my lyrics
journals to me are like _____[FILLED IT YOURSELF]
latest fetish - Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 9:33 AM
weird fetish recently.
for china idols? omg, did i just say that? but i swear the ones that i look don't even have china accent. both fantastic singers and good-looking. 俞灏明 & 魏晨 . both acted in the china version of hana yori dango. their songs are so nice. credits to dan for getting them for me:) anyways, this saturday wasn't a very productive one. practically finish watching my xingguang special and the interview segment which i couldn't finish the night before. didn't even touch on studying materials. amazing huh?!! wasted one fine day:( dinner at tampines was a great one. i totally miss the tampines environment. my school surroundings and all. memories:) waited for like 45 min for food to be served on our tables but to be honest, it was worth the wait. great meal:) to commemorate halloween, i went to dwnload paranormal activity. good grace, i don't even dare to watch. seriously. freakish-ly scary!! jialat!!! toodles peeps:) |
HAJI HAJI - Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 9:49 AM
HAJI LANE with Chanel. the blogshop sale is totally amazing. their lomo and holga totally made my day. super super nice nice nice. bought a romper at eff-ing cheapo 26 bucks. for something i'll nv wear to school. hmm, i think i'll be interesting to see when i'll wear it. jalan around haji. i haven't been there in like ages and i mean AGES! got my pluck ice cream and went to the gorgeous vintage shop. n i mean totally gorgeous. the smell, sooo 70s! then chanel left for night safari. TO SCARE HERSELF. met up with mom for dinner at yoshinoya and desert at ben-ten. its official, I'VE MAKAN ALL 3 SIZES OF THE BIG BIG POTS! KKUUUDOS to that! 12 home:) and i finally saw the headphones that i want and my-oh-my , its soooo CHIO!!! GOLD LEH!! gonan get it when i get my pay:) sad. but i've gotta tell you something about this boy, his so cute. he msged me saying, 'want to meet at bedok resevoir with 'wo men'.' then i asked, who is 'wo men' . he frekain' replied , 'the whole school and me' i was like, HUH??!!! so cute right? hahaha he hasnt change a bit since i've known him:) guess it vb chionging day tomorrow:) toodles peeps:) |
boils - Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 11:22 AM
breakfast alone since grandma went for checkup.
trained to school and my earpiece died on me. BOTH SIDES. thank God i brought my Time Traveller's Wife. i was comtemplating in the morning whether to bring it or not. at least i made a good decision today:) i guess RAD was ok. first test next monday. IM SO GONNA CONQUER VISUAL BASIC! I FREAKIN' SWEAR IM GONNA DO WELL! lecture was practically Time Traveller's Wife reading session. the impromtu change in lecturer kindda shocked me into thinking whether we are in the wrong hall. owells, the book's fantastic. what is troubling me is, i don't read the book at home since im so distracted with the technology and all and its truly slowly the reading process. DI. DON't GET ME STARTED ON DI. its super frustrating. just when i thought i was done with WAD & IADP, this comes up. what to do, THANK GOD lor. but on the other hand, the tap device is really cool and interesting. i finally got the hang of what the macdonald's monopoly is all about. was just thinking, wouldn't the chances of winning be like so damn ALOT? since you get so many 'thing' when you order a meal. weird. night class was havoc. i made tons of noise i couldn't stand myself. seriously, sometimes i hate myself for being so loud. shit me. bused home without any form of entertainment. earpiece died and i can't read books on the bus otherwise i'll have motion sickness. so what do you do, hum songs to your head, imagine your listening to songs and pretend to enjoy it. anyways, long weekend once again. only difference, its gonna be a pack one. gonna head out with chanel to haji lane tomorrow afternoon and might meetup with sam in the evening. meeting shawn on sat for an impromtu meetup. lovely junior whom i haven't seen in ages. totally a meetup to look forward to:) sunday, CONQUER VISUAL BASIC. toodles peeps:) ps-yamashita tomohisa's loveless is freakin' good:) |
說謊 - Wednesday, October 28, 2009 @ 12:07 AM
是有過幾個不錯對象說起來并不寂寞孤單可能我浪盪 讓人家不安才會結果都陣亡我沒有什麼陰影魔掌 你千萬不要放在心上我又不脆弱 何況那算什麼傷反正愛情不就都這樣我沒有說謊 我何必說謊你懂我的 我對你從來就不會假裝我哪有說謊 請別以為你有多難忘消失 真的不是我逞強我好久沒來這間餐廳 沒想到已經換了裝潢角落那窗口 聞得到玫瑰花香 被你一說是有些影響我沒有說謊 我何必說謊你知道的 我缺點之一就是很健忘我哪有說謊 是很感謝今晚的相伴但我竟然有些不習慣我沒有說謊 我何必說謊愛一個人沒愛到難道就會怎麼樣別說我說謊 人生已經如此的艱難有些事情就不要拆穿我沒有說謊 是愛情說謊它帶你來 騙我說 可我 沒有可能有希望我沒有說謊 祝你做個幸福的新娘我的心事請你全遺忘 Lyrics to the song 說謊 is so beautiful. The chorus is especially great. with different meaning at each chorus, it totally depicts a picture of it own. it practically has it's own image. didnt go to school today. my bet. woke up late but i think its a good day to stay home and replenish my lack of sleep. gonna cover this week's chapter on CA to make up for today's missed lesson. i hate to say this but when the whole world thinks this semester is easy, its a DISASTER to me. i practically don't have any feeling for this semester and all the enthusicatism from the holidays to start school is all gone. it just suddenly vanished. weird but true. for a moment, i just want to go to the working society and stop doing projects and homeworks. but i guess it's part of being a student. im obligated to study and put all my brain cells to work. i researched on internet policy usage earlier on and i was thinking whether it might be able to implement this policy onto my laptop so that i won't be distracted from all the media stuffs in the internet. i just cannot stop myself from going online,watching drama's and listening to songs. what the hell, lets pray its a beautiful day as it is for today's weather. toodles peeps:) |
it's a beautiful day - Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 10:09 AM
some people might call it Monday blues but it was not exactly blue.
