my lyrics
journals to me are like _____[FILLED IT YOURSELF]
importance - Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 7:27 AM
3rd day of SITEX09.
Toshiba laptops ain't that easy to sell but i think I've managed to sell well. commission is low like shit but o wells, better than no money la. because of the money, i've put my major tests at tremendous risks. 4 major tests next week and I've practically only studied on the bus. and omg, my laptop crashed and i cant start on my SACP coding. madly rushing for RAD's test and DI. Software engineering is like a totally goner. SHIT SHIT SHIT. im seriously in a state of panic. seeing the crazy RAD answers, made me realize i kinda lost touch with school stuffs. and i mean, i only missed school for 1 DAY! gonna chiong RAD and pray the decision to work doesn't affect my grades. on the bright side, working has been fun. people there are like super friendly. and OMG, can u believe it? JOHNSON is REALLY SINGAPORE POLY's TRIPLE E president. WTF!!! oh ya, new moon last night with sam was great. my first late night movie with her. haha!! sound effects of NEWMOON is damn intriguing. definitely looking forward to eclipse. HAHA!! toodles peeps. |
the reader - Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 10:19 AM
an impromtu decision to watch the reader.
kate winslet won the academy award for that particular flim. i never thought it would be so sad. even though she is illiterate, she got people to read to her. her bond with reading is so strong that even she went to jail for eff-inh 20 years, that guy sent tapes to her to, from my perspective, give her some kind of comfort and it was then that she borrowed her first book. learnt to read and write. you cannot imagine how i teared when she wrote her first letter to him. him being micheal. the guy she had the affair with when he was 16. later on, she learnt how to signed her name but one final meeting at the prison canteen marks the last time they met each other. she hanged herself afterwards. she was then, 66 years old. beautiful flim although its like an m18 show. anyways, i think im going crazy. woke up at 8am and i seriously thought i was late. so what did i do? I CABBED TO SCHOOL. 20 BUCKS BLOWN AWAY. and guess what, my lecture starts at 10am. so, by the time i reached school, it was 914. i still tapped my card and went into the hall, didnt see any familiar faces. felt damn awkward. called qf and he said lecture starts at 10. i was seriously STUNNED. ARRGG. felt damn stupid. so hanged at koufu with my time travellers wife. you might think why im still on that book after so long. truth is, i haven't touch that book since 2 weeks before. the momentum for reading just stopped. but im gonna get it back cause i just got another book. the lovely bones. should be a masterpiece based on it reviews. so lecture was torturing. boring lecture with the strange accent teacher. im very interested in that overseas attachment thing but i mean what are the chances of me going. moneywise is totally a big problem but well, if its meant to be, its meant to be.
toodles peeps:) |
loveless - Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 12:22 AM
i finally got hold of Yamapi's new songs.
amazing stuff! he co-wrote most of the songs and there's even a spanish line in one of them. cool shit! the supper last night was totally full which resulted in no lunch today. maybe even no dinner. i can barely fit anything into my stomach anymore. but the zi cha at tampines was really good. so gonna recommend it to my parents. i kept telling them, damn nice la!! HAH this weekend aint that packed. just gonna finish up with sfteng and ist. looking forward to monday! toodles peeps:) |
kai's return - Friday, November 20, 2009 @ 11:58 AM
met up with wenqi at plaza to watch gokusen the movie. omg! its still as hilarious as ever. yankumi is freakin' dope. how about having a teacher like her! collected the pictures i developed earlier and trained down to tanah merah to meet up with sam. headed to airport and makan popeye.johnson was working there and oh my God, he looks super comfortable at his working environment. like being in his house lah. super funny!! maxi meal is totally gross. full until i cannot put into words already. i can still fill the mash potato and drumlet in my mouth.awfully gross!! headed to the viewing mall at t3. slacked and waited for giovanna. meeting time is 7+ and guess what time giovanna reached? 9.25pm! wtf!! while waiting, played the 'guess the song' game. HAAH! when giovanna came, we chiong-ed kai's photo memory book. amazing stuff which we brought together within a pretty short time. when we reached the arrival hall, tons of people there la! her CSC friends were there ,so no surprise seeing weizhong there. haha. no idea why we acted like shock. when we saw kai, initial reaction was, 'shes so white'. she went home to put her luggage while we headed to her house via bus. funny funny bus ride. hoping my lime juice won't be caught cause we were rushin for the bus. i don't wanna go to jail without completing my diploma la! met up with kai at her house there. makaned with her parents. catch up time was great. she knows how to use shingz and boomz. i don't even know how to la! well, at the end of the night,ive got a pineapple dickies thanks to giovanna. with kai back home, its feels good:) meetup soon soon soon! on a random note, school for the past few days have been shitty. though hilarious with the pencil lead incident and finally talking to someone,but its still shitty. with 4 tests in a week and sab down with chicken pox. horrible! scrapped through 2 of the tests but i think the another 2 are a total screw la. bet the others think that way too. i've seriously gotta get tuition for everything. but where got place to offer tuition for Engineering Informatics!! ARRGGGGGGGG!!! toodles peeps:) |
1000 - Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 8:09 AM
was contemplating whether i should blog today.
