporean but we won the first prize in the lucky draw.WOAH.but its kindda useless to us la. its a freakin'standing fan. hahs . but i mean, its luck right? |
NEW YR EVE - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 8:44 AM
school in the morning just spoils the whole mood and having a TEST on that day makes it even worse!! to think that every wednesday is NO SCHOOL day. wth!!!! afterwhich,went out with secondary school peeps to catch up and celebrate NEW YEAR'S eve!! waited for sw,edmund and some freaky guy,keane for bloody long. so , we just hang around bugis. poor ryan had to follow us to sasa and some girly man. hahs went to look at e subcrew caps man. and i tell you, NOT NICE.hahs. i mean, the current designs. ewww. gross. look like some taxi hat. hahs BUGIS for DUNCH at siam kitchen and desert at shoduku:) lychee sorbet is loves:) hahs played arcade for A WHILE.oh my, my hands are aching shit. hahs. we played bball and some ball throwing game.hahs took neoprint and all. cam-whored a little and caught up big time. hahs. good meetup. walked to city hall and cam-whored there.hahs. trained home with ryan,ql n mel whereas sw and edmund went to meet with they own friends. watched countdwn show on tele and countdown with FUJI,KH and JANE on msn!! hahs. this time, we were on time:) 1/1/2009 wished everyone on my msn HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! shaked everyone's hands in my family wishing them HAPPY NEW YEAR as well. FIRST blog post of 2009!!! hahs new year resolutions will be up later. the afternoon of 2009. hahs. its kindda late now so toodles peeps:0 tselyn au revoir |
study - Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 8:01 AM
today is the last day of sem 1.2 term break.
and finally, i've started on proj. a bit crazy right? starting project on the last day of holiday. but its better than not doing anything huh. started on DSA proj.tks to trina, i got a better understanding to the codes and stuffs. went to andrew's house to do dsa. ok, travelled from simei to admiralty. 1 hr plus journey time. i should have just taken 969 man. hahs. if i had knew. hahs. msged with mel along the way. got to know that there were plans for new yr's eve. and my oh my, I HAVE SCHOOL man. cant they just have one more week for the holidays? this way, our NEW YEAR would be damn shiok. hais. anyways, reached admiralty at 3. his house is kindda HUGE.hahs. compared to mine:) hahs got i think 1/2 of the proj done?? left at 7 to makan dinner. we were famished man!! talked a lot. bused home. SLEPT like a pig on the bus ok??hahs parents went to watch 'ip man' / they said it was nice. might be even better than 'huo yuan jia' . hahs. anyways, dad bought GTO. hahs. very very old school ok?? 1990s genre. MY nian dai!! tselyn au revoir |
MEETUP - Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 8:57 AM
sam said the sky was 'DAMN NICE'. famously quoted by her. hahs. finally got hold of her language. 'DAMN NICE', 'DAMN COOL CAN'. hahs anyways, i should stagger my sentences now. kl and sam says my blog post have no breaks at all. it seems like its just one whole chunk lump together. really? makaned at SUBWAY-eat fresh for dinner:) caught up real big time. LAUGH LAUGH and LAUGH.hahs went to collect sam's contacts and kl paid her freakin' expensive M1 bill. seriously, M1 bill can KILL!!! damn freakin' expensive!! didnt have anything planned so we just chilled starbucks. hahs. it was nice:) laugh laugh and laughed again. hahs its sucha good thing to have friends whom you can talk to and stuffs. its just damn nice. thanks for being there man. we should meet up more often. with busy-gio next time:) hahs off to andrew's house to do DSA proj tomorrow. its been a hell of a 2 weeks for me. play play and play. i don even have the mood to study already!! and finals are coming real soon!! tselyn au revoir |
christmas eve - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 @ 5:20 AM
it wasnt so much of a party but a time to chill la. hahs. cooked for them. fries, nuggets,spring rolls,sara lee and campbell soup:) they even bought a log cake lahs. hahs. limguowei brought his mike and we sang k. hahs. ONLINE of course. its free. duh. hahs. moi voice wasnt in a good condition today which resulted in disaster!! hahs. horrible man. hahs we had fun:) sang the shit out of us:) hahs. took out my foosball for the peeps to play too. hahs. andrew was so poor thing, he couldnt find people to play with cause he kept winning. HAHAS.sad:( hahs logcake was nice:) jane finally got her craving fully satified i suppose. hahs.each of us got an ornament which was on the log cake as a memory. hahs. cool huh:) hahs we all left together cause i was heading to family dinner. gw and wenqi had to leave for their respective christmas events. met up with my relatives.makaned damn good food:) ahs.took a lot of piccas:) hahs. my grandma is celebrating her 70th bday on 10 jan 09 and it happend to be my OH day.. shit shit. i have to be at both places man.