its green,pink,orange,red,purple,,white,beige. aiya, all the colours la. it was a great day in school. with the fact the 3 pepo are celebrating their birthday today:) how wonderful can the day get? HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIOVANNA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TITUS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS! lesson wise was a total blur. what the hell is LINUX and WHY DO WE HAVE TO LEARN IT??!!!! its so damn complicated with those commands. and geez, YOU HAVE to memorise the commands. HORRIBLE! RAD was also kindda on the down side. well, not all of it, i mean, i do get vb but i really don't know why we have to learn it after learning 3 semester's of c#. its totally atrocious:( bused home with pepo. saw farah on the bus. its been months without talking to her. thats what they call her ,"silent killer". wanted to revise but what the hell, 海派甜心 DISTRACTED ME!!!!!! toodles peeps:) |
culture shock - Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 7:39 AM
edward's bday celebration at sakae sushi. fun night talking nothing but rubbish. the wasabi exposure and lovely people combo was great. we got him rockband and some animae figurine that im totally unaware of it's existence. HA HA. nevertheless, we had great fun. bused home with yu wei while the boys heading to ed's house to enjoy his new rockband. *JEALOUS!* before meetin them, lunch with parents at lerkthai in the afternoon. great lunch with the mango sago and pandan chicken. there's some electrical fair at expo so went jalan jalan. and omg, i got my own ipod dock. EFF-ING HAPPY! i found some money in my bank a few days ago with the thought that it was FREE money from dono where. so, i spent it like water and now, i realised, it was my pay!! sooo busted! im back to square one:( toodles peeps:) |
my sister's keepers - Friday, October 23, 2009 @ 7:43 AM
![]() met up with chanel for an impromtu movie. my sister's keepers. i remember the time i got that book. it was given by weishan,edward,edmund,lipping etc 2 years ago at a christmas chalet. was damn hyped up when i got the book i got the urge to read it there and then. in the end, i found that book damn slow moving, i stopped reading. until before i watched the movie, i didnt understand why she wanted to sue her parents. after i watched the movie, i felt that it was a totally tear-y movie. the way they flimed it was interesting. the recollections of her first love, her first ball, her parents dilemma to have her sister was great. all in all, it gives me a great reason to read that book again:) met up with mom after the movie. chanel went to find her auntie if im not wrong. kimgary for dinner. nissin noodles is love:) jalan jalan. finally got the time travellers wife book. haven't caught the movie yet but owells, starting of the book was great. the perspective of henry and claire. lovely. school for the past week was interesting. had a glimpse of what this sem's module is gonna be and frankly, its damn dry. but i gonna study. no more wasting for this sem's time. seriously. toodles peeps;) |
gym - Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 1:25 AM
cost accounting isn't as easy as it seems.
a little tricky yet interesting. FOH,DM,DL and blah. IST was a totaly waste of time. just go online searching for internet threats and compile it on msword. lets just say, what seemed like a simple task was damn tedious. masquerading, eavesdropping. crazy. bused down to tampines stadium. finally got my lazy ass to gym. freaking tiring. but i've gotta make it an every week thing since i've gained weight. im not sick or anything, i just want to look better and healthier. because at the rate im going now, im so not confident with myself. and with my friends saying that i eat alot, i feel damn wtf. and i must specify, im not sick. im still eating, just not that much. my long awaited night-class is tomorrow. and im gonna have a long weekend. ain't that great:) finished season 1 of friends. FINALLY! gonna revise on CA now. i have more oxygen in my brain now! woohoo! toodles peeps:) |
i gotta feeling - Tuesday, October 20, 2009 @ 3:49 AM
'i gotta feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night'
FRINGE IS JUST AMAZING. i've finally caught up to channel 5's episode:) modules for this semester is just one word, TEDIOUS. 4 major exams with 2 projects. what is this world coming to! MAJOR STRESS-ness!! i've been trying so hard to keep up in lessons but my attention span on a module is just too short. after like 25 min in the lab or lecture, my mind just drift away. i don't know to what but i just cannot focus. i think i have some kind of weird psychological problem. which is JUST great. life's been pretty much a bore. gonna head to the doctors later. the hearing problem have been bugging me for about 2-3 weeks now and i dono what, i've got used to listening perfectly with 1 ear. weird. i might be deaf. sharks. and im not kidding. anyways, love yamada ryouske. his like one of the cutest creature on earth. gonna revise some VB now. toodles peeps:) ps-i kindda love my life now:) |
topshop - Sunday, October 18, 2009 @ 9:31 AM
finally got to spend some bucks at topshop.
since it was sale, i bought some tees for school. chicken for both lunch and dinner. bused home while watching friends. school's starting tomorrow and to be frank, im damn excited about it. its like the first time i feel like im really ready for school. weird, i know. hopefully this momentum keeps up with me:) toodles peeps:) 0803 fight and conquer this semester! |
changi village - Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 10:21 AM
plans for m'sia got postponed to next week cause i wasn't feeling so well.