it's my 1000th post. if i have something to blog about, it must be special but well, its a beautiful day today. i'll just blog:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAFIZ! or better known as maggie. not that of a major celebration but still manage to get our well-wishes across, i hope:) oh ya, i went to school early today. ISN'T IT AMAZING! i was so shock for not being late la! test was kindda ok today. studying on friday paid off a little. on a random note, SINGAPORE IDOL came to NYP today. posters showing that they'd be there at 1pm but i waited till 130, n i kindda cannot tahan. so, missed the opportunity to see them. i totally love bala's lesson. pure entertainment! bused home alone. saberina's sick:( im meeting shawn tomorrow. super excited. i hope he doesn't dua me again. fingers-crossed:) i need to get my ass to lecture tomorrow! toodles peeps:) |
999 - Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 5:35 AM
it's the 999th post before i hit my 1000.
something to blog about. reading back on my past entries, its kindda kiddish. my use of language has kindda improved over the years. the feelings i felt in times of despair and joy, its all maturely put to words. still, there's still a slight imature sight of me on how i act in some situations. it takes time to overcome that imature part of me. its final, im meetin shawn this tuesday. mom kept saying that the date will never come and i will prove her wrong. haha. im intending to get that fujiflim camera which prints out square pictures. bloody $180 but im still contemplating. isn't it better if i just get more flims and use sam's camera? im thinking of getting my very own poloroid diary. should be fun. i donno why but im kindda excited for next week. test test test. other than that, KohKaiLing is coming back:) meeting shawn:) hainan Interview:) its gonna be hectic but i predict i will LOVE NEXT WEEK. christmas is coming real soon. i pray parents will get me that iphone soon. my phone is totally shitty. think im gonna sell it soon before it depreciates. and and and, MUSE IS COMING AND I MIGHT BE GOING WITH SABITA!! super super super super EXCITED!! cheap cheap tickkets!!!!!! itshow is coming and i want to work. i want to make friends. i want money. toodles peeps:) |
one moment in time - Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 10:03 AM
chanced upon a song which brought back tons of memories.
one moment in time. what i can remember is being in a performance, singing that song in front of tons of people and screwing the song up. with the pretty scrreeacchingg high notes by the infamous hienpeng, it was damn memorable:) how i wish i had cherished my secondary school days more. i was practically dreading homework's, dealing with poor relations and talking back to school. i really don't learn from past mistakes do i? i've been thinking a lot these few days. basically about everything. my wasted life. drama's that brings me out of the real world. truckloads of school works. i basically am gonna be the no joker person when school starts on monday. at least for that week. that darn infamous week 5 is damn packed with tests. imagine 4 'pretty' tests on 1 day:) ain't that amazing? i manage to tahan my hair and i think its going well so far. 2 months w/o a hair cut. no plans to cut anytime soon. PATIENCE! stupid shawn ps-ed me again. idiot! toodles peeps:) |
tired - Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 8:22 AM
headed out in the afternoon to study.
