was suppose to go for some job interview at simlimSQUARE for IT show. but when i called them, they said vacancy full. tk god i called them. otherwise coolios sure KILL me.
then met with GUI at bugis. on my way, i kindda finished my REMEMBER me? havn't been touching the book since fnet paper. so, it felt good going back reading it.
and HAHAHA gui had to wait for me. hahs. cause i was late.
makan-ed tako-pachi. have been craving it since GOKUSEN 2 had it. hahs
had a TOUGH time finding a place to eat.so we ended up standing outside at TCC there to eat.
it was raining CATS & DOGS . freak!!
then went to arcade cause melHENG didnt call. we were both AMAZED at the drummer man. 2000 combo!!! first-time-ever. hahs. damn cool. then i called mel and we went over to meet her with beau.
while waiting for LEON to reach, crapped the shit out.
some things just never change. hahs
then leon came and we walked to beat merchant which was around Haji lane/arab street. hahs. NO idea where. we just follow only. anf i tell you that MELheng, dono why keep saying me and gui.its like EWWWW..GROSSS!!!!!!!! pls pls pls pls pls..NO NO NO NO NO NO!! i have much BETTER TASTE!!!!! in terms of height at least. HAHAHAHS.
kindda run-down place. HOT. but atmosphere was kindda good. have the JAMMING feeel.
leon's band, DRASTIC MEASURES sang 4 songs. some i knew. without you by hinder,dance dance by FOB etc.
not bad. hahs.
everyone were practically sweating the SHIT out. and they were pushing around in circles. dono wad beau said it to be.MOSH? hahs. no idea.
gui went to meet jane and fuji after that. but i went with mel n beau instead. hahs. ive seen jane n fuji the previous day so no pt meeting them la. hahs
headed dwn to ehub for the 3rd consecutive day!!!
trust me. im getting sick of that PLACE!!
makaned at FISH AND CO XPRESS.hahs.
CRAP THE SHIT OUT. and i left mel n beau in AWE!! hahs
singing in PUBLIC
diary of JANE and
my personal faves, BABA BLACK SHEEP and HAPPY BDAY!!hahs!
bet they would dream about me too:)
im just TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!!hahs
laughing good time. great company!!
mel took a vid of me. see, she just cannot resist not taking my beautiful FACE.hahs
bused home.kindda dozed off. but, at least i got off the right stop..
finishing REMEMBER ME?tonight and cont w SLUMDOG later.
finally gui passed the book to me!!hahs
toodles peep:)