stayed home and watched fringe and xingguangdadao. i feel so dumb for not watching Fringe on channel 5. its a bloody good show ok! and by bloody, i really mean it. not gore but just enough blood. its a great show! seriously, if you haven't caught it, go watch!! headed down to changi village for dinner with parents. mixed culture food. gado-gado and wanton mee. combo? HA HA im into xiao yu now. his song is so damn nice. especially 終於說出口. school's starting really soon and call me mad, but i can't wait. i'd rather have a more fufilling day in school rather than to spend my days at home doing nothing. at least i can accomplish something in school:) toodles peeps:) |
zirca - Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 10:03 AM
finally met up with chanel.
met at simei cause she told me 'i'll bring you somewhere nice to makan'. i was like racking my brains, thinking what NICE thing to makan. coffee shop? sakae? longjohn? in the end, she told me to meet her at posb, ok fine, nice to makan=18 chefs. and she only went to 18 once la. damn full from the marigold yougurt drink, so i just ordered breakfast for lunch:) great meal. trained down to clarke quay. unexpectedly, its my 2nd time there in the month. i don't usually hang there. weird,i know right?! jalan abit then headed for zirca. cleo rocks event. crazy beautiful. thats all. fashion show,FREE drinks,great music,fantastic host and gorgeous models. made my day. seriously! zirca is a bit bigger than zouk. nice:) we were like thinking who we'd get to see in zirca, in the end, we came up with tons of weird people like those will-never go to club people. freakin' hilarious. was also practically seeing cute people. the model-looking guy is eff-ing gorgeous. eyes were practically fixed on him but after the model's came on stage, eyes drifted for a bit. HA HA. love the drinks. since its free, got like 4-5 glass of vodka. thanks to 'lovely' chanel, she told me vodka sprite was nice and NO WAY, its gross like hell. i seriously spit the whole drink out and got a pure sprite to recover. super gross! i'd just better stick to normal vodka. her whiskey coke was kindda strong for me too. for a beginner drinker, i think vodka is enough.HA HA. trained home and i fell. damn shock la. then i quickly stood up hoping no one saw me. worse, it hurts like hell. saw sherlyn n zermaine:) gonna head to msia tomorro and gorge myself with some cheap food:) things to get for school, clothes,bags and brain cells, LOADS OF IT! toodles peeps:) |
heading out - Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 9:49 PM
impromtu decision to hang with chanel.
thank god she's free today. otherwise, i think i'll be home watching friends and listening to songs. btw, my lovely scared the hell out of me last night. it suddenly can't work. freakin' anxious ok??!! my camera is not with me, so i guess im just gonna bring all my instant camera's out to use it. maybe, i'll even use the flim camera. old school for a bit. HA HA. saw the trailer for this movie PARANORMAL ACTIVITY and it scared the freakin' shit hell of me. damn creepy!!! had major goosebumps. omgomgomg, im soooo damn scared la!!!! school's starting on monday and i pray mom and dad bring me to jb to get my passport stamped tomorrow:) toodles peeps:) i predict, its gonna be a crazy day with the siao char bo. |
deadly tsunami - @ 10:59 AM
plann - Wednesday, October 14, 2009 @ 10:19 AM
watched f.r.i.e.n.d.s and gossip girls the whole day.
haven't even started on fringe and heroes. which reminds me i need exactly 70 hours to finish all the dramas. 4 days left till school reopens. i've suddenly lost all motivation to do anything. the toothache the frustrations. i need someone to pour everything out to. but sometimes, its just good to bottle everything up and live in the virtual world through dramas. at least they take your mind of somethings. toodles peeps:) |
stand - Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 8:08 PM
slept freakin' early yesterday which strongly resulted in me waking up so damn early today.
ended a totally useless conversation last night which made me freakin' angry. and the sms later that night spoiled my sleep but what the hell, its them. it could be my fault due to my strong persistent venue but what are the freakin' odds of that. i just realised that its always me who is compromising. and all of them will have a big question mark after that sentence. lets take the previous meet up for an example. i wanted to go somewhere else but because YOU ALL wanted to go somewhere else, we had to change the freakin' venue. and seriously, i didn't have fun. it's useless to talk crap now but I'm seriously damn freakin' tired of all these crappy nonsense. i've made every single effort to go for your birthday celebrations and this year you all couldn't even be bothered. just one sms and blew me off. what kind of dumb ass gesture is that. and now, even after i've decided to change to somewhere different, you guys just don't appreciate. you all just want to have your cliche shopping,cliche NEARBY, cliche food. im just so damn freakin' sick of these crap. you all say that im thinking of myself but in actual fact, who is. its bloody ass YOU! i really have nothing to say to you all. you can all just jolly well have eff-ing fun on Friday. i don't really care anymore. it's the 3rd-4th time it resulted in this, and i seriously cannot stand it. i need you all to stand in my point of view. but no one really understands. bb biatch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on the other hand, i had fun on the last day of work. major crapping!! those lame jokes. my speciality:) these people are seriously great fun. talking crapping. oh ya, omg!! this girl we met at work didn't turn up for the final day of work but she sms'ed wq instead to ask us to get this weisiang's number. this ws is just so-so looking la. people say he looks like jay chou. LOL! i think we were like shocked la. in the end, pearlene showed the msg to ws and i bet he had a shock of his life. ok la, not really shock as in heart attack shock but his facial expression super hilarious! for some reason, he reminds me of ryan. weird. di-xiao-ing session started when i went back to seab after lunch. major funny!! trained home with weishan edward and this tp person. walked around ep while waiting for parents. makan-ed 18:) bought notebooks. great day bad night. toodles peeps:) |
these days - Monday, October 12, 2009 @ 4:02 AM
work at warehouse for the past 2 days with zy.
