my lyrics
journals to me are like _____[FILLED IT YOURSELF]
obsessed - Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 10:56 AM
im in sucha desperate situation that i went youtubing for database tutorials and i FINALLY know how to enter data into a database!! sucha accomplishment!! HAHS gloats. so, i glued my butt onto my chair and studied ERP. formulas. i finally get the geezz of it. hopefully elaine doesnt TWIST the question. hahas. time check-2am! nights peeps:)
carrot - @ 1:37 AM
my eyes are damn tired.
maybe it was due to the studying under a nightlight yesterday. chionged ERP's theory and formulas last night. continued this afternoon. i seriously think the carrot juice i drank helped a bit:) hahs im gonna buy somemore later!! HAHS. to be frank, i think theres not much theory to cover for ERP. i did out notes and i practically only used less than 10 foolscap. so i seriously have to get those INFO into my god-damn brain!!!!! this week is gonna be a hectic week. with IADP lab test, NETCOM test and tomorrow's ERP test. its insane!!! then the following week, i have 2 damn presentations!! im not even done with that project lahs!! this weekend is totally gonna be a chiong-ing of project week.\ have been watching the hills recently and its kindda nice:) hahs. last episode next week! hahs gonna watch a little HARPERs ISLAND before getting back to ERP! toodles peeps:) |
out - Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 7:56 AM
the camera SUCKS BIG TIME!!! nways, went to foodfair at expo then met up with the others at CHC. it was some youth thingy la. damn high!! fun fun fun. but i think CHC needs a change of songs. the songs they sang today was e SAME as i went 3 wks ago.LOL. this time asher and zhiyong came along.LOL. took kappa of pics. got some peeps numbers and they say im like damn outgoing.LOL. they thought i was like a frequent CHC go-er la.LOL. friendly peeps:) met up with parents at babaking. bused home:) afternoon's study really paid off. i finally derived to the answers of the ERP revision paper. im sooo gonna CONQUER ERP!!! only module im confident of gettin an A or not B:) toodles peeps:)
WAHAH - Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 8:29 AM
bused to school at 2plus.
met up with kh to do the database thing. at least im done with the tables part and relations. MAJOR CHALLENGE is how to link it to the other webforms!! ERP was hmmm....interesting? macham copied the answer on the board and then BYEBYE. its NYP family thingy.LOL. so teacher released us early:) lesson was practically 4-5pm. DUMB! then bh asked me whether wan movie not together w asher,vint,andy n zy. so i said ok. trained dwn to meet them at AMK. in the end, movie plan got cancelled cause ticks were $10 each. 22 home with andy. makan at some coffeeshop at tampines and the hokkien mee there macham POWER. i like:)hahs bused home again. did a bit of IADP and a bit of ERP. cancelled work tomorrow to study ERP. i seriously needa get A!!! it was initally a NO PICCA post for today but joanne n chanel played with WEBCAM!! hahs ![]() ![]() ![]() webcamming session was like dman hilarious la.!!!! hahs toodles peeps:)
dan bday - Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 9:18 AM
969ed dwn.
if i took 72 i will be damn effing late for school. packet tracer for netcom. omg la, kh macam my life saver. he teach/explain, i understand.LOL i totally HATE DBMS lecture. seriously, i take my effort to go n tap that stupid admin card but my attendancea ways nv get recorded. i think they seriously need my help to create a btr database. n now im getting a WARNING LETTER for effing no reason. STUPID!!!!! WAD was omg. hahs. i finished my lab lahs ith the help of kh and koufu-ed for dinner:) nasi goreng and omg, i just took the food and go, nv pay!! LOL. then saber came n say, eh, no need pay huh.LOL. damn funny!!!!!!! went to get cake from gloria jeans with faz. he took like damn long to choose flavour of cake can. and the thing is, theres only 4 flavors.LOL. went to do card for daniel. hahs. i macham chionged to get blank piece of paper and took pen to decorate.LOL.the 'ovely 'lower was drawn by faz.LOL.damn funny!! ![]() then got a sms from bh say come now.LOL.then went to meet them w faz n HAPPY BDAY DAN. hahs.18th bday. LOL. i love being the photograher sia.LOL. i think i take good piccas:)hahs ![]() bused home. saw weizhi can i seirously think his hair is tooo BLACK!!!lol. tons of stuffs to do!! my database for IADP proj, my cisco, my ERP. WAH LAO!!! timtime.. i think im gnna skip work this sat to chiong these assignments:( toodles peeps:) |
morning lessons - Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 6:13 AM
so, i was late for class!
8am lesson and i reached at 830.LOL. even made a GRAND entrance.hahs OOP was kindda blur, they even have the implementation of TRY/CATCH. but i finally get whats that! hahs. trying the programme and catching(displaying) the error using exception e:) hahs intitally, plan was to study with kokwei. then trina,andrew,qf and yutaro came:) makan kaki tamago:) hahs. in the end, didnt even touch BOOKs la. was playing with kokwei's new game.hahs.OSU? hahs he keep saying laglaglag.. chey, at least i pass lor.LOL. he macham need to keep restart game. CHEY!!! hahs. LOUSY.hahs. then went to meet bh,sy,dan and vint. went to watch NIGHT AT THE MUESUEM 2:) walked to AMK. hahs. hawt hawt hawt weather, but i like:) hahs show was EFFING hilarious!!!!! laughed my butt off.hahs while walking out, saw the 0905 friendly peeps:) hahs. so cool lahs. i only see them once a week and they rmb me:) hahs. i mus be dman hyper when im in front of them lahs.LOL. I SERIOUSLY DIDNT KNOW amk has a library!!!! HAHAAHS went to find for it and omg lahs, it damn PIAN PI.hahs the guys did their CS stuffs while i studied ERP. i finally understood a bit on EBQ:) and then that vincent super BWG. damn zilian!! his poster picca also macham take at library. WAHAHA. ![]() ![]() ![]() a little spicy though but dabao-ed for mom and she prefers it to OCK. hahs. talking bout OCK, i btr start doing my entre!!! ahhas A FOR ENTRE!!!! toodles peeps:) |
school - Tuesday, May 26, 2009 @ 8:23 AM
i must declare this!
i am not a slacker. i was just damn tired today!! school started at 9am but tks to my lazy ass, i woke up at 11. chionged dwn to school for 12 o'clock lesson. jaric's lesson. bo bian! so lesson was damn stresss. my program couldnt work. the copy paste from html didnt work. and i practically dont understand anything! eventhough jaric went through step by step, i was lost. OMG LAH!! is it his teachin or am i just slow? went to library for project. 0907 was like there?LOL. didnt know lahs.hahs so IADP finally had a headstart. we're doing paramore. n im gonna do the databse design. i totally don even know where to start from . i gotta go get help frm kh or fuji!!!! bused home with me munching on bus:) hahs hungry sia. met up with mama at 18 chefs for dinner:) skipped running today cause had stomach ache:( feel so guilty!! i wanna go for camp on 5-6 june but WTF, school is on the 5th .HOW?!!! toodles peeps:) |
great - Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 10:53 AM
schools been damn bloody great today!
netcom was like I UNDERSTAND? VLSM is kindda like common sense. hotdog bread for snack:) WAD was OMG too!! i was like able to do the freakin' lab lahs.hahs. and i learnt the meaning of the word INSTANTIATE!! it means NEW! hahs. kh was like newnewnew!!! you my proj partner, this one u must know.LOL lunched at koufu.hahs. nasi goreng seafood SHIOK lahs. entrepreuner meeting. decided that girls will be doing this time round presentation and the guys will do the next time:) made new friend. chufen and yuanxin from 0906. friendly!! elaine's lecture was seriously boring like..... met up with andy,zy,vin,bh n yc. library to study. chionged a bit of ERP cause test is next week!! mac-ed for dinner. crapped with andy n zy on bus.LOL. major lameless. hahs school tomorro and WENQI is damn high about IADP proj!! hahahs toodles peeps:) ps. why is everyone on a cutting hair spree?? |
WORK - Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 7:37 AM
morning shift today.
