IADP presentation was yesterday.
kindda ok i guess.
i just felt that i'd relied a lot on saberina for the program to work.
i should have contributed more.
well, if my grades are bad, i have no one to blame but me.
anyways, today is the official start to the study break.
2 weeks to prepare for 3 major exams.
i seriously think i have to study NOW but i totally have no mood.
woke up at 1pm.
i think ive to sleep early and not use the computer till wee hours.
dabao-ed turkish food for lunch and apple crumple for desert.
one word, SHIOK!
stayed home to watch it started with a kiss.
my oh my, that show is addictive.
to think i said NO to the show 4 yrs ago is kindda stupid of me.
well, people's taste do change.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention, i went to catch fireworks with trina,andrew and boon last sunday.
i met them up at 6pm.
omg , its totally people mountain people sea.
many exits were blocked and i took a whole 30 min just to get to the venue to met them.
worse of all, i was carrying 2 1.5 litres of water.
WOAH! i was sweating like hell too lah!!!!
think i lost about 1 kilo there?
fireworks was splendid!!
made me realise its like life.
unexpected things just pop beautifully in front of you.
as i was looking at the fireworks, the audio and visuals of it was just a great combo.
love it.
on the other hand,
i just realise ive totally lost touch with so many people.
maybe im forgotten by them and they are so pre-occupied with their own lives.
feeling a little neglected but well, thats what DVD's are for.
its to bring you to another dimension, with no worries and blah.
Boys like Girls are coming out a new album in september.
omg! totally cant wait and their 1st 2 singles are out.
crazily addictive.
hair's in a huge mess.
i guess im gonna go cut it tomorrow.
this time, wenqi, i gurrantee you, you will sure see a difference.
don worry! HAHA!!
haven't been bloggin that frequently these days.
maybe, i don feel the need to.
since ive such a boring life.
toodles peeps:)