i think its by far the longest time we have talked since orientation. 8 hours of work and we practically had nothing to do, so we'd talk. the mcdonald delivery, the kiasu auntie, the windows 95 cash machine,the ya-ya pilot and even the real estate auntie. fun:) easy money. was working at seab the previous week. another freakin' easy money job. work for few hours and get paid the whole day. people there is kindda interesting. gotten used to the daily 'suans'. met up with KLF after work last thurs. sadly, without kailing. went to quality hotel for porridge buffet. food was alright. makan porridge till fulll. HA HA HA. guys left for st james and me n sam went to clarke quay. headed to some random bar to drink drink. happy hour is cheap. dirt cheap. work tomorrow at seab. final day of work and i can seriously wait for school to start. i seriously cannot wait for school to start. really no idea why! i think i have the crazy urge to get my books and study. just the thought of scrapping through yr2sem1 makes me feel damn insecure and i seriously need to think of my future! meeting up with girls on friday to celebrate becca's birthday. lets just say i don't like pizza hut. somewhere unique would be interesting for a change. pay isnt coming in on time and im seriously struggling with my finances. come money come!! toodles peeps:) |
racked - Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 10:51 AM
people DO cry over not getting A* for their PSLE.
WTF! so, i tried to solve that question and guess what, i didn't solve it. so, whats the big deal, get A lah!! GREEDY! toodles peeps:) |
memoirs - Wednesday, October 07, 2009 @ 8:20 AM
maybe it was lack of sleep that resulted in me not heading to work. this has seriously become a huge bad habit. 2 more weeks till opening of school and im still not used to sleeping early. and its now like even i wake up early, i just can't get myself to bed at night. i always sleep in the morning. well, celebrating johnson's birthday tomorrow. early bday celebration. you can say its like the first time we are celebrating his bday. ok, friends since sec 3 and 1st time celebrating. crazy right??!!! I KNOW! but, 1st time without kl too. sad.i seriously got to head to work tomorrow. im so broke. toodles peeps:) |
repetition - Tuesday, October 06, 2009 @ 9:48 AM
The after effects of doing something continuously for an estimated time of 6 hours is practically boredem. its like damn freakin' frustrating.
and the continuous thing that i've been doing are ticks. yes, you heard me right. TICKS!! super boring. owells, for the bloody sake of slackish job and average income, i have no choice but to bear with it. its only for these few days. finally got my first day out with my lovely. feels damn great! the scrolling feeling is indescribable. currently addicted to COLOR's 哭出來, very meaningful. and not to mention the gorgeous looking lead vocals. i was noted as a henderson secondary student by a teacher today. i do have sorta like a common face afterall. and quietly, it seems to hype me up. haha not sure why. on a random note, i was greatly intrigued by siew-mai today. the yellow fascination:) just finished 90210 and gossip girls. i just realised that i've downloaded like 2 episodes of the vampire diaries but i haven't been watching it. fyi, the beautiful life got CUT! which means no more sara paxton and misha barton. gotta head to bed now. otherwise i'll be eff-ing moody tomorrow. PS: i love my new room. i would love for my peeps to come visit! don mind my dog though.HA HA HA toodles peeps:) |
alone - Monday, October 05, 2009 @ 6:56 AM
got so damn frustrated with itunes for the past 2 days.
without itunes,my lovely would practically be junk. met up with trina today to pass me the itunes setup files via thumbdrive. makaned and walkwalk. bloody uncle, i was like walking in front of him, like any blind person can see la, then he tripped me. wtf. thank god, i had a good sense of balance, otherwise i'd be the joke of the day. she left for andrew's house whereas i went to jalan. suppose to meet vint n dan but omg, they wanted to go to freakin' lot 1. fyi, lot 1 is in CCK. no way in a million years would i go there just to fine them. its crazy!!! so, i didnt want to go home so early so what did i do, went to watch the accident. was contemplating between cloudy with a chance of meatballs and the accident. but the cartoon just came out recently so i watched the accident instead. oh my, damn intriguing la!! twist-ty plot. met up with parents for dinner and i finally got itunes!!! i can work my lovely now!! chionging of work officially starts tomorrow. tues-sunday. CRAZY HUH!!! ps, i saw my beh-by today.he looks stress. toodles peeps:) |
baby - Sunday, October 04, 2009 @ 4:55 AM
i got a new baby. and i named it lovely. rhymes huh. so what exactly is my baby? i think most people would know it le. got really hyped up when i got it. it was kindda sudden too. owells, im darn darn happy i gotta baby. haven't been updated that often cause most of the times when i come online, i would watch my bigbangtheory and facebook. have been working consecutively for the past few days. met up with poly pepo last friday and headed to cheenaTown for 10bucksKaraoke. first time there and my oh my, had a freaking' laughing goof time. yup, goof, i didnt type wrongly. HA HA HA work from then on. yenstudio's warehouse sale. got zy to work with me. time passes by kindda fast during weekdays due to lunch time crowd but the weekend crowds are like killer-ish. freaking Q-U-I-E-T! but its kindda fun working with him. joker/guailan by nature. SEAB officially starts next week. woohoo. slacker-ish job!! toodles peeps:)
latest fetish - Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 9:33 AM
weird fetish recently.