was initally early, i was at simei mrt at freakin 1025 lahs. then waited for jas till 1045!! lame girl, still ask me dont late. wah kao!! i wait for damn long can!! macham miss 3 trains!! in the end, the thought of wanting to report for work early today GONE. reached work at 1118, when it starts at 11. tks girl !! hahahas 11-7. rotted till i almost went SIAO.couldnt talk to jas also cause her counter was so far form me!! time passed like a freakin TURTLE! sales was better than yesterday. lunched with auntie linda and jas. auntie treat me n jas ICECREAM!! hahahs. i seriously think ice cream is my luxury food lah!! i love icecream!!! my lovely auntie jane passed on. omg la, shes like the best colleague anyone can get! shes like damn damn damn nice lahs. OMG !!!! i used to always say i wanna bake for her but i aint go the time. oh man, i kindda regret now! this is the 2nd death this week. my fellow SHSS schoolmate, kaizheng, also passed on. last friday if im not wrong. rest in peace:) NEW SHOES!! damn dumb , but bo bian, i cant let it hibernate at home:( school tomorrow and its freakin' week 6!!! week 7-3 quizzes week 8- presentations(2) toodles peeps:) |
work - Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 8:15 AM
got my lazy ass to turn it into easy cash.LOL.
omg, i was punctual for work lahs!! its been a long while since im punctual.hahs. work was kindda slack. ok, not kindda, its VERY! macham stood there, and pace up and down. buying power of customers today weren't that strong. sales was average. parents came dwn to makan with me:) tom yum fish soup at hot shot. mama said it was ok only. but i still think its one of the best ive eaten.LOL. then was craving for BK's hershey pie but BK nv sell le. so went for taiwan shaved ice:) hahs damn damn shuang!!!! $9 worthy la! hahs ![]() wore new pumps to work and take god i brought my plasters! hahs ![]() toodles peeps:)
school - Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 6:20 AM
back form 2 hours of school.
its not even 2 hours lahs! its practically only 1hr30min.LOL. studying ERP aint that difficult at all.i mean, formulas and theory. its practically like BIS. only more calculations. so, this module is CAN SCORE ONE!!! was walking towards inter when dad called. so, he came to fetch me and we went to 85 to makan with mama. while on the road, we surveying the bikes which were on the roads. thinking of which one to get if i manage to get my bike lisence.LOL. omg, im like so serious in getting one lahs.HAHS. i even asked dad which is the shortest route to school. he said, CTE via PIE.ahhs tons of food.DAMN DAMN FULL!! cabbed home cause motorbike can only fit 2 peeps. so me n mama cabbed home.LOL went for a 'tselyn wont do ' thing. i got my lazy ass to run/jog. hahs. 1 hours of pure stickiness and good music.HAHS. it felt damn good lahs.hahs. running. swing swing a while too:) hahs work tomorrow. which means, i gotta study a bit tonight. 3 major tests next week. toodles peeps:) |
typical friday - Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 9:56 PM
time now is 1.11pm.
practically just work up at about 1245. might be wondering why im still home since school usually starts at 12 for me on fridays. well, reason being, OOP lesson was brought forward to wednesday. so, lesson for today was cancelled. only gotta head to school at 4pm for ERP. talked on msn last night with a couple of peeps. im kindda experiencing tons of problems right now and i dont even know whats going on and why is things going the way it is now. thank God i have these peeps as listening ears. sometimes, i really think my personality really gets the best of me. some people macham cannot tahan my personallity but as i posted on my msn personal msg, I AM ME! if you dont think you can tahan, then i really cannot do anything. is being lame or cold-ly humorous a crime? projects are gradually pilling up and i am only confident of doing entre proj! i needa get an A for that. cause i seriously know my WAD/OOP/IADP will suffer like shit!!!these dumb ass programming modules!! damn shitty! i aint have time for projects when im seriously jam packed with work. my weekends are already gone cause im working on both sat and sun. where got time to do project?? tests for next week is also a killer! with NETCOM,IADP quiz and ERP the following week. CRAZILY INSANE!!! on a brighter note,i have peeps who listen to my problems and that makes it really comforting. i just hope i wont be too overly relient on them. otherwise, if they 'disappear' i wontbe able to cope. //im totally addicted to keith urban's Kiss a Girl ,Eminem's We Made You and david cook's Permanent.// toodles peeps:) |
exams - @ 8:25 AM
the long awaited american idol finale was today! woke up at like freakin 8AM to watch! i rmb skiping school last yr to watch david cook win.LOL. despite being damn letargic, i was like damn HIGH LAH!! KRIS WON!! heng leh, no gay idol yet. but i seriously think adam will be like clay aiken. runnerup but sales btr as compared to winner. bused to school. netcom was like a total killer. until now then i know which routers and computers to use for packet tracer. at least i know something now. using CLI. must be damn CAREFUL when typing. lecture was basically CHIONGING WAD. tks nunu for helping man:) test was like damn tediou.think i aint gonna do well. i didnt do a lot of codiing. just gimme a D!!! im contented! mac for dinner:) went to class outside to sit and made friends:)hahs cool hor.LOL. met up with 0907 and omg, they look sooo good!! their formal presentation was today:) zhongde,silent killer, macham ONLY A!!!lol DBMS test was ok. was darn shock when i saw MCQ was 4 mrks each. bused home. OOP lesson cancelled tmr so im practically going to school for 2 hours only. DUMB! toodles peeps:)
SUBWAY - Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 9:50 AM
damn long since ive rode on a bike lahs. i wanna get my bike licence soon!!! school today was a blast ok? OOP test was like DAMN no kick lahs.*damn sacrastically.* so studying didnt pay off big time. maybe i really suck in programming.LOL. went to makan with coolios after school before chiong-ing session at library. so i did practical 1-4 again.dumb ass cpf calculater.SOO MANY CODES!!! effing hard! at least i know e basic stuffs. now its only the coding parts. and i practially suck at coding lahs. i mus seriously thank saberina man. shes like my life saviour.LOL. got stuck at like damn a lot of places. but she managed to solve them:) wee!! HAHS. thank goodness we can bring in a piece of A4 paper to squeeze codes.LOL. 0907 was there too. mugging for bis ,poc and cs. made me recollect on my YR1SEM1 days:) library every other day.LOL. chionging sessions like free. hahs helped them with their POC and CS after coolios left. chionged WAD in library also. its like soo many NEW STUFFS to me lahs. quickly settled the A4 paper part. 1 page full of codes.back page left!! DON WASTE TSELYN!! left school at 645. bused down to compasspt. while waiting for bus, that beehuat suddenly said, my slipper!! LOL. it fell into the LONGKANG! hahs. i was like LAUGHING TILL DAMN PENG. in the end, he wasnt able to claim his slipper, fyi, it was his BDAY PRESENT. dono whether is bh lucky or what, asher brought his pair of shoes, so he was able to lend him his slippers.LOL. 1 sided slipper==hilarious! dinner kaki for the day-> dan,yc,bh,vint and asher. went to get bh's shoes for cs presentation the next day.LOL. then went makan SUBWAY:) hahs laughed the shit out!!! asher vint bh and dan's JOKE. damn damn damn damn damn GROSS AND FUNNNYY!! hilarious until BWG!! hahs due to the jokes, we went to search for asher's early bday present:) LOL!! lingerie!! HAHS. he macham HIGH then played in metro.LOL. funny funny funny!! n ashers new name is= day was a blast. but not to forget, 2 tests tomorrow:) WAD & DBMS. AMI finale 2moro morning.gnna sacrifice my sleep to watch it!!!! like how i skipped sch last yr when david cook won.LOL. toodles peeps:)
EVER LOVING - Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 8:00 AM
omg, school was a total bore until towards the end of IADP. hahs. we had to settle the fan club page we were gonna do on. then we just say out the bands or artist or football clubs we were gonna do. our group decided on one republic then jaric wrote 1 republic. i was like 1 as in ONE. lol. andrew n trina's group FUNNIER they were doing avril lavinge then jaric heard as dono what, so he wrote i was like LMAO!!!!!! EVERLOVING=AVRILLAVINGE!!!