thank God for starbucks at eastpoint. peppermint mocha ice blend. new flavour to welcome christmas:) 3 hours 30 minutes of pure IT stuffs. done with IST homework and COS quiz stuffs. thats 1/2 of my workload done. met up with sam after that to makan at 18:) laughing good time on wireless virus. mom called and ask me to head down to expo for robinsons sale. tons of goodies there. missed working and wearing my robinsons shirt la. anyways, meetin shawn tomorrow for 2012 and popeye. im gonna see how im gonna die. ain't that cool??!! owells, recently, my mood aint that great. something like irritating but i cannot explain. i get frustrated easily and i seriously don't mean to. but sometimes, i just want to be treated normally like other people. the making fun of seriously gotta stop. its about 400+ days with this joke thing and i just lived with it. come to think of it, im 19 now. i don't wanna be joked around anymore. please. let me have a chance to grow up. on my part, i will stop being joke/class clown. let me have a chance. seriously, im not joking. i have to be this serious person i know exist deep inside of me. hainan trip interview next wednesday. i so wanna get into the team but im sure, chances of me getting in would be like 0.01% since my gpa ain't that great. hopefully, my personality can get me in:) toodles peeps:) |
mouse - Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 10:11 PM
past two days was great.
after school on wednesday, went out with jo. i mean, finally since she pangseh-ed me 3 times. headed to northpoint. talked much crap and makan at the japanese foodcourt. bento was soso. the fact that they took less than 2 minutes to gimme my food was crazy. i'd rather they reheat everything and i wait. but owell, its still edible:) aimlessly walking around nothpoint and talking about school stuffs was great. the 2 hours with her was fun:) 969 home:) thursday's lesson is kindda fun. headed for breakfast with grandma first. oh, grandma is back home with us:) feel like home with all those naggin. i'm not lying. SERIOUS! trained to school. mood was great due to the fact that i have money in my bank:) itshow pay is in.after damn 2 months. RAD,DI and SFTENG was interesting. crapped a little and learnt a little. bused home. lamest bus ride home ever, seriously. spill and dished everything. HAHA! you're beautiful episode 6. dreadfully teary. the annual semestral killer week 5 is next week and my oh my, i gotta study the shit out. everytime i look at my notebook, i see what i've written there to increase my motivation in studying and i cannot break the promise i made to myself when i started this sem. toodles peeps:) |
crazy - Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 8:21 AM
last weekend, went back to my roots.
ok, not EXACTLY my roots but i went to chinatown. the chicken , not so fantastic, the another shop is better. headed to hong lim complex in hopes of getting my 110 flim for my holga. in the end, that fee fee shop only develop but doesnt sell. headed to ann siang hill after that. minor confusion between the meaning of ann siang hill and dead people street. HAHA SEARCHED FOR LIKE EFF-ING 45 MIN FOR THE SHOP WITH NO SIGNBOARD! then my ituation told me that THAT IS THE SHOP! so, i went it, touch a couple of things and OMG, I SAW HOLGA CAMERAS!!! effing HAPPPY!! I CANNOT PUT INTO WORDS! bought 2 flims:) super expensive i swear. minor updates:) grandma moved out. house is oddly quiet. weird atmosphere. sucks to be home early without anyone at home. first class test cleared with an acceptable pass. projects hard like siao. saberina bday celebration on monday. mini one! but fun! haven't taken pics in school for a long long time. very IADP! i just gonna say BYEBYE to ATTACHMENT AT USA cause i really cannot tahan programming and networking. a bit disappointed in myself for not grasping the concept of just WORDS. i suck at computer language:( headed to tampines to jalan. reached tampines at 4pm. had to wait for mama till 7pm. 3 hours of bordem. walked for an hour and caught a movie:) my girlfriend is an agent. hilarious but meaningless. i think i saw my cousin in the theatre but cause i was munching my nachos, i cant hear her convo with her friends. HAHA!! food first:) met up with mom afterwards. kim gary for dinner and im so in love with the almond tea. is it weird just to go in for a cuppa almond tea? ITS SO EFF-ING NICE!! i so want the DP shirt and dress. damn nice! on a random note: I MUST ENDURE MY HAIR LENGTH TILL DECEMBER!! toodles peeps:) |
cousin's day out - Friday, November 06, 2009 @ 6:19 AM
super hyped up to watch astro boy today with my cousin.
