WILDWILDWET was literally wild!!!
did the crazy Ushaped ride twice CONSECUTIVELY.
omgla,its damn freakin tedious to carry the darn float!! hahs
did ulahLAR like countless of times!! crazily fun!
we always sat different coloured floats and hahahs, our picture always cant be captured! ahhs
wavedpool and all. fun !!!
bbq chicken for dinner:) and emicakes for desert.hahs.
the 2 durian pancakes and strawberrycheesecake was shiok!
arcade a while and bused home. hahs
fun day! hahs
too bad i didnt become darker. sobs!
seemin n seeqi was like i give u my skin colour la.hahs
work tomorrow really bores me but for the bloody sake of $38.50, ive gotta get my lazy buttt to work!
ive finished e SP episode of proposal daikusen. omg. NICE!!!!
im seriously thinkin of cutting my hair to bob and start growing long hair from there cause seriously now, my hair is in a total mess! with one side straight and the other curly. WTF??!!!!!
toodles peeps:)