tselyn au revoir |
everything - Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 2:37 AM
stay home tuesday.
woke up at 2 . damn shag. watched 'the initiation of sarah'. not bad.kindda nice:) hahs. my voice is getting worse. grandmama made wintermelon drink for me. damn sweet as in literally sweet. hahs. will be taking a break from work for the month of january. its exam month too. saw khaili fong's new mv. my oh my, its damn nice:) SINGALONGSONG.sweet:) tselyn au revoir |
chill - Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 8:03 AM
gathering at shili's was great. caught up with fellow ex-classies. hahs.
met up with ws,edward,lp and jordan(jason). walked to shili's house. titus and daniel was already there and were damn high. these 2 sp-ians brought the who atmosphere to a whole new level. they are always so HIGH. hahs. shili kept saying she was a bad host when frankly, she's a great one:) hahs. her room.OMGOSH. i love it ok?? DAMN DAMN cosy. the black combi>loves!! no wonder it cost 8K. hahs. some ice-breakers. 2 truths and a lie. FUN. i managed to skip my turn. seriously, not intended but mr sham came in time to 'save' me. hahs. cheryl they all came soon after. hanged around e dining table and just chat. was great company:) totally miss them lah. no piccas from my camera cause i wasnt in e mood to take pictures. 1st time huh. when i get e piccas from cheng, i'll upload it:) met up with joanne b4 i went to shili's. PIZZA-ed . talked about school ,projs and our own classies. hahs shes damn fun. she bought a cardi at cotton on. gaya was workin' there ok?? hahs. darn cool. saw cheng n cheryl at there too. hahs. stay home tomorrow. tselyn au revoir |
out - Sunday, December 21, 2008 @ 9:52 PM
finally, besides going out for work, im officially going out. hahs
im having a bad sore throat now which explains my hoarse voice. but still, i have a nice voice lahs. hahs. if you miss my singing, request, and i'll sing:) hahs finished moi francais homework. kindda tedious. did a little dsa but bad news, im stucked. i cant do this and that. whats more, the hotel codes are damn complicated that i dont even know what the hell our lovely teacher is doin. its damn damn damn frustrating!! anyways, i miss my classies already. 2 days w/o hearing their voice and seeing their faces and im feeling weird. imagine me going to tp , i'll have no no more opportunities to see them anymore. omg omg. how how. results will be out damn soon. even though its only 1 subj, its damn impt to me. i wanna go for TP open house man. but, i might be on duty for NYP OH 09. shit. ok peeps, im going out :) tselyn au revoir |
work - @ 7:23 AM
work for the past 2 days was freakin' tedious. reason being, it was so damn boring. but anyways, how can i say no to money:) my hair is once again in a mess. but what to do, i cant possibly cut it again huh. it would be crazy. it would be an obsession already.cutting my hair every 2 months? or even more frequent than that. hahs. i've totally lost count. hahs. should be dying my hair again since many people are telling me my hair is back to black or to a darker shade of brown. shit man. its been 9 weeks with this colour and i've had my fair share of copper tone. i wanna go for something bolder and striking. RED.but people will think im crazy. my mom sure does. i dont wanna look cheena. i wanna look ang moh. or at least i feel ang moh eventhough i speak a lot of singlish but i freakin' think that ang moh's are darn COOL. anyways, FREAKIN' packed this week. 5a gathering at shili's proj and movie on tues christmas eve poly peeps coming over.*should be* christmas eve dinner with family working on christmas. proj on fri work on sat*hoping to cancel it though* revision on sun i have tons of stuffs to do. take DSA for an example, i haven done a single shit man. maths, NO improvment at all. i haven even revise anything FNET, needless to say, i dont even know anything lah. i mean, I DON EVEN KNOW THE BASIC stuffs. INNO is going no where. i have to meetup with projmate soon!! french, NO COMMENTs MFP, totally forgot everything!!! ive tried to prioritise my time between school,work and friends. why cant you? maybe its a good thing we have all proceed to different schools or i seriously think we will all be darn pissed off at each other. tselyn au revoir |