classic joke!!!the whole class was practically laughin their asses off!! hahs. stayed back after school to study OOP . was in e library with faz,saberina,khai and hafiz. OMG, these peeps are like damn freakin hilarious!!! the battery incident.MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD I FORGOT I WAS IN THE LIBRARY. hafiz= natural born joker!!! makaned dinner with them:) bused home with ramona and farah.LOL. was damn shag!!! slept like a log. OOP quiz 2moro!! toodles peepes:) |
STRESS - Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 7:02 AM
bused to school without realising that sam as on 38?LOL.till i saw her alight!! single decked!! SHITTY i kindda understood netcom today. think doing tutorials kindda help? WAD was kindda like WHAT? thank goodness , kh was like my life saviour lahs. improvised on his work . at least i know how to change some stuffs?LOL. entre was back our feasibility report and WTF!! we got an A!! was late for elaine's lecture cause i went to meet michelle!! OMGOMGOMG, shes like damn shag!!LOL. nways, saw her classmates. some really damn pretty.LOL. and dont even look 18 lahs. they were watching some real damn funny korean show.LOL. saw liting also. hahs. intro her to michelle:) hahs elaines lecture was as usual dman sleepy. her voice like hypnotise people. but at least i know how to do her questions:) she released us early lahs.met up with 0907 peeps and bused home. i still seriously think my jokes are like funny lahs!! bused home. gotta chiong assignments eventhough im damn moodless!!! toodles peeps:)
STUDY - Sunday, May 17, 2009 @ 10:18 AM
wasnt home today.
was out studying. completed NETCOM tutorial and half of IADP. got stuck at a couple questions but i guess asking teacher would be of better alternative:) teaching andy n zhiyong was kindda ok. i mean, at least they benefitted a bit? i guess?? i aint sucha good teacher:( thats what i think. week 5 is just 1 day away and tests starts on wednesday! studying started today. OOP and ERP revision. a little tedious. thanks to all those DAYdreaming in lessons. but at least i got some stuffs into moi brain.LOL. school tomorrow. aint looking forward to it but lifes a contradiction, mb i'll look forward to it tomorrow? im so glad we started talking again. feels good to have someone to talk to when you really need one. lets just hope it stays this way and not go back to how it was like. COMPROMISE. toodles peeps:) |
UNINVTED - Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 5:28 AM
saturday woke up in the morning to study netcom.finally i understand VLSM. its kindda of a compressing concept of subnet. so, to REWARD myself, went for a MOVIE:)hahs met beehuat,shean yang and vincent at tm to watch the uninvited. WOW! i thought it was kindda scary lahs. in the end, CHEY, no kick lahs. hahs. it was only that the boys scared me, not the show.LOL. fruit juice as beverage in theatre.HEALTHY !! subway for lunch. i remembered eating subway last week with kai n sam. gonna go makan chilli crap which dad bought then study OOP:) toodles peeps:) |
fri - Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 9:49 AM
brought file to school instead of bag.
bused to school and journey was kindda excruciating. BORING! completed OOP exercise and at least i know how to use getname() and blah. ebi curry don for lunch. slacked in classroom while waiting for class to start. macham youtubing songs lahs.LOL. ERP was tedious. calculations! must practise like siao. formula also much memorise like siao. all siao siao!! trained home and met mama. wanted to watch 'angels and demons' but instead went to makan instanbul food . LOL. the food!! SPEECHLESS. damn shiok. my sister's keeper movie trailer is out and its sooo good!! however, i totally disappointed myself. i didnt complete the book lahs!!! LOL. gonna read it soon!! the LONG-AWAITED week 5 is next week. and test/proj/assignments are piling like no return. at least i settled ENTRE's side. LOL. gonna call some entre boss for interview:) hopefully we can get him to talk to us lahs! hahs EXCTING! things to be completed/done/study -WAD,NETCOM,OOP(TEST!!!!!!!) -ERP(revision) //im so gonna screw MY TESTS!! toodles peeps:) |
mac - Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 10:04 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() talked about school and blah. netcom was better.better in the sense that i actually understand something. packet tracer ain't so bad after all. chicken rice:) lecture was like practically not listening cause we were dicussing our IADP project. we decided to create a fan page man!! ONE REPUBLIC. narrowed dwn by YUTARO THE GREAT. ya, bleh.. hahs. we had difficulty choosing one group so we had yutaro to help us choose. wtf la. even included YUTARO THE GREAT in the list.LOL. LAME.. jaric's lesson aint so bad after all. he praised me lahs. my pleasure . credit to kh and saberina:) hahs my table APPEARED!! with the damn use of ARRAYS. hahs dinner at mac. but i ate sandwich instead. the straw sucking and zhong ji mi mah. HILARIOUS. but my mind was kindda on ellen?? NYPTV. they air-ed ELLEN lahs!! hahs. waited for night class. night class was like a total bore?? AS USUAL! hahs. but tks to the online peeps.. hahs. they kept me occupied with their conversations. i totally love my classies lah. they jus brighten my day!! many peeps are dwn with flu these days. mb its psychological due to swine. but takecare:) toodles peeps:) |
people - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 @ 7:15 AM
despite my FREE-WEDNESDAY, went to school for entre proj today. met up with khai,faz and christina. settled parts of the questions and we only left 3 parts to do! changed a little grammer. and BLAH!! im done:) couple in front of us were quarelling and its like watching a movie lahs.HAHS. damn hilarious. they wre like, if you want to go, you go, no ones stopping you.LOL!! i feel so bad lahs, hahs. just sit there and watch.HAHS we needa do some market survey so faz n khai just took a foolscap and went around the library asking people question.OMG, damn funny lahs!! they even wore lanyards so that they'd look more was damn damn freakin' hungry cause btw we finished it was 3. and i haven makan breakfast and lunch. under khai's recommendation, makaned NASI GORENG KAMPUNG. hahs. damn damn spicy but darn nice:) trained dwn to meet lovely becca. omg, i made her wait for freakin' long lahs. buona vista. a place i ain't familier with and the whole journey took freakin' 45 min. went to MOE centre to get my O's cert. omg, the palce is so damn serene and nice:) i wont mind working there lahs. hahs trained to tampines to meet jasmine cause becca needa go to her grandmama house. jas was with her friends. so, i kindda widen my social circle a little?? her friends are like damn funny lahs.LOL. costing test the next day, so they were like doing their costing stuffs.hahs. met mama after that. makaned and saw nurul.LOL.i still cant believe she pierced her GUM!! and she says it aint pain!! OMG LAHS.hahs. i'd totally cry can.LOL. bused home. piccas of my lovelies. bring them to school everyday:) hahs friday night-Lily allen Hollywood -Cute Is What We Aim For crazy bithc-buckcherry night class tomorrow:) quizes are like sooo coming soon!! and im totally slacking the shit out! PIA TSELYN!!!! toodles peeps:)
craze - Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ 8:31 AM
![]() i totally love my wallpaper. hahs. chris pine:) and omg, i didnt realise he acted in just my luck and princess diaries lahs!! no wonder his soo damn familiar. LOL! so i just edited my entre report. and i totally miss writing scripts for presentations and reports. i totally love to do reports lahs. i find that thats my niche area:) hahs. anyways, change of plans for tomorrow lahs!! gotta head to school for entre meetup. SAD! there goes another wednesday to damn school. but still gonna meetup with becca and kl. jarics hw, i think i'll leave it 2moro. hahs. i totally have ZERO mood! hahs anything with sprite is nice:) //pardon my randomness. toodles peeps:)
alone - @ 4:32 AM
mood have been kindda on the high and lows these days.
