was suppose to heard to school for FMO . but my lazy butt got the best of me today.
skipped FMO and woke up at 12. WOAH!!!! power shit.
met up with choir juniors at 2+. makaned iceCream at swensens. hahs.
lamed SHIT at there. hahs. mixed a couple of things together to make dirty greeenn:)
talked a lot there man.
cy,matt,elyia,mich,tim,vivi. ALL CAME!
went to open plaza to talk about ALUMNI thingy. andwe are gonna make it SHSS instead of SSA or SSTB. SHSS aka sexy HYPER singing SOTT. hahs my own interpretation lah.hahs
then we happen to see joselyn. only surviving sec 4 in choir now. hahs.KUDOs to her man. hahs
talk talk talk. and omg. you should see her file man.its like 3 times the width of my laptop. DARN THICK!!!! full of notes. hahs. CRRRAAAZZZZYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
subway for dinner with matt,wq and vivi. the other left though.SADD!!
after that, walked to SHSS.real one! hahs
wq went home . AND THEN THERE WERE 3.hahs
vivi wanted to collect her cert so, we walked to SHSS and believe me.
i miss RUNNING 2.4KM. i used to dread it but suddenly i missed it!!!
i miss wearing UNIFORMS,singing school song,singing school hymns,crapping in choir..
in e end, didnt take her cert cause she forgot she had planned to collect w her friend.
bused home. SLEPT when i reach home. damn tired!!!!
AMI.. micheal OUT. kindda expected though.hahs.
praying 2moro with mama. then meeting choir juniors after that. the current JUNIORS.
toodles peeps:)