but i was so hyped up, i woke up eff-ing late. when seemin msg me she just left house, i practically just woke up. that was how 'excited' i was. so i chiong like siao. iron my clothes and all. i seriously take a long long time to decide what to wear every day lah. i take almost 20 minutes to choose my clothes from my huge basket of clothes. and sometimes, after ironing it, i find it totally no 'that day's style' and dump it back to the basket. waste time right?! gonna inculcate a good habit of planning what to wear everyday soon!! trained to city hall to meet her owells, i was still early:) HAHA walked to marina square after we met each other. woohoo. i practically haven't saw her for like 5 months plus? talked like siao!! haha. bought tickets to catch astro boy:) got the combo set cause it comes with a chio astro boy tumbler. maybe i'll bring it to school one day:) or maybe i should just put pencils:) hahah the movie is soooo sooooo soooooooo soooooooooo AWESOME!!! his is just the cutest creature on earth! i want to find an exact replica like astro boy. even if his name is astro, i seriously don't mind! i want to hold the 'FIND THE 'ASTRO BOY' BOY COMPETITION'!!!!!! then headed to changing appetite to makan. the student meal is seriously eff-ing cheap cheap and filling. i swear, the last time i was there, which was like last year, the portions were like stingy shit and now, its soo good food:) talked about school, dramas, music, life and blah. until the waiter and waitress were like starring at us,then we left. HAHA. walked around. north to west to south to east. then continued to talk talk talk. its been a long long time since i've hang out with my cousin. im serious. so, for the first time, i took a bus home from city hall:) 518 is offically announced as my favourite bus:) fast and efficient. reached home within like 35 min? truckloads of homework to be done. projects given out to us like flyers. i think yahoo and google is god-given:) gonna get my onto soon soon soon!! toodles peeps:) |
replenish - Wednesday, November 04, 2009 @ 3:19 PM
school on wednesday was great.
thanks to revision the day before, i got abit of understanding on some formulas. bala's lesson was a total blur. i even asked him whats the point of doing all those virtual software thing. HA HA. played badminton with pepo. kindda impromptu. but its been a long long time since i've played and frankly, my skills is totally cui. bused to tampines for gym. wanted to save money and jog round the stadium but it started to drizzle. so i had to make a detour and head to gym. mostly leg training yesterday. run,cycle and weights. taxi home. effing tired. leg and arm suan until. but i managed to finish all my hmwk. was watching s'pore idol till i slept on the couch. until mom told me to go to sleep in my room. i remember suddenly waking up at 12am but what the hell, its already so late, don expect me to study till morning huh? haha. so i continued to sleep till 7am:) school starts at 12 and gonna head for breakfast with grandma at 9:) 1hour plus of studying for RAD. first test of the term and i seriously HAVE TO score! my motivational level is increasing day by day. but im still a bit blur. on a brighter note, im gonna watch ASTRO BOY TOMORROW:) SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER DUPER HIGH!!!!! toodles peeps:) |
53% lucky? - Monday, November 02, 2009 @ 8:55 AM
下一站, 幸福 桃花小妹 with these 3 shows debuting in the month of november, how can i concentrate on my work! on a brighter note, RAD's test got postponed to thursday. even though i studied, the last minute stuffs which came out from 04 was shockingly blur to me. so, i might not be that prepared afterall. bused home. saw michelle on the bus and omg, she was just in front of me but we talked on the phone. crazy or what. great 1 hour catch up sesison. this lovely junior is totally a chatterbox!! must be influenced from me lah. just caught aliens in the attic with my parents. full screen & aircon room. COMBO! chillax show:) toodles peeps:) |
importance - Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 7:27 AM
3rd day of SITEX09.