i can be damn high at one point of day but at the end of day, i'll be damn frustrated and pissed off easily. wenqi even told me 'you no fun'. im seriously trying hard to please everyone. be it being the joke, which ive been damn used to cause i dont mind making people laugh or telling my damn not funny joke and being 'zi high'. i seriously dont mind. but i think im trying so hard that sometimes im just tired. tired of being everyone's playtoy. im not saying dont joke but sometimes its kindda extreme. i have feelings you know? im not angry or anything but sometimes im just mentally exhausted. school these days have been damn tiring. maybe its due to my late nights and early mornings. saw juls on bus today and talked a lot! hahs. totally miss her sia.. hahs OOP. omg, finally i know something!! the private obj. so amazing!! its kindda like an acheivement man. nways, makaned salmon don and went to jarcis lesson. omg, enabling the stupid thing totally frustrated me. i was totally so blah. but at least i can do my work already. wenqi is kindda hyped up for IADP's project. me n saber was like looking at each other macham entre proj is kindda 1/2 done.compiling to be done:) star trek after school. the peace sign is totally hard!! i cant even do it lahs. but the movie is like really insane? hahs. the graphics n sound was like a total match? hahs. the captain was a total hawtty!! hahs bused home. slept like a LOG!! hahs. gnna do some freakin lame ass assignments now. jaric's module a total killer. macham chiong-ster. i think he hates me though. he'll always rmb me as the toliet meeting rebecca to collect Os cert 2moro and kl after that to pop by bugis to find gio:) hahs toodles peeps:) |
monday blues - Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 7:34 AM
FREAKIN' WORDY POST! bear with me!!
for the first time in a long time i actually had monday blues. trained to school caue my morning-call operater was on leave and i didnt wake up in time. when mama woke me up, i was in a total daze. i was practically counting whether i was late for school not. otw to school, the giddy spells were about to hit when i quickly pop-ed in mentos. felt damn strange going to school via train. its been kinda long since i took train in the mornings:) was rather weak in my legs cause i lost my balance a few times. damn awkward! yck was like damn freakin' packed can! crazily insane! netcom in the morning and blimy!! i didnt do my tutorial. LOLS. wasnt really concentrating during lesson but at least i jotted dwn notes on matrix and number of hops. kind teacher released us 30 min earlier :) WAD was like a total WHAT???? tried really really hard to focus. but as soon as i got stucked, thoughts of giving up just striked my mind. blinking pages of facebook and icons on notes and my lovely visual studio. 3 in 1. MAJOR DISTRACTION!! but at least i got parts of the webpg up:) im kindda ok with reading and following instructions:) didnt makan lunch cus i had bread n currypuff for breakfast.HEARTY MEAL! must control!! entre was kindda interesting. feasibility report aint going so well. gonna rush it out 2moro. ok, rush seems kinnda slip-short work hmmm..gonna think through it damn carefully can do it realised that don stays at tanah merah.hahs. rich boy.hahs. elaine lecture was a total sleeper. was in lala land 1/3 of the time . but calculations was kindda ok. i mus seriously score for ERP!! that the only module im kindda confident at:( the ONLY one. year 2 is a total stresser! mugging would really do some good but im in a total holiday mood. bused home with 0907 peeps. talk to bh about sec sch stuffs. then after he left, transported myself to back seats to talk to the others. but macham was in lala land 1/2 of the time. tired shit lahs! makaned with zy n andy. duck-ed rice and i wanna say IM SOOO TALLER THAN HAU Z.Y. thats the truth!! accept it:) HAHS bused home:) thought of school tomorrow kindda irks me. but what to do?? toodles peeps:) |
happy mthers day - Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 8:32 AM
its been a freakin' long time since i've worked lahs.
i miss those familer faces! HAHS.jasmine was workin today too:) hahs. time was especially easy to spend!! hahs. macham just talk to her only.hahs. 8 hours of talking. i practically slacked at work.hahs. served a couple potential customers and it was off to chit-chat session.hahs. talked a lot man!! school,life and everything!! hahs. unexpectedly, even if i was talking sales was especially good!! hahas. wtf lahs. i serve them, they don buy. but when i leave them alone, they buy! hahas. human nature. don like to be pressured! LOL. makaned at hot spot. wow!! the tom-yum soup really damn yum.HAHS. but i didnt makan that, i makaned fish soup:) but jas makaned tomyum! koup-ed some from her. POWER SHIT CAN!! hahas went to get JCdonut and icecream cake for mama day after work. hahs. hence, reachin home way pass normal time.LOL! school tomorrow. aint lookind forward to it as much as 2 weeks ago. its kindda bores me. from choosing what to wear and what bag to bring to have i done my hw?? i don understand this and that and blah blah blah.... temperature taking exercise is resuming on tuesday:) bet wenqi will love it.hahs and my lovely saberina is coming back tomorrow:) hahs toodles peeps:) |
mother day - Saturday, May 09, 2009 @ 7:39 AM
HAPPY VESAK DAY peeps:) went to temple early afternoon:) trained/bused to parkway. saw this high-waisted pants at topshop.CHIO! but expensive. then went to meet kl and sam:) walked to ecp with the thought of cycling but due to our lazy asses, we sat at e stone area to chill. the sea breeze..the sound of waves.CALMING! s omemore with these 2 as accompaniment, hahs. POWER!! took poloroids:) i think im kindda addicted to it lahs.LOL. damn nice!! I LIKE:) temporary airbrush tatts for kai and me:) hahs. doesnt come cheap man.$4 bucks for a freakin' temp thing that last for few weeks.LOL! but i really want a tatt at the back. damn cool but mama thinks its LIAN! subway for dinner and talk talk. laughed about sec n pri stuffs! MEMORIES.hahs met up with parents at parkway again later at night then bused back to bedok central to makan. i makan a bit nia la.hahs.don think i had 2 dinners HAHS. i seriously needa control a bit ! hahs. cabbed home:) the thought of going back to work tomorrow really sucks but it beats sitting in front of the computer whole day huh. somemore with jas as company tomorrow, i think it should be that bad!! hahs sorry for ps-ing bh and vint:) hahs. at least you 2 had fun w.o me lah hor?hahs. im addicted to these song now!! YOU'RE NOT SORRY-taylor swift CRAZY BITCH-buckcherry a bit random! hahs. toodles peeps:) |
mel's 19 - Friday, May 08, 2009 @ 8:44 AM
as usual, school was a total bore.LOL.
OOP was like WTF? hahs. soooo HUH? the only thing i could absorb throughout the lesson was GARBAGE collector.HAHS. 2 hour break was WAHLAO!! wenqi went for blood donation:) brave girl man!! HAHAS. i'd never do it in a million yrs. even if a million yrs were to arrive, i won't do it too.LOL!! qifeng styled my hair and OMGOMGOMG!! flat flat to high high. i macham became qf's twin. hahs. exact hair replica.HAHS. can u imagine??? LOL.!! hard was freakin hard like stone sia. macham like durian.HAHS. ERP was kindda interesting? hahs. did calculations. i kindda like e calculations part cause thats e only thing i know? hahs. chionged dwn to tampines to meet the girls. and my oh my, i was like carrying this prima deli plastic bag all over school containing 2 carebear cupcakes.HAHS.damn auntie!!! makaned at ajisen. mr LEONG s.w. was suppose to come but wth!! he dua us! i knew it lahs.hahs. i still told him ytd dont dua us! LOL. nvm la. happy 19th in advance:) dinner was full-shit. i mean damn damn damn full!! hahs. went to open plaza after makaning. major camwhore session:) hahs. funfunfun!! but my OH-SO-qifeng hairstyled became OH-SO-auntie hairstyle. so my piccas were like shit!! nways,sang bday song for MELISSA HENG H.F. !! 19 years old!! hahs.. old shit! hahas had fun with them. macham i talktalktalk nia. hahs. told them my infamous jokes which i think they listen till sian le.hahs. the uhu glue joke. mel said it was FUNNY!! hahs. toldya, someone would find it funny:) bused homewith reb @ about 930:) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() my lovely MUSE shirt came today!!! and i totally LOVE IT!! hahs. the colour combination, POWER!!! shall pair it with denim:) hahs tons of stuffs happening tmr!! cfm gng for temple,ecp cycling some mother's day church event. aint cfm. LOL. work on sunday with jas.i cannot believe we are working together man!! haha. i intro de lor! HAHS toodles peeps:) |
obsessed - Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 10:56 AM
im in sucha desperate situation that i went youtubing for database tutorials and i FINALLY know how to enter data into a database!! sucha accomplishment!! HAHS gloats. so, i glued my butt onto my chair and studied ERP. formulas. i finally get the geezz of it. hopefully elaine doesnt TWIST the question. hahas. time check-2am! nights peeps:)
carrot - @ 1:37 AM
my eyes are damn tired.
