i just feel that 0907 is kindda part of me already man. these are like the funniest youngpeeps i know. hahs. love them to core man!! i feel damn gay saying this man.LOL.
anyways, first night class was today!! kindda looking forward to it.
started school with netcom.a little blur but i think i can catch it lahs. LOL. wad class thingy.
DBMS lecture was total bore!!! people were practically listenin to mp3s and readin newspapers. lol. then jaric's lesson!! OMGOMGOMG, i was like a total blur. i didnt save my work the previous lab so i had to redo everything.CRAZY!!! i was on the verge of crying lahs. everyone was like on the same pace as jaric and i had to redo everything.SIANS....
dinner at koufu. kaki-tamago is loves:) hahs. met up with 0907 peeps. talked talked for a while and blah. did a damn boliao thing.hahs. pei them walk to inter and bused to nyp for night class. hahs. i still had time mah, and since i had bus concession...so...LOL. theese 3 peeps proclaim themselves as FU LU SHOU.lol. just ignore them lahs.LOL.they lamer+crappers.hahs. but they brighten my life.HAHS. make me laugh till peng only.hahahs
night class was kindda interesting.DBMS is a little like BIS. interesting. ya right.hahs.
ended class @ 9. hahs. 902 to be exact la.hahs.see, got prove! HAHS
trained home. chat chat laugh laugh and we were in the HOTTEST cabin in the train. i think trina andrew qf n sab knows wad i mean lahs.LOL.
happy labour day peeps:)
toodles peeps:)