0803 chalet - Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 1:05 AM
total telly of chalet pictures-366. obviously i wont be posting all of it huh. so, most probably i'll just post some. the rest, i'll just try to compile it using photoshop. too many le!!anyways, the past 3 days have been hell of a ride. freakin' fun!! day 1 went back to school first with the open house peeps. OMG.its just a freakin' waste of time ok?? we went to school for some briefing at around 215 and the freakin' briefing ended at like 245. WAH PIANG.i tell you, it wasnt even a briefing lahs. super waste of my time. trained home to get chalet stuffs and met trina,qf n boon on the bus. bused down to dwntown east. some were there already. so, basically on the first day, it was free and easy. nothing specially planned except the sec sch pe shirt part. hahs. most of us played card games lah. uno and stuffs. dinner at the food court. hotel standard chicken rice:) hahs. cam-whored and stuffs. blast music on afam's logitech speaker. OMG.THE BASS IS DAMN GOOD!!! little nyonya at 9. kokwei's favourite local production and let me tell you, his like INTO the show ok? hahs channel surfing between little nyonya and cambodia's match. hahs. 0-0. hahs. since i couldn't stay over, i left at around 1130. couldnt sleep man. NO ONE was online since most of them were at costa sands. SAD:( wanted to go wake the classies up at 6am by going and knock the door. BUT, cause i couldnt sleep the previous night, i woke up at 7 and i was in turn, woked up by them. hahs. ps!! reached there at 830am. nurul was there too. coolness. hahs. unexpected guest. hahs:) so, everyone woked up at 10am.. some had weird sleeping positions. hahs. decided to go to WILD WILD WET for the afternoon. OH MY GOSH!! we had a blast there. and since we dont have any waterproof camera's no piccas. :( but, we really had fun. 8 of us went. trina,andrew,wenqi,thomas,fuji,jane,guowei and me:) left WWW at 3 plus. we walked back to the chalet,DRENCHED.hahs. duh, i mean, its wild wild wet leh. hahs. we didnt have our towels and stuffs so it was wetwetwet. hahs. ewwww huh. hahs me n wq went to get our lunch cause we were damn starved. hahs. the others went to bath. KFC for lunch. packed back. took turns to bath and stuffs, was the last in the WWW peeps. hahs. all of the WWW peeps were red. totally envy them ok? they were going to be tan. hahs. like the only one who wasnt red nor tan. shit. hahas . so, bbq started at about 6-7. before that, went cycling with qf,thomas and kh. OMG, they were going aorund in circles and turning around.i was omg, turning on a bike is totally my weakness. hahs. so, i was played by them . SHIT.hahahs. they were like laughin la. hahs. just in time, back for bbq. NICE NICE. the food was nice:) exchanging of presents was next!! we were like damn high and stuffs. super hilarious. no one wants to be the unlucky one to get present number 4!!! hahs. in the end, the unlucky one is FUJI. hahs. super funny!!! i got wenqi's present and jane got mine:) after that, we talked for a while and i left at 1130. its been a good 2 days with my classies:) totally enjoyed their company and hope they loved mine. hahs. at least im a model, standing at 1.7m tall with a monster figure right? HAHS. inside joke.hahs reached home at 12. and tk god!!! i was a little tan. i could see the contrast. hahas. damn happy!!! made my night man. anyways,i woke up at 2 plus today. watched 'midnight sun' starrring yui. omg, its so nice. eventhough the starting is a little slow, its nice:) the song, GOODBYE DAYs.HAHS. super nice:):) work tomorrow. money come man. my bank is kindda depleting soon !! and , i haven started studyin YET.shit. tselyn au revoir |
SHOPPING - Tuesday, December 16, 2008 @ 8:18 AM
im blogging damn regularly these days. maybe TOO regularly. hahs.