for china idols? omg, did i just say that? but i swear the ones that i look don't even have china accent. both fantastic singers and good-looking. 俞灏明 & 魏晨 . both acted in the china version of hana yori dango. their songs are so nice. credits to dan for getting them for me:) anyways, this saturday wasn't a very productive one. practically finish watching my xingguang special and the interview segment which i couldn't finish the night before. didn't even touch on studying materials. amazing huh?!! wasted one fine day:( dinner at tampines was a great one. i totally miss the tampines environment. my school surroundings and all. memories:) waited for like 45 min for food to be served on our tables but to be honest, it was worth the wait. great meal:) to commemorate halloween, i went to dwnload paranormal activity. good grace, i don't even dare to watch. seriously. freakish-ly scary!! jialat!!! toodles peeps:) |
HAJI HAJI - Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 9:49 AM
HAJI LANE with Chanel. the blogshop sale is totally amazing. their lomo and holga totally made my day. super super nice nice nice. bought a romper at eff-ing cheapo 26 bucks. for something i'll nv wear to school. hmm, i think i'll be interesting to see when i'll wear it. jalan around haji. i haven't been there in like ages and i mean AGES! got my pluck ice cream and went to the gorgeous vintage shop. n i mean totally gorgeous. the smell, sooo 70s! then chanel left for night safari. TO SCARE HERSELF. met up with mom for dinner at yoshinoya and desert at ben-ten. its official, I'VE MAKAN ALL 3 SIZES OF THE BIG BIG POTS! KKUUUDOS to that! 12 home:) and i finally saw the headphones that i want and my-oh-my , its soooo CHIO!!! GOLD LEH!! gonan get it when i get my pay:) sad. but i've gotta tell you something about this boy, his so cute. he msged me saying, 'want to meet at bedok resevoir with 'wo men'.' then i asked, who is 'wo men' . he frekain' replied , 'the whole school and me' i was like, HUH??!!! so cute right? hahaha he hasnt change a bit since i've known him:) guess it vb chionging day tomorrow:) toodles peeps:) |
boils - Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 11:22 AM
breakfast alone since grandma went for checkup.
trained to school and my earpiece died on me. BOTH SIDES. thank God i brought my Time Traveller's Wife. i was comtemplating in the morning whether to bring it or not. at least i made a good decision today:) i guess RAD was ok. first test next monday. IM SO GONNA CONQUER VISUAL BASIC! I FREAKIN' SWEAR IM GONNA DO WELL! lecture was practically Time Traveller's Wife reading session. the impromtu change in lecturer kindda shocked me into thinking whether we are in the wrong hall. owells, the book's fantastic. what is troubling me is, i don't read the book at home since im so distracted with the technology and all and its truly slowly the reading process. DI. DON't GET ME STARTED ON DI. its super frustrating. just when i thought i was done with WAD & IADP, this comes up. what to do, THANK GOD lor. but on the other hand, the tap device is really cool and interesting. i finally got the hang of what the macdonald's monopoly is all about. was just thinking, wouldn't the chances of winning be like so damn ALOT? since you get so many 'thing' when you order a meal. weird. night class was havoc. i made tons of noise i couldn't stand myself. seriously, sometimes i hate myself for being so loud. shit me. bused home without any form of entertainment. earpiece died and i can't read books on the bus otherwise i'll have motion sickness. so what do you do, hum songs to your head, imagine your listening to songs and pretend to enjoy it. anyways, long weekend once again. only difference, its gonna be a pack one. gonna head out with chanel to haji lane tomorrow afternoon and might meetup with sam in the evening. meeting shawn on sat for an impromtu meetup. lovely junior whom i haven't seen in ages. totally a meetup to look forward to:) sunday, CONQUER VISUAL BASIC. toodles peeps:) ps-yamashita tomohisa's loveless is freakin' good:) |
說謊 - Wednesday, October 28, 2009 @ 12:07 AM
是有過幾個不錯對象說起來并不寂寞孤單可能我浪盪 讓人家不安才會結果都陣亡我沒有什麼陰影魔掌 你千萬不要放在心上我又不脆弱 何況那算什麼傷反正愛情不就都這樣我沒有說謊 我何必說謊你懂我的 我對你從來就不會假裝我哪有說謊 請別以為你有多難忘消失 真的不是我逞強我好久沒來這間餐廳 沒想到已經換了裝潢角落那窗口 聞得到玫瑰花香 被你一說是有些影響我沒有說謊 我何必說謊你知道的 我缺點之一就是很健忘我哪有說謊 是很感謝今晚的相伴但我竟然有些不習慣我沒有說謊 我何必說謊愛一個人沒愛到難道就會怎麼樣別說我說謊 人生已經如此的艱難有些事情就不要拆穿我沒有說謊 是愛情說謊它帶你來 騙我說 可我 沒有可能有希望我沒有說謊 祝你做個幸福的新娘我的心事請你全遺忘 Lyrics to the song 說謊 is so beautiful. The chorus is especially great. with different meaning at each chorus, it totally depicts a picture of it own. it practically has it's own image. didnt go to school today. my bet. woke up late but i think its a good day to stay home and replenish my lack of sleep. gonna cover this week's chapter on CA to make up for today's missed lesson. i hate to say this but when the whole world thinks this semester is easy, its a DISASTER to me. i practically don't have any feeling for this semester and all the enthusicatism from the holidays to start school is all gone. it just suddenly vanished. weird but true. for a moment, i just want to go to the working society and stop doing projects and homeworks. but i guess it's part of being a student. im obligated to study and put all my brain cells to work. i researched on internet policy usage earlier on and i was thinking whether it might be able to implement this policy onto my laptop so that i won't be distracted from all the media stuffs in the internet. i just cannot stop myself from going online,watching drama's and listening to songs. what the hell, lets pray its a beautiful day as it is for today's weather. toodles peeps:) |
it's a beautiful day - Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 10:09 AM
some people might call it Monday blues but it was not exactly blue.
