stayed at home today. got woken up by my parents at 12. slept at 3 last night. ANTMing. hahs. makeover episode.WOW!!! a haircut really makes a lot of difference. talking about haircut, i got my hair cut ytd with charmaine. tried out a salon at suntec, S4H. love the environment and the stylist. changed my parting and cut fringe. the whole volume of my hair changed. NICE. charmaine got her hair cut too... shorter by around 3 inches, i think?? hahas. she wanted and i think needed more volume to her hair. hahas. best of all, it cost only $29 bucks. hehes. shopped around suntec and eyed on a few stuffs.... gonna get it soon. when i get my pay. hahas. charm was like finally ,SHOPPING!!! she's pretty busy with school and work. rest well girl. dont be too stressed out. swensens for lunch.salmon and mushroom bake rice.WOOx... bounced train with charm cause she needed to go to work and i needed to wait for my mom for about an hour. in the end, i called mom and she changed from city hall to PARKWAY . so, i bounced till bedok and bused there.. walked from tao nan to PP. talked on the phone. HAHS..if not, i'll die of bordem. hahas. bought a pair of heels from marks and spencer. brown.. for presentations. this way, i'll be TALLER and no one can critisise my auntie flats during presentations. have not gotten use to it yet but i';; make an effort to practise 10 min everyday.HAHAS.. walked around for a while, steamboat-ed and cabbed home.
work 2moro. its a different venue. WTH.bugis... hahas.
monday, out with ql,jas and reb.(movie-ing)
tselyn au revoir