Toshiba laptops ain't that easy to sell but i think I've managed to sell well. commission is low like shit but o wells, better than no money la. because of the money, i've put my major tests at tremendous risks. 4 major tests next week and I've practically only studied on the bus. and omg, my laptop crashed and i cant start on my SACP coding. madly rushing for RAD's test and DI. Software engineering is like a totally goner. SHIT SHIT SHIT. im seriously in a state of panic. seeing the crazy RAD answers, made me realize i kinda lost touch with school stuffs. and i mean, i only missed school for 1 DAY! gonna chiong RAD and pray the decision to work doesn't affect my grades. on the bright side, working has been fun. people there are like super friendly. and OMG, can u believe it? JOHNSON is REALLY SINGAPORE POLY's TRIPLE E president. WTF!!! oh ya, new moon last night with sam was great. my first late night movie with her. haha!! sound effects of NEWMOON is damn intriguing. definitely looking forward to eclipse. HAHA!! toodles peeps. |
the reader - Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 10:19 AM
an impromtu decision to watch the reader.
kate winslet won the academy award for that particular flim. i never thought it would be so sad. even though she is illiterate, she got people to read to her. her bond with reading is so strong that even she went to jail for eff-inh 20 years, that guy sent tapes to her to, from my perspective, give her some kind of comfort and it was then that she borrowed her first book. learnt to read and write. you cannot imagine how i teared when she wrote her first letter to him. him being micheal. the guy she had the affair with when he was 16. later on, she learnt how to signed her name but one final meeting at the prison canteen marks the last time they met each other. she hanged herself afterwards. she was then, 66 years old. beautiful flim although its like an m18 show. anyways, i think im going crazy. woke up at 8am and i seriously thought i was late. so what did i do? I CABBED TO SCHOOL. 20 BUCKS BLOWN AWAY. and guess what, my lecture starts at 10am. so, by the time i reached school, it was 914. i still tapped my card and went into the hall, didnt see any familiar faces. felt damn awkward. called qf and he said lecture starts at 10. i was seriously STUNNED. ARRGG. felt damn stupid. so hanged at koufu with my time travellers wife. you might think why im still on that book after so long. truth is, i haven't touch that book since 2 weeks before. the momentum for reading just stopped. but im gonna get it back cause i just got another book. the lovely bones. should be a masterpiece based on it reviews. so lecture was torturing. boring lecture with the strange accent teacher. im very interested in that overseas attachment thing but i mean what are the chances of me going. moneywise is totally a big problem but well, if its meant to be, its meant to be.
toodles peeps:) |
loveless - Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 12:22 AM
i finally got hold of Yamapi's new songs.
amazing stuff! he co-wrote most of the songs and there's even a spanish line in one of them. cool shit! the supper last night was totally full which resulted in no lunch today. maybe even no dinner. i can barely fit anything into my stomach anymore. but the zi cha at tampines was really good. so gonna recommend it to my parents. i kept telling them, damn nice la!! HAH this weekend aint that packed. just gonna finish up with sfteng and ist. looking forward to monday! toodles peeps:) |
kai's return - Friday, November 20, 2009 @ 11:58 AM
met up with wenqi at plaza to watch gokusen the movie. omg! its still as hilarious as ever. yankumi is freakin' dope. how about having a teacher like her! collected the pictures i developed earlier and trained down to tanah merah to meet up with sam. headed to airport and makan popeye.johnson was working there and oh my God, he looks super comfortable at his working environment. like being in his house lah. super funny!! maxi meal is totally gross. full until i cannot put into words already. i can still fill the mash potato and drumlet in my mouth.awfully gross!! headed to the viewing mall at t3. slacked and waited for giovanna. meeting time is 7+ and guess what time giovanna reached? 9.25pm! wtf!! while waiting, played the 'guess the song' game. HAAH! when giovanna came, we chiong-ed kai's photo memory book. amazing stuff which we brought together within a pretty short time. when we reached the arrival hall, tons of people there la! her CSC friends were there ,so no surprise seeing weizhong there. haha. no idea why we acted like shock. when we saw kai, initial reaction was, 'shes so white'. she went home to put her luggage while we headed to her house via bus. funny funny bus ride. hoping my lime juice won't be caught cause we were rushin for the bus. i don't wanna go to jail without completing my diploma la! met up with kai at her house there. makaned with her parents. catch up time was great. she knows how to use shingz and boomz. i don't even know how to la! well, at the end of the night,ive got a pineapple dickies thanks to giovanna. with kai back home, its feels good:) meetup soon soon soon! on a random note, school for the past few days have been shitty. though hilarious with the pencil lead incident and finally talking to someone,but its still shitty. with 4 tests in a week and sab down with chicken pox. horrible! scrapped through 2 of the tests but i think the another 2 are a total screw la. bet the others think that way too. i've seriously gotta get tuition for everything. but where got place to offer tuition for Engineering Informatics!! ARRGGGGGGGG!!! toodles peeps:) |
1000 - Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 8:09 AM
was contemplating whether i should blog today.