its green,pink,orange,red,purple,,white,beige. aiya, all the colours la. it was a great day in school. with the fact the 3 pepo are celebrating their birthday today:) how wonderful can the day get? HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIOVANNA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TITUS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS! lesson wise was a total blur. what the hell is LINUX and WHY DO WE HAVE TO LEARN IT??!!!! its so damn complicated with those commands. and geez, YOU HAVE to memorise the commands. HORRIBLE! RAD was also kindda on the down side. well, not all of it, i mean, i do get vb but i really don't know why we have to learn it after learning 3 semester's of c#. its totally atrocious:( bused home with pepo. saw farah on the bus. its been months without talking to her. thats what they call her ,"silent killer". wanted to revise but what the hell, 海派甜心 DISTRACTED ME!!!!!! toodles peeps:) |
culture shock - Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 7:39 AM
edward's bday celebration at sakae sushi. fun night talking nothing but rubbish. the wasabi exposure and lovely people combo was great. we got him rockband and some animae figurine that im totally unaware of it's existence. HA HA. nevertheless, we had great fun. bused home with yu wei while the boys heading to ed's house to enjoy his new rockband. *JEALOUS!* before meetin them, lunch with parents at lerkthai in the afternoon. great lunch with the mango sago and pandan chicken. there's some electrical fair at expo so went jalan jalan. and omg, i got my own ipod dock. EFF-ING HAPPY! i found some money in my bank a few days ago with the thought that it was FREE money from dono where. so, i spent it like water and now, i realised, it was my pay!! sooo busted! im back to square one:( toodles peeps:) |
my sister's keepers - Friday, October 23, 2009 @ 7:43 AM
![]() met up with chanel for an impromtu movie. my sister's keepers. i remember the time i got that book. it was given by weishan,edward,edmund,lipping etc 2 years ago at a christmas chalet. was damn hyped up when i got the book i got the urge to read it there and then. in the end, i found that book damn slow moving, i stopped reading. until before i watched the movie, i didnt understand why she wanted to sue her parents. after i watched the movie, i felt that it was a totally tear-y movie. the way they flimed it was interesting. the recollections of her first love, her first ball, her parents dilemma to have her sister was great. all in all, it gives me a great reason to read that book again:) met up with mom after the movie. chanel went to find her auntie if im not wrong. kimgary for dinner. nissin noodles is love:) jalan jalan. finally got the time travellers wife book. haven't caught the movie yet but owells, starting of the book was great. the perspective of henry and claire. lovely. school for the past week was interesting. had a glimpse of what this sem's module is gonna be and frankly, its damn dry. but i gonna study. no more wasting for this sem's time. seriously. toodles peeps;) |
gym - Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 1:25 AM
cost accounting isn't as easy as it seems.
a little tricky yet interesting. FOH,DM,DL and blah. IST was a totaly waste of time. just go online searching for internet threats and compile it on msword. lets just say, what seemed like a simple task was damn tedious. masquerading, eavesdropping. crazy. bused down to tampines stadium. finally got my lazy ass to gym. freaking tiring. but i've gotta make it an every week thing since i've gained weight. im not sick or anything, i just want to look better and healthier. because at the rate im going now, im so not confident with myself. and with my friends saying that i eat alot, i feel damn wtf. and i must specify, im not sick. im still eating, just not that much. my long awaited night-class is tomorrow. and im gonna have a long weekend. ain't that great:) finished season 1 of friends. FINALLY! gonna revise on CA now. i have more oxygen in my brain now! woohoo! toodles peeps:) |
i gotta feeling - Tuesday, October 20, 2009 @ 3:49 AM
'i gotta feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night'
FRINGE IS JUST AMAZING. i've finally caught up to channel 5's episode:) modules for this semester is just one word, TEDIOUS. 4 major exams with 2 projects. what is this world coming to! MAJOR STRESS-ness!! i've been trying so hard to keep up in lessons but my attention span on a module is just too short. after like 25 min in the lab or lecture, my mind just drift away. i don't know to what but i just cannot focus. i think i have some kind of weird psychological problem. which is JUST great. life's been pretty much a bore. gonna head to the doctors later. the hearing problem have been bugging me for about 2-3 weeks now and i dono what, i've got used to listening perfectly with 1 ear. weird. i might be deaf. sharks. and im not kidding. anyways, love yamada ryouske. his like one of the cutest creature on earth. gonna revise some VB now. toodles peeps:) ps-i kindda love my life now:) |
topshop - Sunday, October 18, 2009 @ 9:31 AM
finally got to spend some bucks at topshop.
since it was sale, i bought some tees for school. chicken for both lunch and dinner. bused home while watching friends. school's starting tomorrow and to be frank, im damn excited about it. its like the first time i feel like im really ready for school. weird, i know. hopefully this momentum keeps up with me:) toodles peeps:) 0803 fight and conquer this semester! |
changi village - Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 10:21 AM
plans for m'sia got postponed to next week cause i wasn't feeling so well.
