hey people, finally, after like 3 weeks....my coms working....8 months??? haha...sorry.... thanx to my uncle...my blogs finally ,i can access..2nd week of school....many things to say but im gonna cut it short....lots of catching up to do with e net.... the whole class committee has changed....titus,e chairman n weiqi,e vicechair....finally,
there is a change....lol..... sec 1 oriantation sucks big time.... my chinese class is still e same....2nd class....im very happy cause 1st class is just not my standard....huh...
btw, my new year was spent at my aunties condo.....very 're nao'... did something kindda meaningful at e struck of mid-night....some kind of bingo thing..... todays hari raya haji....my aunt n unclas came to eat lunch at our house.....yups.....fun
kk, i wanna go now
tse lyn ciaos