it's my 1000th post. if i have something to blog about, it must be special but well, its a beautiful day today. i'll just blog:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAFIZ! or better known as maggie. not that of a major celebration but still manage to get our well-wishes across, i hope:) oh ya, i went to school early today. ISN'T IT AMAZING! i was so shock for not being late la! test was kindda ok today. studying on friday paid off a little. on a random note, SINGAPORE IDOL came to NYP today. posters showing that they'd be there at 1pm but i waited till 130, n i kindda cannot tahan. so, missed the opportunity to see them. i totally love bala's lesson. pure entertainment! bused home alone. saberina's sick:( im meeting shawn tomorrow. super excited. i hope he doesn't dua me again. fingers-crossed:) i need to get my ass to lecture tomorrow! toodles peeps:) |
999 - Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 5:35 AM
it's the 999th post before i hit my 1000.
something to blog about. reading back on my past entries, its kindda kiddish. my use of language has kindda improved over the years. the feelings i felt in times of despair and joy, its all maturely put to words. still, there's still a slight imature sight of me on how i act in some situations. it takes time to overcome that imature part of me. its final, im meetin shawn this tuesday. mom kept saying that the date will never come and i will prove her wrong. haha. im intending to get that fujiflim camera which prints out square pictures. bloody $180 but im still contemplating. isn't it better if i just get more flims and use sam's camera? im thinking of getting my very own poloroid diary. should be fun. i donno why but im kindda excited for next week. test test test. other than that, KohKaiLing is coming back:) meeting shawn:) hainan Interview:) its gonna be hectic but i predict i will LOVE NEXT WEEK. christmas is coming real soon. i pray parents will get me that iphone soon. my phone is totally shitty. think im gonna sell it soon before it depreciates. and and and, MUSE IS COMING AND I MIGHT BE GOING WITH SABITA!! super super super super EXCITED!! cheap cheap tickkets!!!!!! itshow is coming and i want to work. i want to make friends. i want money. toodles peeps:) |
one moment in time - Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 10:03 AM
chanced upon a song which brought back tons of memories.
one moment in time. what i can remember is being in a performance, singing that song in front of tons of people and screwing the song up. with the pretty scrreeacchingg high notes by the infamous hienpeng, it was damn memorable:) how i wish i had cherished my secondary school days more. i was practically dreading homework's, dealing with poor relations and talking back to school. i really don't learn from past mistakes do i? i've been thinking a lot these few days. basically about everything. my wasted life. drama's that brings me out of the real world. truckloads of school works. i basically am gonna be the no joker person when school starts on monday. at least for that week. that darn infamous week 5 is damn packed with tests. imagine 4 'pretty' tests on 1 day:) ain't that amazing? i manage to tahan my hair and i think its going well so far. 2 months w/o a hair cut. no plans to cut anytime soon. PATIENCE! stupid shawn ps-ed me again. idiot! toodles peeps:) |
tired - Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 8:22 AM
headed out in the afternoon to study.