maybe it was due to the studying under a nightlight yesterday. chionged ERP's theory and formulas last night. continued this afternoon. i seriously think the carrot juice i drank helped a bit:) hahs im gonna buy somemore later!! HAHS. to be frank, i think theres not much theory to cover for ERP. i did out notes and i practically only used less than 10 foolscap. so i seriously have to get those INFO into my god-damn brain!!!!! this week is gonna be a hectic week. with IADP lab test, NETCOM test and tomorrow's ERP test. its insane!!! then the following week, i have 2 damn presentations!! im not even done with that project lahs!! this weekend is totally gonna be a chiong-ing of project week.\ have been watching the hills recently and its kindda nice:) hahs. last episode next week! hahs gonna watch a little HARPERs ISLAND before getting back to ERP! toodles peeps:) |
out - Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 7:56 AM
the camera SUCKS BIG TIME!!! nways, went to foodfair at expo then met up with the others at CHC. it was some youth thingy la. damn high!! fun fun fun. but i think CHC needs a change of songs. the songs they sang today was e SAME as i went 3 wks ago.LOL. this time asher and zhiyong came along.LOL. took kappa of pics. got some peeps numbers and they say im like damn outgoing.LOL. they thought i was like a frequent CHC go-er la.LOL. friendly peeps:) met up with parents at babaking. bused home:) afternoon's study really paid off. i finally derived to the answers of the ERP revision paper. im sooo gonna CONQUER ERP!!! only module im confident of gettin an A or not B:) toodles peeps:)
WAHAH - Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 8:29 AM
bused to school at 2plus.
met up with kh to do the database thing. at least im done with the tables part and relations. MAJOR CHALLENGE is how to link it to the other webforms!! ERP was hmmm....interesting? macham copied the answer on the board and then BYEBYE. its NYP family thingy.LOL. so teacher released us early:) lesson was practically 4-5pm. DUMB! then bh asked me whether wan movie not together w asher,vint,andy n zy. so i said ok. trained dwn to meet them at AMK. in the end, movie plan got cancelled cause ticks were $10 each. 22 home with andy. makan at some coffeeshop at tampines and the hokkien mee there macham POWER. i like:)hahs bused home again. did a bit of IADP and a bit of ERP. cancelled work tomorrow to study ERP. i seriously needa get A!!! it was initally a NO PICCA post for today but joanne n chanel played with WEBCAM!! hahs ![]() ![]() ![]() webcamming session was like dman hilarious la.!!!! hahs toodles peeps:)
dan bday - Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 9:18 AM
969ed dwn.
if i took 72 i will be damn effing late for school. packet tracer for netcom. omg la, kh macam my life saver. he teach/explain, i understand.LOL i totally HATE DBMS lecture. seriously, i take my effort to go n tap that stupid admin card but my attendancea ways nv get recorded. i think they seriously need my help to create a btr database. n now im getting a WARNING LETTER for effing no reason. STUPID!!!!! WAD was omg. hahs. i finished my lab lahs ith the help of kh and koufu-ed for dinner:) nasi goreng and omg, i just took the food and go, nv pay!! LOL. then saber came n say, eh, no need pay huh.LOL. damn funny!!!!!!! went to get cake from gloria jeans with faz. he took like damn long to choose flavour of cake can. and the thing is, theres only 4 flavors.LOL. went to do card for daniel. hahs. i macham chionged to get blank piece of paper and took pen to decorate.LOL.the 'ovely 'lower was drawn by faz.LOL.damn funny!! ![]() then got a sms from bh say come now.LOL.then went to meet them w faz n HAPPY BDAY DAN. hahs.18th bday. LOL. i love being the photograher sia.LOL. i think i take good piccas:)hahs ![]() bused home. saw weizhi can i seirously think his hair is tooo BLACK!!!lol. tons of stuffs to do!! my database for IADP proj, my cisco, my ERP. WAH LAO!!! timtime.. i think im gnna skip work this sat to chiong these assignments:( toodles peeps:) |
morning lessons - Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 6:13 AM
so, i was late for class!
8am lesson and i reached at 830.LOL. even made a GRAND entrance.hahs OOP was kindda blur, they even have the implementation of TRY/CATCH. but i finally get whats that! hahs. trying the programme and catching(displaying) the error using exception e:) hahs intitally, plan was to study with kokwei. then trina,andrew,qf and yutaro came:) makan kaki tamago:) hahs. in the end, didnt even touch BOOKs la. was playing with kokwei's new game.hahs.OSU? hahs he keep saying laglaglag.. chey, at least i pass lor.LOL. he macham need to keep restart game. CHEY!!! hahs. LOUSY.hahs. then went to meet bh,sy,dan and vint. went to watch NIGHT AT THE MUESUEM 2:) walked to AMK. hahs. hawt hawt hawt weather, but i like:) hahs show was EFFING hilarious!!!!! laughed my butt off.hahs while walking out, saw the 0905 friendly peeps:) hahs. so cool lahs. i only see them once a week and they rmb me:) hahs. i mus be dman hyper when im in front of them lahs.LOL. I SERIOUSLY DIDNT KNOW amk has a library!!!! HAHAAHS went to find for it and omg lahs, it damn PIAN PI.hahs the guys did their CS stuffs while i studied ERP. i finally understood a bit on EBQ:) and then that vincent super BWG. damn zilian!! his poster picca also macham take at library. WAHAHA. ![]() ![]() ![]() a little spicy though but dabao-ed for mom and she prefers it to OCK. hahs. talking bout OCK, i btr start doing my entre!!! ahhas A FOR ENTRE!!!! toodles peeps:) |
school - Tuesday, May 26, 2009 @ 8:23 AM
i must declare this!
i am not a slacker. i was just damn tired today!! school started at 9am but tks to my lazy ass, i woke up at 11. chionged dwn to school for 12 o'clock lesson. jaric's lesson. bo bian! so lesson was damn stresss. my program couldnt work. the copy paste from html didnt work. and i practically dont understand anything! eventhough jaric went through step by step, i was lost. OMG LAH!! is it his teachin or am i just slow? went to library for project. 0907 was like there?LOL. didnt know lahs.hahs so IADP finally had a headstart. we're doing paramore. n im gonna do the databse design. i totally don even know where to start from . i gotta go get help frm kh or fuji!!!! bused home with me munching on bus:) hahs hungry sia. met up with mama at 18 chefs for dinner:) skipped running today cause had stomach ache:( feel so guilty!! i wanna go for camp on 5-6 june but WTF, school is on the 5th .HOW?!!! toodles peeps:) |
great - Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 10:53 AM
schools been damn bloody great today!
netcom was like I UNDERSTAND? VLSM is kindda like common sense. hotdog bread for snack:) WAD was OMG too!! i was like able to do the freakin' lab lahs.hahs. and i learnt the meaning of the word INSTANTIATE!! it means NEW! hahs. kh was like newnewnew!!! you my proj partner, this one u must know.LOL lunched at koufu.hahs. nasi goreng seafood SHIOK lahs. entrepreuner meeting. decided that girls will be doing this time round presentation and the guys will do the next time:) made new friend. chufen and yuanxin from 0906. friendly!! elaine's lecture was seriously boring like..... met up with andy,zy,vin,bh n yc. library to study. chionged a bit of ERP cause test is next week!! mac-ed for dinner. crapped with andy n zy on bus.LOL. major lameless. hahs school tomorro and WENQI is damn high about IADP proj!! hahahs toodles peeps:) ps. why is everyone on a cutting hair spree?? |
WORK - Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 7:37 AM
morning shift today.
