school for 2 hours for erp lab test.
omg, its the first time i did a test and feel so frustrated.
i almost cried.
simple instructions and i totally freaked out.
i swear i folllowed every single step and i tried for freakin 5 times.
i still cant get the results.
damn frustrated.
maybe im not cut out for logistics at all.
that test really brought my confidence level to 0%.
969-ed to tampines to meet moi peeps.
despite feeling damn low, they really brought laughter into my life.
i mean seriously, the indirect jokes that johnson creates.
the guailan face that andrew and jiahong makes.
the interesting laughter that sam has.
gio and kl's pressence.
damn nice:)
its one of those times where you feel at home.
hopefully when next week comes, we'll be able to have more fun:)
major camwhoring session around tampines.
i was totally
AUNTIE-fied today.
my hair, my dressing damn zha-pa-lang.
so, eventhough we took TONS of piccas, im gonna post 1 up ONLY.
anyways, had 3 test this week. iadp,oop and today's lab test.
so, wasnt in the right situation to blog for the pass few days.
main highlights were
i finally met up with nicole.
test were kindda manageable.
i'll be thankful if i am able to scrap through OOP(
i don wanna be an online student!!!)
2 friends contacted H1N1.
anyways, i wanna tell limguowei!!!
i aint born on the wrong day ok?
don make me feel guilty for having a bday celebration.
i was really offended by that convo
that mainly sums up the week:)
dad's bday is 2moro!!
and i have a craving for steamboat or buffet.
toodles peeps:)