thank God for starbucks at eastpoint. peppermint mocha ice blend. new flavour to welcome christmas:) 3 hours 30 minutes of pure IT stuffs. done with IST homework and COS quiz stuffs. thats 1/2 of my workload done. met up with sam after that to makan at 18:) laughing good time on wireless virus. mom called and ask me to head down to expo for robinsons sale. tons of goodies there. missed working and wearing my robinsons shirt la. anyways, meetin shawn tomorrow for 2012 and popeye. im gonna see how im gonna die. ain't that cool??!! owells, recently, my mood aint that great. something like irritating but i cannot explain. i get frustrated easily and i seriously don't mean to. but sometimes, i just want to be treated normally like other people. the making fun of seriously gotta stop. its about 400+ days with this joke thing and i just lived with it. come to think of it, im 19 now. i don't wanna be joked around anymore. please. let me have a chance to grow up. on my part, i will stop being joke/class clown. let me have a chance. seriously, im not joking. i have to be this serious person i know exist deep inside of me. hainan trip interview next wednesday. i so wanna get into the team but im sure, chances of me getting in would be like 0.01% since my gpa ain't that great. hopefully, my personality can get me in:) toodles peeps:) |
mouse - Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 10:11 PM
past two days was great.
after school on wednesday, went out with jo. i mean, finally since she pangseh-ed me 3 times. headed to northpoint. talked much crap and makan at the japanese foodcourt. bento was soso. the fact that they took less than 2 minutes to gimme my food was crazy. i'd rather they reheat everything and i wait. but owell, its still edible:) aimlessly walking around nothpoint and talking about school stuffs was great. the 2 hours with her was fun:) 969 home:) thursday's lesson is kindda fun. headed for breakfast with grandma first. oh, grandma is back home with us:) feel like home with all those naggin. i'm not lying. SERIOUS! trained to school. mood was great due to the fact that i have money in my bank:) itshow pay is in.after damn 2 months. RAD,DI and SFTENG was interesting. crapped a little and learnt a little. bused home. lamest bus ride home ever, seriously. spill and dished everything. HAHA! you're beautiful episode 6. dreadfully teary. the annual semestral killer week 5 is next week and my oh my, i gotta study the shit out. everytime i look at my notebook, i see what i've written there to increase my motivation in studying and i cannot break the promise i made to myself when i started this sem. toodles peeps:) |
crazy - Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 8:21 AM
last weekend, went back to my roots.
ok, not EXACTLY my roots but i went to chinatown. the chicken , not so fantastic, the another shop is better. headed to hong lim complex in hopes of getting my 110 flim for my holga. in the end, that fee fee shop only develop but doesnt sell. headed to ann siang hill after that. minor confusion between the meaning of ann siang hill and dead people street. HAHA SEARCHED FOR LIKE EFF-ING 45 MIN FOR THE SHOP WITH NO SIGNBOARD! then my ituation told me that THAT IS THE SHOP! so, i went it, touch a couple of things and OMG, I SAW HOLGA CAMERAS!!! effing HAPPPY!! I CANNOT PUT INTO WORDS! bought 2 flims:) super expensive i swear. minor updates:) grandma moved out. house is oddly quiet. weird atmosphere. sucks to be home early without anyone at home. first class test cleared with an acceptable pass. projects hard like siao. saberina bday celebration on monday. mini one! but fun! haven't taken pics in school for a long long time. very IADP! i just gonna say BYEBYE to ATTACHMENT AT USA cause i really cannot tahan programming and networking. a bit disappointed in myself for not grasping the concept of just WORDS. i suck at computer language:( headed to tampines to jalan. reached tampines at 4pm. had to wait for mama till 7pm. 3 hours of bordem. walked for an hour and caught a movie:) my girlfriend is an agent. hilarious but meaningless. i think i saw my cousin in the theatre but cause i was munching my nachos, i cant hear her convo with her friends. HAHA!! food first:) met up with mom afterwards. kim gary for dinner and im so in love with the almond tea. is it weird just to go in for a cuppa almond tea? ITS SO EFF-ING NICE!! i so want the DP shirt and dress. damn nice! on a random note: I MUST ENDURE MY HAIR LENGTH TILL DECEMBER!! toodles peeps:) |
cousin's day out - Friday, November 06, 2009 @ 6:19 AM
super hyped up to watch astro boy today with my cousin.