was initally early, i was at simei mrt at freakin 1025 lahs. then waited for jas till 1045!! lame girl, still ask me dont late. wah kao!! i wait for damn long can!! macham miss 3 trains!! in the end, the thought of wanting to report for work early today GONE. reached work at 1118, when it starts at 11. tks girl !! hahahas 11-7. rotted till i almost went SIAO.couldnt talk to jas also cause her counter was so far form me!! time passed like a freakin TURTLE! sales was better than yesterday. lunched with auntie linda and jas. auntie treat me n jas ICECREAM!! hahahs. i seriously think ice cream is my luxury food lah!! i love icecream!!! my lovely auntie jane passed on. omg la, shes like the best colleague anyone can get! shes like damn damn damn nice lahs. OMG !!!! i used to always say i wanna bake for her but i aint go the time. oh man, i kindda regret now! this is the 2nd death this week. my fellow SHSS schoolmate, kaizheng, also passed on. last friday if im not wrong. rest in peace:) NEW SHOES!! damn dumb , but bo bian, i cant let it hibernate at home:( school tomorrow and its freakin' week 6!!! week 7-3 quizzes week 8- presentations(2) toodles peeps:) |
work - Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 8:15 AM
got my lazy ass to turn it into easy cash.LOL.
omg, i was punctual for work lahs!! its been a long while since im punctual.hahs. work was kindda slack. ok, not kindda, its VERY! macham stood there, and pace up and down. buying power of customers today weren't that strong. sales was average. parents came dwn to makan with me:) tom yum fish soup at hot shot. mama said it was ok only. but i still think its one of the best ive eaten.LOL. then was craving for BK's hershey pie but BK nv sell le. so went for taiwan shaved ice:) hahs damn damn shuang!!!! $9 worthy la! hahs ![]() wore new pumps to work and take god i brought my plasters! hahs ![]() toodles peeps:)
school - Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 6:20 AM
back form 2 hours of school.
its not even 2 hours lahs! its practically only 1hr30min.LOL. studying ERP aint that difficult at all.i mean, formulas and theory. its practically like BIS. only more calculations. so, this module is CAN SCORE ONE!!! was walking towards inter when dad called. so, he came to fetch me and we went to 85 to makan with mama. while on the road, we surveying the bikes which were on the roads. thinking of which one to get if i manage to get my bike lisence.LOL. omg, im like so serious in getting one lahs.HAHS. i even asked dad which is the shortest route to school. he said, CTE via PIE.ahhs tons of food.DAMN DAMN FULL!! cabbed home cause motorbike can only fit 2 peeps. so me n mama cabbed home.LOL went for a 'tselyn wont do ' thing. i got my lazy ass to run/jog. hahs. 1 hours of pure stickiness and good music.HAHS. it felt damn good lahs.hahs. running. swing swing a while too:) hahs work tomorrow. which means, i gotta study a bit tonight. 3 major tests next week. toodles peeps:) |
typical friday - Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 9:56 PM
time now is 1.11pm.
practically just work up at about 1245. might be wondering why im still home since school usually starts at 12 for me on fridays. well, reason being, OOP lesson was brought forward to wednesday. so, lesson for today was cancelled. only gotta head to school at 4pm for ERP. talked on msn last night with a couple of peeps. im kindda experiencing tons of problems right now and i dont even know whats going on and why is things going the way it is now. thank God i have these peeps as listening ears. sometimes, i really think my personality really gets the best of me. some people macham cannot tahan my personallity but as i posted on my msn personal msg, I AM ME! if you dont think you can tahan, then i really cannot do anything. is being lame or cold-ly humorous a crime? projects are gradually pilling up and i am only confident of doing entre proj! i needa get an A for that. cause i seriously know my WAD/OOP/IADP will suffer like shit!!!these dumb ass programming modules!! damn shitty! i aint have time for projects when im seriously jam packed with work. my weekends are already gone cause im working on both sat and sun. where got time to do project?? tests for next week is also a killer! with NETCOM,IADP quiz and ERP the following week. CRAZILY INSANE!!! on a brighter note,i have peeps who listen to my problems and that makes it really comforting. i just hope i wont be too overly relient on them. otherwise, if they 'disappear' i wontbe able to cope. //im totally addicted to keith urban's Kiss a Girl ,Eminem's We Made You and david cook's Permanent.// toodles peeps:) |
exams - @ 8:25 AM
the long awaited american idol finale was today! woke up at like freakin 8AM to watch! i rmb skiping school last yr to watch david cook win.LOL. despite being damn letargic, i was like damn HIGH LAH!! KRIS WON!! heng leh, no gay idol yet. but i seriously think adam will be like clay aiken. runnerup but sales btr as compared to winner. bused to school. netcom was like a total killer. until now then i know which routers and computers to use for packet tracer. at least i know something now. using CLI. must be damn CAREFUL when typing. lecture was basically CHIONGING WAD. tks nunu for helping man:) test was like damn tediou.think i aint gonna do well. i didnt do a lot of codiing. just gimme a D!!! im contented! mac for dinner:) went to class outside to sit and made friends:)hahs cool hor.LOL. met up with 0907 and omg, they look sooo good!! their formal presentation was today:) zhongde,silent killer, macham ONLY A!!!lol DBMS test was ok. was darn shock when i saw MCQ was 4 mrks each. bused home. OOP lesson cancelled tmr so im practically going to school for 2 hours only. DUMB! toodles peeps:)
SUBWAY - Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 9:50 AM
damn long since ive rode on a bike lahs. i wanna get my bike licence soon!!! school today was a blast ok? OOP test was like DAMN no kick lahs.*damn sacrastically.* so studying didnt pay off big time. maybe i really suck in programming.LOL. went to makan with coolios after school before chiong-ing session at library. so i did practical 1-4 again.dumb ass cpf calculater.SOO MANY CODES!!! effing hard! at least i know e basic stuffs. now its only the coding parts. and i practially suck at coding lahs. i mus seriously thank saberina man. shes like my life saviour.LOL. got stuck at like damn a lot of places. but she managed to solve them:) wee!! HAHS. thank goodness we can bring in a piece of A4 paper to squeeze codes.LOL. 0907 was there too. mugging for bis ,poc and cs. made me recollect on my YR1SEM1 days:) library every other day.LOL. chionging sessions like free. hahs helped them with their POC and CS after coolios left. chionged WAD in library also. its like soo many NEW STUFFS to me lahs. quickly settled the A4 paper part. 1 page full of codes.back page left!! DON WASTE TSELYN!! left school at 645. bused down to compasspt. while waiting for bus, that beehuat suddenly said, my slipper!! LOL. it fell into the LONGKANG! hahs. i was like LAUGHING TILL DAMN PENG. in the end, he wasnt able to claim his slipper, fyi, it was his BDAY PRESENT. dono whether is bh lucky or what, asher brought his pair of shoes, so he was able to lend him his slippers.LOL. 1 sided slipper==hilarious! dinner kaki for the day-> dan,yc,bh,vint and asher. went to get bh's shoes for cs presentation the next day.LOL. then went makan SUBWAY:) hahs laughed the shit out!!! asher vint bh and dan's JOKE. damn damn damn damn damn GROSS AND FUNNNYY!! hilarious until BWG!! hahs due to the jokes, we went to search for asher's early bday present:) LOL!! lingerie!! HAHS. he macham HIGH then played in metro.LOL. funny funny funny!! n ashers new name is= day was a blast. but not to forget, 2 tests tomorrow:) WAD & DBMS. AMI finale 2moro morning.gnna sacrifice my sleep to watch it!!!! like how i skipped sch last yr when david cook won.LOL. toodles peeps:)
EVER LOVING - Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 8:00 AM
omg, school was a total bore until towards the end of IADP. hahs. we had to settle the fan club page we were gonna do on. then we just say out the bands or artist or football clubs we were gonna do. our group decided on one republic then jaric wrote 1 republic. i was like 1 as in ONE. lol. andrew n trina's group FUNNIER they were doing avril lavinge then jaric heard as dono what, so he wrote i was like LMAO!!!!!! EVERLOVING=AVRILLAVINGE!!!
