so work started today.
my 3rd pc show:)
was damn early! hahs.
suppose to report at 11 but i reached city hall at 1035.hahs.
strolled to suntec and saw carmen. shes working at seagate. hahs
went to the LG booth.
omg la, first 2 hours was a total blur cause its my first time selling laptops k? hahs.
macham freak out! hahs. but was interesting. hahs.
i dono if the world is too small or am i just lucky.hahs
at the same booth im working at, just talktalk, in the end, the person i was talking to happens to be from SHPS. same age same year!! KNS! i dont even remember who is he lah.hahs. but turns out, we know a lot of people .hahs. coolshit leh.hahs
then at the oppostite booth,TOSHIBA, made friend with a girl. name jo. ask her which school she was from, she said NYP then wad course she say EI.KNS!! world damn smallll can??!!! hahs.
turns our shes from 0904.hahs. n wth!! she called me AUNTIE.kns!!!!
hahs. her bf knows gw and gang. hahs. cool leh!!
peeps from LG booth are practically smartass and jokers.hahs.
half of them from tp-acc whereas the other half are waiting for admission to local uni!! hahahs.
saw couple of peeps:) edward,lp,kit. hahs.honey was working there too:)
nways, sales damn kns. sold 5 only. i was totally aiming for 10 ok?

omg, me n wenqi can become twinny le lah.hahs. we have e same harddisk.hahs
my parents got the harddisk for me cause i was damn afraid my com would hang la.hahs.
one more day before i DELCARE MY START OF HOLIDAYS!
toodles peeps:)
ps-one of the best pc shows ive ever worked at:)