OG bugis today. finally, saw fanny! i helped her relief the other time at og orchard. hahas. she's damn pretty and helpful.HAHAS.damn hard to find these days k? anyways, sales was good. taking the shitty number of customers that walked into the store today. hahas.i wonder if i was paid for commssion, how much would i get man. hahas. im sucha good salesperson.WHAT TO DO? hahas. omg!!! from begingin of the year till now, i've went down 2 sizes. CRAZY HUH. haha.the auntie told me, you're not fat right? its the shirt that makes you look big.ahahs. hello?? i can fit like another person into my shirt kk?? haahs.its freakin HUGE.haahs. happyness!! yue xin was damn funny.shes like the happy pie there!! met a new girl,mei ting, i mean, at least to me. same age,private dip student, harperdasher promoter. kawaii like shit can.HAHAS.
trained home.saw daniel.hahas.haven changed a bit man. haahs. funny with a little sacrasim. hahas. jasmine acc me home.hahas. i mean not physically but we talked on the phone.ahahs. tks girl. PASS ME YOUR CABLE KK??hahss. input yr cpu to yr tv screen.hahas.
BUSY DAY 2moro.... morning shift!!
have to wake up at 8am 2moro. S.H.I.T!!
im jus gonna earn slightly more than a thousand this month.WTF!
tselyn au revoir