stayed home and watched fringe and xingguangdadao. i feel so dumb for not watching Fringe on channel 5. its a bloody good show ok! and by bloody, i really mean it. not gore but just enough blood. its a great show! seriously, if you haven't caught it, go watch!! headed down to changi village for dinner with parents. mixed culture food. gado-gado and wanton mee. combo? HA HA im into xiao yu now. his song is so damn nice. especially 終於說出口. school's starting really soon and call me mad, but i can't wait. i'd rather have a more fufilling day in school rather than to spend my days at home doing nothing. at least i can accomplish something in school:) toodles peeps:) |
zirca - Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 10:03 AM
finally met up with chanel.
met at simei cause she told me 'i'll bring you somewhere nice to makan'. i was like racking my brains, thinking what NICE thing to makan. coffee shop? sakae? longjohn? in the end, she told me to meet her at posb, ok fine, nice to makan=18 chefs. and she only went to 18 once la. damn full from the marigold yougurt drink, so i just ordered breakfast for lunch:) great meal. trained down to clarke quay. unexpectedly, its my 2nd time there in the month. i don't usually hang there. weird,i know right?! jalan abit then headed for zirca. cleo rocks event. crazy beautiful. thats all. fashion show,FREE drinks,great music,fantastic host and gorgeous models. made my day. seriously! zirca is a bit bigger than zouk. nice:) we were like thinking who we'd get to see in zirca, in the end, we came up with tons of weird people like those will-never go to club people. freakin' hilarious. was also practically seeing cute people. the model-looking guy is eff-ing gorgeous. eyes were practically fixed on him but after the model's came on stage, eyes drifted for a bit. HA HA. love the drinks. since its free, got like 4-5 glass of vodka. thanks to 'lovely' chanel, she told me vodka sprite was nice and NO WAY, its gross like hell. i seriously spit the whole drink out and got a pure sprite to recover. super gross! i'd just better stick to normal vodka. her whiskey coke was kindda strong for me too. for a beginner drinker, i think vodka is enough.HA HA. trained home and i fell. damn shock la. then i quickly stood up hoping no one saw me. worse, it hurts like hell. saw sherlyn n zermaine:) gonna head to msia tomorro and gorge myself with some cheap food:) things to get for school, clothes,bags and brain cells, LOADS OF IT! toodles peeps:) |
heading out - Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 9:49 PM
impromtu decision to hang with chanel.
thank god she's free today. otherwise, i think i'll be home watching friends and listening to songs. btw, my lovely scared the hell out of me last night. it suddenly can't work. freakin' anxious ok??!! my camera is not with me, so i guess im just gonna bring all my instant camera's out to use it. maybe, i'll even use the flim camera. old school for a bit. HA HA. saw the trailer for this movie PARANORMAL ACTIVITY and it scared the freakin' shit hell of me. damn creepy!!! had major goosebumps. omgomgomg, im soooo damn scared la!!!! school's starting on monday and i pray mom and dad bring me to jb to get my passport stamped tomorrow:) toodles peeps:) i predict, its gonna be a crazy day with the siao char bo. |
deadly tsunami - @ 10:59 AM
plann - Wednesday, October 14, 2009 @ 10:19 AM
watched f.r.i.e.n.d.s and gossip girls the whole day.
haven't even started on fringe and heroes. which reminds me i need exactly 70 hours to finish all the dramas. 4 days left till school reopens. i've suddenly lost all motivation to do anything. the toothache the frustrations. i need someone to pour everything out to. but sometimes, its just good to bottle everything up and live in the virtual world through dramas. at least they take your mind of somethings. toodles peeps:) |
stand - Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 8:08 PM
slept freakin' early yesterday which strongly resulted in me waking up so damn early today.
ended a totally useless conversation last night which made me freakin' angry. and the sms later that night spoiled my sleep but what the hell, its them. it could be my fault due to my strong persistent venue but what are the freakin' odds of that. i just realised that its always me who is compromising. and all of them will have a big question mark after that sentence. lets take the previous meet up for an example. i wanted to go somewhere else but because YOU ALL wanted to go somewhere else, we had to change the freakin' venue. and seriously, i didn't have fun. it's useless to talk crap now but I'm seriously damn freakin' tired of all these crappy nonsense. i've made every single effort to go for your birthday celebrations and this year you all couldn't even be bothered. just one sms and blew me off. what kind of dumb ass gesture is that. and now, even after i've decided to change to somewhere different, you guys just don't appreciate. you all just want to have your cliche shopping,cliche NEARBY, cliche food. im just so damn freakin' sick of these crap. you all say that im thinking of myself but in actual fact, who is. its bloody ass YOU! i really have nothing to say to you all. you can all just jolly well have eff-ing fun on Friday. i don't really care anymore. it's the 3rd-4th time it resulted in this, and i seriously cannot stand it. i need you all to stand in my point of view. but no one really understands. bb biatch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on the other hand, i had fun on the last day of work. major crapping!! those lame jokes. my speciality:) these people are seriously great fun. talking crapping. oh ya, omg!! this girl we met at work didn't turn up for the final day of work but she sms'ed wq instead to ask us to get this weisiang's number. this ws is just so-so looking la. people say he looks like jay chou. LOL! i think we were like shocked la. in the end, pearlene showed the msg to ws and i bet he had a shock of his life. ok la, not really shock as in heart attack shock but his facial expression super hilarious! for some reason, he reminds me of ryan. weird. di-xiao-ing session started when i went back to seab after lunch. major funny!! trained home with weishan edward and this tp person. walked around ep while waiting for parents. makan-ed 18:) bought notebooks. great day bad night. toodles peeps:) |
these days - Monday, October 12, 2009 @ 4:02 AM
work at warehouse for the past 2 days with zy.
