qianling omg, shes so nice. despite her flu, she came dwn. haven seen her since....last day of school? which is a long long time comparing with secondary school, we see each other 5 days a week. hahs.
jumbo-dog for lunch. WOAH. im soooo stupid. i saw the gourmet set and i just bought it. after paying, i realised theres a student MEAL. wtf. student meal even comes with fries and its 60 cents cheaper. i felt soo dumb. i said ÓH!!! then ql was like, you didnt buy student meal huh. WAH LAO EH!!! waste 60 cents.
thank goodness i booked the kbox room. the queue was sooooo LONG. and we got to sing an extra 1 hour compared to walk in customers. it was like 10 degrees there. damn damn COLD. sang tons of songs. craving for kbox 40% satisefied. hahs.
dinner at shilin.mee suay and fried stuffs. and missHO will be getting to makan the REALstuffs. shes going to taiwan from 7-15th of apr. which means, bday overseas. cool huh. hahs
bused home with utada as playlist.
work 2moro.
planning for sat's trip is crazy.
toodles peeps:)