30072010 is loves.
though i failed my certification on this day, got drenched by a freakin' bus, was damn sick, smashed cake on my face, and no one to ask me out, im kindda glad some remembered:)
preparation for presentation.
the mentally and physically stressful week!
project week was damn freakin' killer-ish.
sometimes waiting to present really do make us damn bored!
system admin and pcs especially.
waited like one hour to present!
horrible and scarrry!
after all the horrible presentations, decided for a day out with people and met up with wenqi.
and she brought the KATTUN book she had bought:)
nways, that day, headed to scape's kbox.
and it was GORGEOUS:)
headed to plaza singapura after my certification:)
this time, i passed!
hard work do pay off!!!
went to lao beijing for high tea buffet *tai tai-ish*
and jalan to far east to do our nails and jalan.
lovely day out!!
im in love with BLUEEEE nails!

went jaybee with these people.
onetee, onebag, singsangsung tonsoffood.
spend within budget:)
one month break before my 2 final exams of my poly life.
unknowingly, three years kindda just flew by.
im gonna miss the people luh!
toodles peeps:)