met up with andy to bus to school.
969ed + train= 38 min to school.
met up with edel n gang.
dabao-ed mac to class. hahs.
veronica macam gave a hoot to me lahs so i just enjoyed my milo and sausage macmuffin:)hahs
OOP is like shit. totally different from POC and DSA!!
whats with the baseclass and REDUNDANT!!
but, since school thinks its impt, it is lor.
used my break to chiong whatever was wrong with my prog. tks saberina man!!!
shes freakin GOOD lahs. why isnt she in directors list!!LOL.
then met up with yingcai-0903 and helped with the installation of cs3.
but dono why cannot!!! i feel soooo stupid lahs!
jarics lesson was surprising a little crazy.hahs.
finished my webpg with help from khai n saberina.LOL.
then tried to help the others. let jaric see see then said BYEBYE.hahs.
met up with 0907 @ tfa. collection of student card.hahs.
i think i macham like their da-jie sia. hahs. ask this n that.hahs.
then talk talk, wait wait, dixiao dixiao.HAHAS
planned e bday thingy with them.
free icecream for all NYPians from sapura!! hahs .loves to them man! hahs
trained dwn to bishan with zy,vint,andy & edel to get stuffs for the bday peeps. LOL.
in e end, i think andy & zy benefitted lahs. they got new bags and tees.LOL.
walked around. vint finally saw his red adidas jacket n its like damn chio can.LOL. but i think green nicer cause of the logo. hahs. so bought stuffs for the peeps:)
cotton on was the bomb man. we got freakin' diao-ed at this goy(girl+boy) ?
she seriously said '' dont fucking stare at me' to us. we all macham STUN!! hahahs.
bused 59 to tampines.andy's ipod is like damn freakin loads of songs can!! i seriously needa upgrade my mp3 soon!!! 120G!!! wait for me! hahs.
alighted at 201. andy went snipsnip and i pei-ed zy wait for his precious bus 34 . hahs. i bet he thinks im the lamest person on earth lahs. but nvm, thats kindda like my trademark:) HAHS.
no lame no tselyn! hahs.
im called 'MAY'!!!!
toodles peeps:)