anyways, went to nyp . i mean seriously, i wont go nyp for nothing right? hahs. did inno proj and had DSA lessons. kinda productive. oh should i say, VERY!! after school, Trina,Andrew,Fuji ,Jane and me went to tampines. went to ikea to makan. spaghetti with meatballs is loves. then went to tam giant with the thought of hoping to get cheap stuffs for chalet cause we were on a darn tight budget. however, after 45 min of playing with trolley and shopping around, our trolley, which has all our bags in it only had 1 freakin' item which was a pack of serverts tissue. damn it!! hahs so we all decided to change venue and headed to bedok. hahs. sheng siong. still the number one choice for cheap cheap stuffs. hahs so, we were IN budget:) left at 745. cause i had a curfew of 8pm. hahs went to the doctor.oh man, i went into the room for like less than 2 min and out i was. the consultation was damn short can. EI0803 chalet is tomorrow:) super looking forward to it!! everyone will be in their respective sec sch shirts 2moro:) super looking forward to it man!!!! 0803 UNITED!! tselyn au revoir |
eclipse - Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 6:58 AM
I'm currently at chapter 4 of eclipse.
making faster progression compared to twilight. the story is getting more and more interesting:) seriously, its just HOOKS you. hahs. in a good way, i suppose. anyways, mom got her colleague to check out borders to see whether there's new moon or not but sadly, they don't have. so, instead, since breaking dawn was available, i got her to help me get that. so, it seems like i have to make a trip down kinokuniya just to get new moon. freak! got a sneak peek into Midnight Sun last night via Stephenie Meyers oh my, is the 1st chapter just good or what!! FYI, midnight sun is like twilight , only difference, its from Edward's perspective. the 1st chapter revolves around his frustration of not being able to get into Bella's mind and how he had wanted to kill her. its crazy! i know right? hahs ok, enough of twilight saga. back to tselyn. hahs. so how did tselyn rot her day? tv, online and music. current youtube fav -EOGHAN QUIGG 3rd position in X-factor 2008. his cute and he sings darn well. and when i say cute, TRUST ME.he is!! current playlist decode-acoustic lies year 3000 school tomorrow:) dont i just miss YCK?? ya right!!!! i beg to differ. tselyn au revoir |
suvivor - Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 11:39 PM
so, im watching survivor now. omg!!
i hate the winner man even though i admire him for being the oldest yet strongest player. this season has loads of blindsides and stuffs. but, still, disappointed with the results. BOB . im so in no mood to watch right. make me rush home for nothing. went out at 1plus to get NEW MOON. its seems like popular has reclaimed all books on the TWILIGHT SAGA.shit!! so, i went to times instead. a bit of progress. at least they have ECLIPSE. so , i bought it. it beats finding for NEW MOON right? so, e starting of ECLIPSE starts of with the letter from jacob to bella. it seems like bk 2 has a lot on jacob's relationship with bella. so, i still have to get my hands on NEW MOON by hook or by crook. anyways, im kindda interested in getting INK HEART. i mean, the movie seems nice:) with one of my favourite actor,Brandon fraser. but i reckon i shouldn't get the book until im done wth the TWILIGHT series. 1st day of holiday. but it seriously it just feels like a typical WEDNESDAY. cause i have no school on wednesdays. i'll have to get my ass back to school tomorrow. for projects. shit! tselyn au revoir |
finished - @ 12:38 AM
finally done with twilight. it took me freakin' 4 days to complete the book!! woke up damn late. so most probably should be getting the book at night. hopefully.
got a sneak peek into NEW MOON with the chapter 1 provided at the back pages of twilight. kinda interesting. starting of with Bella's birthday. its kinda funny when there's a part where she said that she was finally 18 when Edward is still always 17 with no chance of being 18. "and Edward would never be". it kinda amused me a little. hahs. thanks to twilight, i found myself reading again. it may be boring but i mean, its a form of entertainment too. you find yourself immerse in the characters and into the story. its like you are part of the story now. interesting to see the transition of one character to another. finally, becca's back from HK. we'll be meeting up soon.yeah! ![]() i mean, thomas suggested doing the project during chalet.WTF. no way am i doing it during the chalet!!! loads of programme planned up for this first week of holiday. seriously, i've got tons to do!!! work, meet-ups, chalet, proj. just kill me lah!! or better still, gimme the vampire venom. this way, i'll have eternity to complete these stuffs. tselyn au revoir |
christmas - Saturday, December 13, 2008 @ 7:46 AM
christmas parrttyyy!!!
was kindda engrossed on reading twilight since it reached its climatic pages. every year its the same old programme. choir,dance and lucky draw. only difference, live band and pastor singing/dancing.hahs anyways, call me a typical singaporean but we won the first prize in the lucky draw.WOAH.but its kindda useless to us la. its a freakin'standing fan. hahs . but i mean, its luck right? |
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