but i was so hyped up, i woke up eff-ing late. when seemin msg me she just left house, i practically just woke up. that was how 'excited' i was. so i chiong like siao. iron my clothes and all. i seriously take a long long time to decide what to wear every day lah. i take almost 20 minutes to choose my clothes from my huge basket of clothes. and sometimes, after ironing it, i find it totally no 'that day's style' and dump it back to the basket. waste time right?! gonna inculcate a good habit of planning what to wear everyday soon!! trained to city hall to meet her owells, i was still early:) HAHA walked to marina square after we met each other. woohoo. i practically haven't saw her for like 5 months plus? talked like siao!! haha. bought tickets to catch astro boy:) got the combo set cause it comes with a chio astro boy tumbler. maybe i'll bring it to school one day:) or maybe i should just put pencils:) hahah the movie is soooo sooooo soooooooo soooooooooo AWESOME!!! his is just the cutest creature on earth! i want to find an exact replica like astro boy. even if his name is astro, i seriously don't mind! i want to hold the 'FIND THE 'ASTRO BOY' BOY COMPETITION'!!!!!! then headed to changing appetite to makan. the student meal is seriously eff-ing cheap cheap and filling. i swear, the last time i was there, which was like last year, the portions were like stingy shit and now, its soo good food:) talked about school, dramas, music, life and blah. until the waiter and waitress were like starring at us,then we left. HAHA. walked around. north to west to south to east. then continued to talk talk talk. its been a long long time since i've hang out with my cousin. im serious. so, for the first time, i took a bus home from city hall:) 518 is offically announced as my favourite bus:) fast and efficient. reached home within like 35 min? truckloads of homework to be done. projects given out to us like flyers. i think yahoo and google is god-given:) gonna get my onto soon soon soon!! toodles peeps:) |
replenish - Wednesday, November 04, 2009 @ 3:19 PM
school on wednesday was great.
thanks to revision the day before, i got abit of understanding on some formulas. bala's lesson was a total blur. i even asked him whats the point of doing all those virtual software thing. HA HA. played badminton with pepo. kindda impromptu. but its been a long long time since i've played and frankly, my skills is totally cui. bused to tampines for gym. wanted to save money and jog round the stadium but it started to drizzle. so i had to make a detour and head to gym. mostly leg training yesterday. run,cycle and weights. taxi home. effing tired. leg and arm suan until. but i managed to finish all my hmwk. was watching s'pore idol till i slept on the couch. until mom told me to go to sleep in my room. i remember suddenly waking up at 12am but what the hell, its already so late, don expect me to study till morning huh? haha. so i continued to sleep till 7am:) school starts at 12 and gonna head for breakfast with grandma at 9:) 1hour plus of studying for RAD. first test of the term and i seriously HAVE TO score! my motivational level is increasing day by day. but im still a bit blur. on a brighter note, im gonna watch ASTRO BOY TOMORROW:) SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER DUPER HIGH!!!!! toodles peeps:) |
53% lucky? - Monday, November 02, 2009 @ 8:55 AM
下一站, 幸福 桃花小妹 with these 3 shows debuting in the month of november, how can i concentrate on my work! on a brighter note, RAD's test got postponed to thursday. even though i studied, the last minute stuffs which came out from 04 was shockingly blur to me. so, i might not be that prepared afterall. bused home. saw michelle on the bus and omg, she was just in front of me but we talked on the phone. crazy or what. great 1 hour catch up sesison. this lovely junior is totally a chatterbox!! must be influenced from me lah. just caught aliens in the attic with my parents. full screen & aircon room. COMBO! chillax show:) toodles peeps:) |
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