classic joke!!!the whole class was practically laughin their asses off!! hahs. stayed back after school to study OOP . was in e library with faz,saberina,khai and hafiz. OMG, these peeps are like damn freakin hilarious!!! the battery incident.MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD I FORGOT I WAS IN THE LIBRARY. hafiz= natural born joker!!! makaned dinner with them:) bused home with ramona and farah.LOL. was damn shag!!! slept like a log. OOP quiz 2moro!! toodles peepes:) |
STRESS - Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 7:02 AM
bused to school without realising that sam as on 38?LOL.till i saw her alight!! single decked!! SHITTY i kindda understood netcom today. think doing tutorials kindda help? WAD was kindda like WHAT? thank goodness , kh was like my life saviour lahs. improvised on his work . at least i know how to change some stuffs?LOL. entre was back our feasibility report and WTF!! we got an A!! was late for elaine's lecture cause i went to meet michelle!! OMGOMGOMG, shes like damn shag!!LOL. nways, saw her classmates. some really damn pretty.LOL. and dont even look 18 lahs. they were watching some real damn funny korean show.LOL. saw liting also. hahs. intro her to michelle:) hahs elaines lecture was as usual dman sleepy. her voice like hypnotise people. but at least i know how to do her questions:) she released us early lahs.met up with 0907 peeps and bused home. i still seriously think my jokes are like funny lahs!! bused home. gotta chiong assignments eventhough im damn moodless!!! toodles peeps:)
STUDY - Sunday, May 17, 2009 @ 10:18 AM
wasnt home today.
was out studying. completed NETCOM tutorial and half of IADP. got stuck at a couple questions but i guess asking teacher would be of better alternative:) teaching andy n zhiyong was kindda ok. i mean, at least they benefitted a bit? i guess?? i aint sucha good teacher:( thats what i think. week 5 is just 1 day away and tests starts on wednesday! studying started today. OOP and ERP revision. a little tedious. thanks to all those DAYdreaming in lessons. but at least i got some stuffs into moi brain.LOL. school tomorrow. aint looking forward to it but lifes a contradiction, mb i'll look forward to it tomorrow? im so glad we started talking again. feels good to have someone to talk to when you really need one. lets just hope it stays this way and not go back to how it was like. COMPROMISE. toodles peeps:) |
UNINVTED - Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 5:28 AM
saturday woke up in the morning to study netcom.finally i understand VLSM. its kindda of a compressing concept of subnet. so, to REWARD myself, went for a MOVIE:)hahs met beehuat,shean yang and vincent at tm to watch the uninvited. WOW! i thought it was kindda scary lahs. in the end, CHEY, no kick lahs. hahs. it was only that the boys scared me, not the show.LOL. fruit juice as beverage in theatre.HEALTHY !! subway for lunch. i remembered eating subway last week with kai n sam. gonna go makan chilli crap which dad bought then study OOP:) toodles peeps:) |
fri - Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 9:49 AM
brought file to school instead of bag.
bused to school and journey was kindda excruciating. BORING! completed OOP exercise and at least i know how to use getname() and blah. ebi curry don for lunch. slacked in classroom while waiting for class to start. macham youtubing songs lahs.LOL. ERP was tedious. calculations! must practise like siao. formula also much memorise like siao. all siao siao!! trained home and met mama. wanted to watch 'angels and demons' but instead went to makan instanbul food . LOL. the food!! SPEECHLESS. damn shiok. my sister's keeper movie trailer is out and its sooo good!! however, i totally disappointed myself. i didnt complete the book lahs!!! LOL. gonna read it soon!! the LONG-AWAITED week 5 is next week. and test/proj/assignments are piling like no return. at least i settled ENTRE's side. LOL. gonna call some entre boss for interview:) hopefully we can get him to talk to us lahs! hahs EXCTING! things to be completed/done/study -WAD,NETCOM,OOP(TEST!!!!!!!) -ERP(revision) //im so gonna screw MY TESTS!! toodles peeps:) |
mac - Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 10:04 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() talked about school and blah. netcom was better.better in the sense that i actually understand something. packet tracer ain't so bad after all. chicken rice:) lecture was like practically not listening cause we were dicussing our IADP project. we decided to create a fan page man!! ONE REPUBLIC. narrowed dwn by YUTARO THE GREAT. ya, bleh.. hahs. we had difficulty choosing one group so we had yutaro to help us choose. wtf la. even included YUTARO THE GREAT in the list.LOL. LAME.. jaric's lesson aint so bad after all. he praised me lahs. my pleasure . credit to kh and saberina:) hahs my table APPEARED!! with the damn use of ARRAYS. hahs dinner at mac. but i ate sandwich instead. the straw sucking and zhong ji mi mah. HILARIOUS. but my mind was kindda on ellen?? NYPTV. they air-ed ELLEN lahs!! hahs. waited for night class. night class was like a total bore?? AS USUAL! hahs. but tks to the online peeps.. hahs. they kept me occupied with their conversations. i totally love my classies lah. they jus brighten my day!! many peeps are dwn with flu these days. mb its psychological due to swine. but takecare:) toodles peeps:) |
people - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 @ 7:15 AM
despite my FREE-WEDNESDAY, went to school for entre proj today. met up with khai,faz and christina. settled parts of the questions and we only left 3 parts to do! changed a little grammer. and BLAH!! im done:) couple in front of us were quarelling and its like watching a movie lahs.HAHS. damn hilarious. they wre like, if you want to go, you go, no ones stopping you.LOL!! i feel so bad lahs, hahs. just sit there and watch.HAHS we needa do some market survey so faz n khai just took a foolscap and went around the library asking people question.OMG, damn funny lahs!! they even wore lanyards so that they'd look more was damn damn freakin' hungry cause btw we finished it was 3. and i haven makan breakfast and lunch. under khai's recommendation, makaned NASI GORENG KAMPUNG. hahs. damn damn spicy but darn nice:) trained dwn to meet lovely becca. omg, i made her wait for freakin' long lahs. buona vista. a place i ain't familier with and the whole journey took freakin' 45 min. went to MOE centre to get my O's cert. omg, the palce is so damn serene and nice:) i wont mind working there lahs. hahs trained to tampines to meet jasmine cause becca needa go to her grandmama house. jas was with her friends. so, i kindda widen my social circle a little?? her friends are like damn funny lahs.LOL. costing test the next day, so they were like doing their costing stuffs.hahs. met mama after that. makaned and saw nurul.LOL.i still cant believe she pierced her GUM!! and she says it aint pain!! OMG LAHS.hahs. i'd totally cry can.LOL. bused home. piccas of my lovelies. bring them to school everyday:) hahs friday night-Lily allen Hollywood -Cute Is What We Aim For crazy bithc-buckcherry night class tomorrow:) quizes are like sooo coming soon!! and im totally slacking the shit out! PIA TSELYN!!!! toodles peeps:)
craze - Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ 8:31 AM
![]() i totally love my wallpaper. hahs. chris pine:) and omg, i didnt realise he acted in just my luck and princess diaries lahs!! no wonder his soo damn familiar. LOL! so i just edited my entre report. and i totally miss writing scripts for presentations and reports. i totally love to do reports lahs. i find that thats my niche area:) hahs. anyways, change of plans for tomorrow lahs!! gotta head to school for entre meetup. SAD! there goes another wednesday to damn school. but still gonna meetup with becca and kl. jarics hw, i think i'll leave it 2moro. hahs. i totally have ZERO mood! hahs anything with sprite is nice:) //pardon my randomness. toodles peeps:)
alone - @ 4:32 AM
mood have been kindda on the high and lows these days.