i think its by far the longest time we have talked since orientation. 8 hours of work and we practically had nothing to do, so we'd talk. the mcdonald delivery, the kiasu auntie, the windows 95 cash machine,the ya-ya pilot and even the real estate auntie. fun:) easy money. was working at seab the previous week. another freakin' easy money job. work for few hours and get paid the whole day. people there is kindda interesting. gotten used to the daily 'suans'. met up with KLF after work last thurs. sadly, without kailing. went to quality hotel for porridge buffet. food was alright. makan porridge till fulll. HA HA HA. guys left for st james and me n sam went to clarke quay. headed to some random bar to drink drink. happy hour is cheap. dirt cheap. work tomorrow at seab. final day of work and i can seriously wait for school to start. i seriously cannot wait for school to start. really no idea why! i think i have the crazy urge to get my books and study. just the thought of scrapping through yr2sem1 makes me feel damn insecure and i seriously need to think of my future! meeting up with girls on friday to celebrate becca's birthday. lets just say i don't like pizza hut. somewhere unique would be interesting for a change. pay isnt coming in on time and im seriously struggling with my finances. come money come!! toodles peeps:) |
racked - Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 10:51 AM
people DO cry over not getting A* for their PSLE.
WTF! so, i tried to solve that question and guess what, i didn't solve it. so, whats the big deal, get A lah!! GREEDY! toodles peeps:) |
memoirs - Wednesday, October 07, 2009 @ 8:20 AM
maybe it was lack of sleep that resulted in me not heading to work. this has seriously become a huge bad habit. 2 more weeks till opening of school and im still not used to sleeping early. and its now like even i wake up early, i just can't get myself to bed at night. i always sleep in the morning. well, celebrating johnson's birthday tomorrow. early bday celebration. you can say its like the first time we are celebrating his bday. ok, friends since sec 3 and 1st time celebrating. crazy right??!!! I KNOW! but, 1st time without kl too. sad.i seriously got to head to work tomorrow. im so broke. toodles peeps:) |
repetition - Tuesday, October 06, 2009 @ 9:48 AM
The after effects of doing something continuously for an estimated time of 6 hours is practically boredem. its like damn freakin' frustrating.
and the continuous thing that i've been doing are ticks. yes, you heard me right. TICKS!! super boring. owells, for the bloody sake of slackish job and average income, i have no choice but to bear with it. its only for these few days. finally got my first day out with my lovely. feels damn great! the scrolling feeling is indescribable. currently addicted to COLOR's 哭出來, very meaningful. and not to mention the gorgeous looking lead vocals. i was noted as a henderson secondary student by a teacher today. i do have sorta like a common face afterall. and quietly, it seems to hype me up. haha not sure why. on a random note, i was greatly intrigued by siew-mai today. the yellow fascination:) just finished 90210 and gossip girls. i just realised that i've downloaded like 2 episodes of the vampire diaries but i haven't been watching it. fyi, the beautiful life got CUT! which means no more sara paxton and misha barton. gotta head to bed now. otherwise i'll be eff-ing moody tomorrow. PS: i love my new room. i would love for my peeps to come visit! don mind my dog though.HA HA HA toodles peeps:) |
alone - Monday, October 05, 2009 @ 6:56 AM
got so damn frustrated with itunes for the past 2 days.
without itunes,my lovely would practically be junk. met up with trina today to pass me the itunes setup files via thumbdrive. makaned and walkwalk. bloody uncle, i was like walking in front of him, like any blind person can see la, then he tripped me. wtf. thank god, i had a good sense of balance, otherwise i'd be the joke of the day. she left for andrew's house whereas i went to jalan. suppose to meet vint n dan but omg, they wanted to go to freakin' lot 1. fyi, lot 1 is in CCK. no way in a million years would i go there just to fine them. its crazy!!! so, i didnt want to go home so early so what did i do, went to watch the accident. was contemplating between cloudy with a chance of meatballs and the accident. but the cartoon just came out recently so i watched the accident instead. oh my, damn intriguing la!! twist-ty plot. met up with parents for dinner and i finally got itunes!!! i can work my lovely now!! chionging of work officially starts tomorrow. tues-sunday. CRAZY HUH!!! ps, i saw my beh-by today.he looks stress. toodles peeps:) |
baby - Sunday, October 04, 2009 @ 4:55 AM
i got a new baby. and i named it lovely. rhymes huh. so what exactly is my baby? i think most people would know it le. got really hyped up when i got it. it was kindda sudden too. owells, im darn darn happy i gotta baby. haven't been updated that often cause most of the times when i come online, i would watch my bigbangtheory and facebook. have been working consecutively for the past few days. met up with poly pepo last friday and headed to cheenaTown for 10bucksKaraoke. first time there and my oh my, had a freaking' laughing goof time. yup, goof, i didnt type wrongly. HA HA HA work from then on. yenstudio's warehouse sale. got zy to work with me. time passes by kindda fast during weekdays due to lunch time crowd but the weekend crowds are like killer-ish. freaking Q-U-I-E-T! but its kindda fun working with him. joker/guailan by nature. SEAB officially starts next week. woohoo. slacker-ish job!! toodles peeps:)
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