i can be damn high at one point of day but at the end of day, i'll be damn frustrated and pissed off easily. wenqi even told me 'you no fun'. im seriously trying hard to please everyone. be it being the joke, which ive been damn used to cause i dont mind making people laugh or telling my damn not funny joke and being 'zi high'. i seriously dont mind. but i think im trying so hard that sometimes im just tired. tired of being everyone's playtoy. im not saying dont joke but sometimes its kindda extreme. i have feelings you know? im not angry or anything but sometimes im just mentally exhausted. school these days have been damn tiring. maybe its due to my late nights and early mornings. saw juls on bus today and talked a lot! hahs. totally miss her sia.. hahs OOP. omg, finally i know something!! the private obj. so amazing!! its kindda like an acheivement man. nways, makaned salmon don and went to jarcis lesson. omg, enabling the stupid thing totally frustrated me. i was totally so blah. but at least i can do my work already. wenqi is kindda hyped up for IADP's project. me n saber was like looking at each other macham entre proj is kindda 1/2 done.compiling to be done:) star trek after school. the peace sign is totally hard!! i cant even do it lahs. but the movie is like really insane? hahs. the graphics n sound was like a total match? hahs. the captain was a total hawtty!! hahs bused home. slept like a LOG!! hahs. gnna do some freakin lame ass assignments now. jaric's module a total killer. macham chiong-ster. i think he hates me though. he'll always rmb me as the toliet meeting rebecca to collect Os cert 2moro and kl after that to pop by bugis to find gio:) hahs toodles peeps:) |
monday blues - Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 7:34 AM
FREAKIN' WORDY POST! bear with me!!
for the first time in a long time i actually had monday blues. trained to school caue my morning-call operater was on leave and i didnt wake up in time. when mama woke me up, i was in a total daze. i was practically counting whether i was late for school not. otw to school, the giddy spells were about to hit when i quickly pop-ed in mentos. felt damn strange going to school via train. its been kinda long since i took train in the mornings:) was rather weak in my legs cause i lost my balance a few times. damn awkward! yck was like damn freakin' packed can! crazily insane! netcom in the morning and blimy!! i didnt do my tutorial. LOLS. wasnt really concentrating during lesson but at least i jotted dwn notes on matrix and number of hops. kind teacher released us 30 min earlier :) WAD was like a total WHAT???? tried really really hard to focus. but as soon as i got stucked, thoughts of giving up just striked my mind. blinking pages of facebook and icons on notes and my lovely visual studio. 3 in 1. MAJOR DISTRACTION!! but at least i got parts of the webpg up:) im kindda ok with reading and following instructions:) didnt makan lunch cus i had bread n currypuff for breakfast.HEARTY MEAL! must control!! entre was kindda interesting. feasibility report aint going so well. gonna rush it out 2moro. ok, rush seems kinnda slip-short work hmmm..gonna think through it damn carefully can do it realised that don stays at tanah merah.hahs. rich boy.hahs. elaine lecture was a total sleeper. was in lala land 1/3 of the time . but calculations was kindda ok. i mus seriously score for ERP!! that the only module im kindda confident at:( the ONLY one. year 2 is a total stresser! mugging would really do some good but im in a total holiday mood. bused home with 0907 peeps. talk to bh about sec sch stuffs. then after he left, transported myself to back seats to talk to the others. but macham was in lala land 1/2 of the time. tired shit lahs! makaned with zy n andy. duck-ed rice and i wanna say IM SOOO TALLER THAN HAU Z.Y. thats the truth!! accept it:) HAHS bused home:) thought of school tomorrow kindda irks me. but what to do?? toodles peeps:) |
happy mthers day - Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 8:32 AM
its been a freakin' long time since i've worked lahs.
i miss those familer faces! HAHS.jasmine was workin today too:) hahs. time was especially easy to spend!! hahs. macham just talk to her only.hahs. 8 hours of talking. i practically slacked at work.hahs. served a couple potential customers and it was off to chit-chat session.hahs. talked a lot man!! school,life and everything!! hahs. unexpectedly, even if i was talking sales was especially good!! hahas. wtf lahs. i serve them, they don buy. but when i leave them alone, they buy! hahas. human nature. don like to be pressured! LOL. makaned at hot spot. wow!! the tom-yum soup really damn yum.HAHS. but i didnt makan that, i makaned fish soup:) but jas makaned tomyum! koup-ed some from her. POWER SHIT CAN!! hahas went to get JCdonut and icecream cake for mama day after work. hahs. hence, reachin home way pass normal time.LOL! school tomorrow. aint lookind forward to it as much as 2 weeks ago. its kindda bores me. from choosing what to wear and what bag to bring to have i done my hw?? i don understand this and that and blah blah blah.... temperature taking exercise is resuming on tuesday:) bet wenqi will love it.hahs and my lovely saberina is coming back tomorrow:) hahs toodles peeps:) |
mother day - Saturday, May 09, 2009 @ 7:39 AM
HAPPY VESAK DAY peeps:) went to temple early afternoon:) trained/bused to parkway. saw this high-waisted pants at topshop.CHIO! but expensive. then went to meet kl and sam:) walked to ecp with the thought of cycling but due to our lazy asses, we sat at e stone area to chill. the sea breeze..the sound of waves.CALMING! s omemore with these 2 as accompaniment, hahs. POWER!! took poloroids:) i think im kindda addicted to it lahs.LOL. damn nice!! I LIKE:) temporary airbrush tatts for kai and me:) hahs. doesnt come cheap man.$4 bucks for a freakin' temp thing that last for few weeks.LOL! but i really want a tatt at the back. damn cool but mama thinks its LIAN! subway for dinner and talk talk. laughed about sec n pri stuffs! MEMORIES.hahs met up with parents at parkway again later at night then bused back to bedok central to makan. i makan a bit nia la.hahs.don think i had 2 dinners HAHS. i seriously needa control a bit ! hahs. cabbed home:) the thought of going back to work tomorrow really sucks but it beats sitting in front of the computer whole day huh. somemore with jas as company tomorrow, i think it should be that bad!! hahs sorry for ps-ing bh and vint:) hahs. at least you 2 had fun w.o me lah hor?hahs. im addicted to these song now!! YOU'RE NOT SORRY-taylor swift CRAZY BITCH-buckcherry a bit random! hahs. toodles peeps:) |
mel's 19 - Friday, May 08, 2009 @ 8:44 AM
as usual, school was a total bore.LOL.
OOP was like WTF? hahs. soooo HUH? the only thing i could absorb throughout the lesson was GARBAGE collector.HAHS. 2 hour break was WAHLAO!! wenqi went for blood donation:) brave girl man!! HAHAS. i'd never do it in a million yrs. even if a million yrs were to arrive, i won't do it too.LOL!! qifeng styled my hair and OMGOMGOMG!! flat flat to high high. i macham became qf's twin. hahs. exact hair replica.HAHS. can u imagine??? LOL.!! hard was freakin hard like stone sia. macham like durian.HAHS. ERP was kindda interesting? hahs. did calculations. i kindda like e calculations part cause thats e only thing i know? hahs. chionged dwn to tampines to meet the girls. and my oh my, i was like carrying this prima deli plastic bag all over school containing 2 carebear cupcakes.HAHS.damn auntie!!! makaned at ajisen. mr LEONG s.w. was suppose to come but wth!! he dua us! i knew it lahs.hahs. i still told him ytd dont dua us! LOL. nvm la. happy 19th in advance:) dinner was full-shit. i mean damn damn damn full!! hahs. went to open plaza after makaning. major camwhore session:) hahs. funfunfun!! but my OH-SO-qifeng hairstyled became OH-SO-auntie hairstyle. so my piccas were like shit!! nways,sang bday song for MELISSA HENG H.F. !! 19 years old!! hahs.. old shit! hahas had fun with them. macham i talktalktalk nia. hahs. told them my infamous jokes which i think they listen till sian le.hahs. the uhu glue joke. mel said it was FUNNY!! hahs. toldya, someone would find it funny:) bused homewith reb @ about 930:) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() my lovely MUSE shirt came today!!! and i totally LOVE IT!! hahs. the colour combination, POWER!!! shall pair it with denim:) hahs tons of stuffs happening tmr!! cfm gng for temple,ecp cycling some mother's day church event. aint cfm. LOL. work on sunday with jas.i cannot believe we are working together man!! haha. i intro de lor! HAHS toodles peeps:) |
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